Thank you very much Glory for your kind words

They mean much to me...
I love CF too much to leave, but if you'd like to believe I wish to do whatever the Lord wills. HIS WILL BE DONE are words I'm obsessed with. Although oftentimes I may not be doing His will. So my ultimate aim is Lord I may not do ANYTHING which is NOT your will. NOTHING. That comes with a lifetime of practice and obedience. And I'm yet far from that, but will continue my journey towards that lofty and worthy goal

That being said, Lord wills me not to indulge in any kind of debate over Paul or anything really on CF because it ends in heated and often times ungodly arguments. Since 99.9 % here likely believe Paul is from Lord Jesus, while I staunchly and even vigorously believe he was from the devil, a spectacular divide has taken place between us followers of Christ.
And because that is the case we just cannot have any debate ( without fury) since we are on the opposite sides now-- Pro paul and Anti paul. One of the sides is definitely in fatal error.
The Lord provided a wonderful solution though-- again if you wish to believe friends. He told me "I AM the neutral jury you wanted, to judge which side is right and which is in error, about the authenticity of paul as an apostle "
So when I and JLB ( and some others) were passionately debating, for and against Paul , the Lord was witnessing and recording everything. That gives me a lot of peace Glory

Our words and the respective stands we took ( on paul with our respective arguments), are now recorded and sit in front of the ultimate Judge-- our Lord Jesus (
Matthew 25:31-46). Christ will pronounce the judgment on that day on this contentious issue (also).
Who can be a better and more just/impartial Jury than our Lord, and His host of holy angels?

Justice at its perfection! We will know in ultimate clarity what transpired after Christ departed. I keenly look forward to that day --whichever way the judgment goes. Just exhausted with contending with an overwhelming majority of Christians, with my convictions about Pauline deception. Lol I'm always in a hopeless minority- less than one percent!

I stand with every bit of that and await my judgment from the Lord. I look forward to that day.
Keeping in this mind you ( and other brothers and sisters, including JLB) will hopefully understand and appreciate that I can never have a peaceful discussion without ruffling feathers. paul stands robustly between Raj Sahu and all others who accept paul as a genuine disciple, thereby preventing/thwarting any peaceful discussions. The best option, says the Lord is then to TRUST HIM and await His judgment because we will go on endlessly arguing here on this piquant and contentious matter.
Praise the Lord, for, He has already entered as the Judge and jury on this issue, and now the matter rests with Him for His judgment.
I will accept his justice graciously -- even if it goes against me

His Will MUST be done in EVERYTHING, including this.
Brother JLB, I have seen your passion for the Lord and His word and in the past, I have learned from you. It's unfortunate that paul stands firmly between us ( and thereby precluding any wholesome/ edifying discussion) and we cannot switch sides now. Too late for either of us, and everybody else.
I wish you well brother, and I wish the same to all here. Lord always tells me to Bless all and Love all. No exceptions, no excuses!
Bottom line: I will participate by learning but not contributing here on CF--- in light of all I mentioned above. Hopefully, you will appreciate my situation/ viewpoint, for, if a deception of this large a scale/ magnitude did occur ( in case it did at all in the first place!

), it will most certainly have a very deep impact and far-reaching consequence on the last day.
Lord's rich blessings and wisdom be with us all. lots and lots of heartfelt love to everyone