Vic said:
One, one, one, or 1x1x1=1. Trinitarians do not believe nor teach polytheism.
Not knowingly at least. But according to the principle that Jesus told us of when He said to some folk that they didn't know what they were speaking, many believers speak about the triune nature of God in a manner that suggest to another that God is three persons.
Vic said:
PotLuck said it best: "The trinity is next to impossible to explain,".
And God is next to impossible to see. Perhaps there is a connection between the two.
Vic said:
Oh, it's there in Scripture alright, we recongize it but it's beyond our comprehension.
Absolutely right, it is in the scriptures, but I'm not so sure many of the "we" recognize it, and so many are unable to understand it.
How can you recognize God if you don't see God?
By producing a formula for God; YxUxOxLxZ=God?
This is the same as trying to understand God through theological doctrines, and its silliness.
Why rely on man's doctrines when God is see-able?
Scripture declares to us how we come to understand God, through revelation, meaning, through God Himself revealing Himself to us.
And therein lies the answer to the question of the triune nature of God.
To comprehend God's triune nature one must see God, as seeing God is seeing the triune nature of God.
When a person sees God this person sees the Father's will, the Spirit's move, and the Son's expression, all at the same time.
The triune nature of God is for His economy regarding His creation, or in other words, God deals with/relates to His creation in and through a triune nature,... the Father is the source of all divine dealing with/relateing to His creation, the Spirit is the action regarding all divine dealing with/relateing to His creation, and the Son is the expression of all dealing with/relateing to His creation.
Vic said:
It's like gravity; we know it exists; we see it's effects all day and night, but we can't quite explain it.
This is a wonderful, sort of comparison, inthat,......... gravity is just a realiy of our life.
You can try to explain it, try to study it, even try to use it, but none of these even begin to come close to our actual experience of it.
The same can be said about God.
See, God is life, and life fully experienced is the most perfect way to fully comprehend what life is.
And in this we find wha we need in order to come to fully comprehend God; we need to fully experience Him.
Fact is, God has given Himself to us for our full experience,.... and enjoyment,... of Him.
Jesus said "I have come that they may have life (zoe life, divine life, eternal life) and may have it abundantly."
(On a side note, one of the most interesting and enlightening bible studies a believer can do is on the word life; and just stick to Matt., Mark, Luke, & John, as these books overflow with spiritual food regarding life.)
The fact is, the bible is first and foremost a book on the matter of life.
You want life, read the bible.
At the beginning of the bible we see where Adam lost the way to life, and at the end of the bible we see where God has brought men back into life.
The bible is a book of life, and thus should be read in this light.
When one picks up the bible to read it one should not do so to formulate doctrines, or teachings, or traditions,.... and worse, theology.
Instead, when one picks up the bible to read it the only thought should be "I WANT LIFE FROM THIS BOOK,.... AND I WANT IT ABUNDANTLY."
Do this and you will come to comprehend the triune nature of God, and even more, you will personally come to personally experience the triune nature of God. For life is simply the will/flowing/expression of God regarding His creation.
And when a person possesses this will/flowing/expression of God this person simply knows God in all His fullness and glory.
To know God we need to possess God.
In love,