According to the Bible, did Adam die the day that he acquired the sin nature we all inherit from him? If he did, can you show me where the Bible says that? Please sir, can I have some scripture support for what you are saying?
Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man [ver. 8] and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil [ch. 3:1-3, 11, 17] you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you [Rom. 6:23; James 1:15] shall surely die.”
Now, please remember, Adam ate from the fruit eve gave to him. Is this an assumption, no sir, if we quench the Spirit it is still discernable using using pure human logic that it is said, between the lines, that Adam died that day even though he lived for 930 years.
When I was in Jr. High, some of the teachers expected us to learn
how to read between the lines, both written and verbal. Until a Christian learn to filly surrender their will to the will of God, comprehension, much of it from between the lines is a must to read the scriptures. Much will remain a mystery, even then, but for a basic understanding that leads to this surrender, this comprehension is essential.
(edited because the Spirit had not finished.)
What I am saying is very simple. The Bible does not say that Adam died the day that he ate the fruit. I don't know why this fact is upsetting to you.
I will say this. Maybe Adam did die the day he ate the fruit, and he died again when he was 930 years old, but the only death of Adam that is recorded in the Bible is his death when he was 930 years old. Is this acceptable to you, sir?
No sir, it is not reasonable to assume a thing instead of allowing the Spirit of God to give us God's answer first and stop there. As a Bible Teacher I am familiar with this issue and I have even had one Seminary Professor/Pastor of my own age ask me where I was educated on the Holy Scriptures and he foot noted the request with "and don't give me that Holy Spirit manure," and of course he did not say manure or even crap. There is better than 98% of the membership of the American Church Universal does not believe in the Holy Spirit's indwelling and one on one instruction. I pray that is not true of any here but I have one, right now trying to shake me loose from my belief in God's Six, actual, day Creation Account th claims the scientific theory of evolution fits the account, it does not, of course.