When you make an argument, such as you did, based on a logical fallacy, you get a mess, and you sure got one!
Here is why: Your unspoken false assumption is "God has a gender because we use male pronouns when we describe Him". (I am NOT attacking you, nor mocking you, but I am making corrections so that you can learn, OK?)
When you begin with a false premise, you are then acting on a logical error called "begging the question". By definition ANY logical error invalidates everything that follows, so to counter the argument, all one needs to do is to identify the fallacy. It is a common mistake, and here are some silly examples to make the point. Did you know that God is a bird? Because He hides believers under His wings. Did you know that God has tattoos? He said that believers are tattooed on his palms.
In similar vein is the issue of calling God male pronouns. It is a way that we can personalize Him, and make Him more intimate than would be the case if we used a neutral pronoun, such as It. But it also goes much deeper than that because many of the names of God are masculine, and are demonstrating His strength, power and might.
On the other hand, there are decidedly "feminine" traits that our God has: He is compassionate, He is slow to wrath, He wants us to have no evil affect us, He is a healer, etc.
So when the Godhead declared that humanity would be created in "OUR image", the traits of a human male and human female were more in line with their roles within the family. It does NOT mean that mercy (as an example) is solely a female trait, nor is leadership a strictly mail trait.
Hope that helps!
BTW Asyncritus is not correct in his/her pontification of what Scripture says in John 17:5