Or some select segment of Believers?
In addition to the standard model of Christ rapturing His Church Bride, various predictions of a phased or multiple catching away of God's People are offered through detailed inspection and exegesis of prophetic Scripture. This can be accomplished by the text of Scripture being now available for digital search for selected end of times phrases, such as given by John the Revelator, as they amazingly are spoken throughout the OT Prophets.
For instance, The Sixth Seal of Rev. ch. 6 is clearly given by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Micah, and elsewhere. This means more details of the event and of it's timing relationship to other prophesied events can be put together. A larger picture emerges.
At the other end of the eschatological doctrine spectrum is the camp which either analogizes or ignores the literal details of end times prophecy. These are the Reformists, Calvinists, and proponents of Covenant Theology, even as they are dedicated to worshipping the very text of Scripture within their exegetic workings.
As those redeemed in Christ, how significant are our gut feelings upon the Rapture? After all, "Belief" always comes down to a subjective decision. Will a personal belief in Rapture Doctrine, and confession of it, be required for attaining it?