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Hi Torigirl....Because He is Sovereign, it is so, because we are not we can not know! Knowing the mind and essence of God is not easily known, if at all possible. That my friend is where faith come into play. Is it possible that God’s sovereignty would not be sovereign if we could understand it?
On the same steam ship as you. The point was not whether or not we can sin in heaven (we agree, we cannot) ... the point was to show that we do NOT have 'free will' ... at least not for 99.99999% of our lives.Fred,
I think you are on another steam ship to ask that question.
Will there be any sin in heaven?
'But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life' (Rev 21:27 ESV).
Another verse telling us what we have done and not WHY we did it. The question at hand is: Why do we believe?Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, 1 Peter 1:22-23
Why do you freely chose to sin (as I understand it, you can stop as you looked at what God commands and your desire to to obey... so what is the influence causing you to sin?We are free to do good or we are free to sin.
Yes. It is always wisest to plan things out.According to your belief system, if we sin, at any time, it is God that has decreed this sin.
Predestine, predetermine, plan, decree .. all the same thing pretty much. I believe predestine is used to define that part of his decree concerning who is saved or not... but all similar.You've never explained how God could decree EVERYTHING, except for sin. So I have to continue to believe what I hear the Reformed teach...that God predestines EVERYTHING.
My sin nature and my wife (giggles, joking about the wife). Sin nature from Adam (thanks dude) Like being able to see.... I am born with it, it is my nature to see. I was born to sin, when I die God will extract my sin nature (not me doing it via 'free will' or I would have done it myself on this earth).So what makes YOU sin?
The ten commandments, which is what I referenced,The commands in the OT were for the Israelites and not Gentiles, in my understanding.
What? I don't know what question I said you didn't answer in this post.
And I don't know why you are saying I didn't answer.
It is like you didn't read my post at all.
I'm confused at this turn in your tone.
"If I called myself----" My question/point was actually how would you feel if I did to you what I described. Not what you call yourself.If I called myself a Catholic,,,I'd have to believe what Catholics believe.
I can't make up my own Catholicism.
This is what you seem to be wanting to do with calvinism.
You want to create your own form of calvinism.
As I've said before,,,,if you don't want to be called a calvinist...
then don't agree with much of it.
Wow, don't hear that from many Christians. I wonder if JLB and OZ agree.We are not imputed with Adam's sin.
We are not responsible for our father's sins, but only for our own.
We suffer from the affects of Adam's sin, which cause the fall of all mankind.
So you think God favors his sheep (adopted children) as much as the people He refers to as 'goats' and give the example of rain falling on both. WOWYou say God does not do so much for the goats in watching every detail in their lives.
I don't know how anyone could agree with this. God makes the rain fall on the just and the unjust.
Matthew 5:45
Agreed. In my post where I mentioned Pink I wasn't even talking about what kind of a Calvinist he is. I was trying to have a conversation about something I found interesting. But it always goes back to the same thing.Who is what. And I am flabbergasted as to why.Oz,
I'm being told I don't understand Calvinism.
I think we should stick to biblical verses so we could all be on the same "page",
and discuss what the writer's of the bible believed, instead of what men believed.
If they could, the phrase would be an oxymoron. None of their natural abilities has been taken away. They still have that will, call it free if you want, to say yes or no. But they don't want to say no, they want to say yes. because God has done something IN them. Softened their heart. Do you think God is too forceful when He does this? Do you think He has no right to do this? Well I'm sure you don't. Your real issue seems to be that He doesn't have the right to save only some, to soften only some, or the right to determine who they are.Can irresistible grace be resisted by people?
The ten commandments (the law) are still God's requirements for salvation. Jesus said He came not to do away with the law, but to fulfill it. The unsaved are still under that law, and we are too, but for those who believe, Jesus's righteousness, His perfect keeping of the law, is counted to us as though we do. Still doesn't change the fact that God commanded something of all people that no one can do. That is why He sent Jesus. To do it for us.The commands in the OT were for the Israelites and not Gentiles, in my understanding.
JLBSince you have purified your souls in obeying the truth throug h the Spirit
I understand point '1'. Your definition 'work' in point '2' is unclear. You define 'work' as 'work' in point 2. Can you expand on this? Perhaps you define 'work' in point '1' and point '2' is not a definition, but an example of the use of the word 'work' ... as in ... we can't gain salvation by "The O.T. Law (613)"?Work in the bible refers to
1. The O.T. Law (613)
2. Trying to gain salvation by our own works.
Agreed. I think the gift of faith is from the Spirit and you think you make the gift (faith) and give it to yourself. I think that is what you are saying. Yes, this is the crux of the issue.YOU have stated that faith is a gift. All Christians agree.
We just don't agree on how to get it.
You're missing posts!
3)never trumper,vowed to leave once he wonI think I recall only three things that I still want you to respond to:
1) Your main 'beef' with REFORMED theology in recent posts is:
Given: Reform theology believes that God, in eternity past, planned out EVERYTHING (right down to the relative position of a spec of dust in any moment of time). I think we agree on this.
and now, correct me if I a wrong...
from of the 'given' above you conclude that because God planned (meant, predestined, controls, predetermined, whatever) sin to occur, that this makes God the Author of sin which is tantamount to God sinning. Therefore, reform thinking in this area cannot possibly be true.
Is this your position? Please make any changes to my assumptions about your position. Is your position that if a doctrine states that: GOD PLANNED FOR SIN TO OCCUR then that part of your doctrine is FALSE ??????
2) I believe you stated that if an reasonably intelligent man has died and never heard the gospel, that person could still be in heaven? If that is true my next question is: What has to occur for that person get to heaven?
3) What is an American doing in Italy?
Why do you freely chose to sin (as I understand it, you can stop as you looked at what God commands and your desire to to obey... so what is the influence causing you to sin?
Yes. It is always wisest to plan things out.
Under your system, God looked into the future (not sure how and your side doesn't either), and says, "holy smokes, look what they are doing ... hmmm, I think I will intercede here and there (semi-deism) ... hmmm, this is entertaining ... all the things these people are doing ... look, Jane has decided to believe in me (not the that affects God ... Job 35:7) ... This idea makes God, to a degree, dependent upon man for his knowledge.
The knowledge of God cannot arise from the things themselves, for then the knowledge of God would have a cause without him; and knowledge, which is an eminent perfection, would be conferred upon him by his creatures.
Predestine, predetermine, plan, decree .. all the same thing pretty much. I believe predestine is used to define that part of his decree concerning who is saved or not... but all similar.
AGAIN, reform doctrine states God predestines, predetermines, plans, decrees everything including sin. "Evil is evil and good is good and evil is never good, yet it is good that evil exists; otherwise God would not have permitted it.
You stumble trying to understand the way God controls His plan. You can't understand the difference between "passive" and "active" control.
The bible in at least 3 places says God planned, predestined, whatever word you want ... for sin to occur.
Agreed.My sin nature and my wife (giggles, joking about the wife). Sin nature from Adam (thanks dude) Like being able to see.... I am born with it, it is my nature to see. I was born to sin, when I die God will extract my sin nature (not me doing it via 'free will' or I would have done it myself on this earth).
Being born a sinner DOES NOT mean you are imputed with Adam's sin.,Wow, don't hear that from many Christians. I wonder if JLB and OZ agree.
Psalm 51:5 But I was born a sinner, yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. (I wonder what how I sinned as a 1 celled creature?????
You even use the same verses I would use to prove the imputation of Adam's sin.
Hmmm, maybe communication problem.
So you think God favors his sheep (adopted children) as much as the people He refers to as 'goats' and give the example of rain falling on both. WOW
Ah, you're right. I did put words in your mouth. I should have been more articulate. Apologies.Now YOU are telling ME what I believe/understand.
Something you said you don't like to have done to you.
But I forgot this time. I do get some points back for admitting the over-site (smile)and now, correct me if I a wrong...
I will when you answer post 416.You say you have at least 3 verses that state God planned, or predestined for sin to occur.
Please post them....