- Jul 9, 2013
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- 793
When God said "I will put my Law" what exactly was He saying, and what did Christ (and Christ through Paul) have to say about it? After all, Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant.
Most Christians are not taught about the Law of Moses properly -- they are not taught to distinguish between:
1. The moral and spiritual Law (the Ten Commandments) which is also within the conscience of Gentiles outside the Law.
2. The civil or social laws governing Israel
3. The criminal laws governing Israel
4. The laws pertaining to the Tabernacle and the Temple, the offerings, the sacrifices, the feasts, the priests, and the Levites.
It is the moral and spiritual laws which God would put into the hearts of His people through the New Birth and the indwelling Holy Spirit, and all these laws are encapsulated in one word "Love" (Gk Agape). This is God's love working in and through His people and fulfilling every aspect of the Ten Commandments (provided they are spiritual and Spirit controlled). So the Ten Commandments have effectively become the Law of Christ or the Law of Love. This is so simple, and yet people continue to stumble over this fundamental truth.
I have heard this before about the different kinds of law and I used to believe it. But I couldn't find any biblical way of distinguishing between them. It seemed to be mostly arbitrary which category a specific law was put into. I also noticed that different people would make these distinctions, but they would put the same law in different categories. One person would say a specific commandment was ceremonial, while another would say it was sacrificial. One would say a specific law was moral, while another would say it was civil. So I'm curious. How do you distinguish between these different categories? Is it based on something in the Bible, or is it a man made method? Here is a list of commandments. I expect I could for the most part predict how you would classify them, but could you please do that for me and explain why you classify each one the way you do?
- Don't commit idolatry
- Keep the Sabbath on the 7th day
- Don't sleep with a man as with a woman
- Don't sleep with your wife during her period
- Wear fringes on the corners of your garments
- Don't wear clothes pertaining to the opposite sex
- Don't eat blood
- Don't eat pork