Thanks for the link. Could you tell me at what time in the video that Piper said "GOD CREATED EVIL". It seems unlikely that it happened. I listened to the video and did not catch it.
Forget the video,,,,the written article (of what he said) is right underneath it.
Has God predetermined every tiny detail in the universe, such as dust particles in the air and all of our besetting sins?
(reply by Piper)
I actually Laughed Out Loud ... thx
You have to be careful. Perhaps Avigdor doesn't agree with Calvinism stating Jesus rose again.
Hey, but seriously, I don't agree with all the is in the Westminster Confession which is basically Calvinism.
Your welcome.

You know,,,,I keep being told I don't understand you know who.
I think I understand it pretty darn well...
But there are some that accept part of it and so it becomes difficult to know what each
person believes.
Agreed. Perhaps I will take a different tactic and Avigdor alluded to this in her UP and DOWN analogy. Perhaps EVIL DOES NOT EXIST. Yeah, I know you spit out your coffee on the computer screen as you read this ... but hear me out. I responded today to OZ on this with a long quote from Augustine and an explanation. Keep an open mind. I can't prove EVIL DOES NOT EXIST ... but with an open mind, hopefully after reading Augustine ... maybe you can say, "Well, I don't think so ... but I can't prove it is wrong". Others of note have given credence to this idea...agreed, doesn't make it right.
1. Actually laughed. Thx.
2. I don't drink coffee much.
3. And not spitting anything on my computer .... Don't care to spend moolah for another one!
4. Augustine....Augustine....Oh where art thou, Augustine?
Gosh I don't like Augustine.
Also, we're getting into discussing ANOTHER HUMAN!
Augsutine and Calvin were two really big brains....
But Augustine ruined Christianity back when, IMHO.
And Calvin came up with some ideas NO ONE had ever thought of before.
Were all those other theologians wrong??
Anyway, I do believe that evil is a real, live's called satan.
I believe all evil comes from satan.
Don't know why or why God ALLOWS it,,,but that's what I think.
Some think there is no evil and that it's the absence of good.
I'm not climbing the hill on this one.