If you think that believing that repentance from sin can be permanent is dysfunctional, than believing otherwise cancels out all that Jesus came and died for...our freedom from sin.Yeah, well, if you're proposing that anyone is sinless, even for a nanosecond, I'd have to say we have a basic disfunction going on with that sight. And that would pretty much explain all the fighting against Paul's conclusions.
I would rather die clean and "dysfunctional" in the eyes of some, than full of sin and deceived.
That POV surprises me, as both legalists and those who refuse Jesus' payment for sin both cling to their sins like it is a life boat.Many legalists don't care much for Paul, because he hammers home the fact that mankind are and remain sinners, and some, saved by Grace
Some have been made free from "the evil present within us" by the "law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus". (Rom 8:2)I will fully agree that the law stands, contrary to some who try to eliminate the Word of God. I believe Jesus has spoken the standard for this matter in Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4, that man will live by every Word of God. Therefore it's very problematic to figure out how every Word actually applies to "us." That's a tough gig for anyone.
For example, some will claim the moral high ground, following the law. And obviously I would have no issues with anyone making such attempts...
but the caveat for me, personally, is I know, like Paul did, that the evil present within is never cooperative with God, so there's no sense trying to pull the wool over His Eyes.
An honest heart and an evil conscience is an oxy-moron.When any of us come before God with a "whole honest heart" we do come bearing an evil conscience. Heb. 10:22
It is written..."Now we know that God heareth not sinners..." (John 9:31)I prefer an honest setting is more beneficial with interactions with my Maker, even though that does bring a very certain fear to the table, knowing that God can and often does choose to deal with that evil present with me, adversely. Even when I think I'm GREAT. In fact especially when I think that. Because it's simply not true
Peter says the same thing..."For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil." (1 Peter 3:12)
Turn permanently from sin, then talk to God.