Vic C.
- Mar 16, 2003
- 18,227
- 4
Oh really? Here is a link from another site in which they are both praising and putting down Joyce Meyers:jgredline said:Vic
As far as Outsiders looking in, I pray that God will protect them. There are many false teachers on this board and many young lambs that can be lead astray.
I will do my best to defend the true Gospel Of Jesus Christ who is God.
I just can't sit back and do and say nothing. How often do these false teachers even visit the prayer and praise threads. 0 Why is that?
I have visited other forums in the past and none of them have the kind of madness that is allowed to go on here in complete violation of TOS.
If you want me to leave, I will respect that and leave. Just let me know.
Thanks javier
The difference? It's all in the attitude. People here don't want to defend the Faith unless they can do it in a hateful way. That looks absolutely terrible from a nonbeliever's point of view. When I do something about it, I am told I am censoring. When I do nothing, I am accused of allowing the devil himself to take over the site. So... don't blame me: take a good, hard look at yourselves (without pride) and see if you are really being led by the Spirit of Truth or the spirit of flesh.
What we should probably do is ban everyone and just allow the Lord to post, since He is the only one with the whole truth and knows when to turn on the righteous indignation and turn on the Godly charm He posseses.
If you leave, you leave on your own accord. I'm not asking you to leave.