CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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H Tradidi, so sorry for the delay.I never studied St. Augustine's writings, so I can't comment on what he believed or taught. But I do know that the reason Traditional Catholics had/have their babies baptised asap, is because they realise the immense value of the beatific vision. Living in perfect natural happiness is nothing compared to the infinite supernatural happiness of seeing God face to face. And this supernatural happiness cannot be obtained without baptism. Hence, good Catholic parents do not take any unnecessary risk by delaying having their babies baptised, no matter how small that risk may be. The potential loss for their child is simply too great.
Re Augustine: Easy to find out about him....try YouTube.
But, in a nutshell....Original Sin, as the first sin that man committed, always existed.
But, from the beginning of Christianity parents had their baby baptized for several reasons.
One was to give the baby the blessing of the Holy Spirit - BUT, as some point out, the Holy Spirit must be accepted individually; this is also taught today. This happens after the age of accountability (not necessarily at confirmation, trust me some kids shouldn't even be making the sacrament of confirmation). Another reason was to make the baby a member of the Christian community since persons stayed close together then and it was a real community.
St. Augustine (400AD) - who came to Christianity from Manechaesm, decided to teach that babies MUST be baptized because they are born imputed with adam's sin and thus they would be personally responsible for this great sin. So they were baptized asap because if they died he believed they would go to hell.
Why the CC accepted this at that time is also known,,,,but, as you must know, the church no longer accepts this teaching - about unbaptized babies going to hell.
As to the BEATIFIC VISION, for those that may not know, this is what it means:
The immediate knowledge of God which the angelic spirits and the souls of the just enjoy in Heaven. It is called "vision" to distinguish it from the mediate knowledge of God which the human mind may attain in the present life. And since in beholding God face to face the created intelligence finds perfect happiness, the vision is termed "beatific".
source: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02364a.htm
As you can imagine, all my friends now are Catholic.Modern "Catholics" however believe in all kinds of wishy washy feel good theories, thinking/pretending that practically everybody will end up in heaven, hence no need to rush having infants baptised.
In that sense, natural happiness can be regarded as "being lost" compared to supernatural happiness. I don't know whether this is what St. Augustine meant or believed, but I do know that is how Traditional Catholics believe it today.
One of my friends thought that everyone that is baptized is saved and belongs to the Body of Christ. I explained this is not so,,,that would be universalism. She asked a monk/friar we both study with (or used to until Covid) and he explained this to her.
I miss his lessons BTW. Nice small group,,,about 15 of us.
Up in the high mountains. If we ever get over this virus, I'm sure he'll have the lessons again.