So you have faith in this

statement? If you were to be convinced otherwise (for whatever reason), could it then be said that you have departed from that faith???
Okay. Makes sense and I agree. (Now we’re cooking

. Sorry, couldn’t resist) I don’t see why it was that difficult of a question to address at my first or second request, but moving on ...
Except (and it’s a big EXCEPT) that’s not the only thing he’s talking about in v3 is it! Would you also agree he’s talking about marriage? A close (very close) intimate relationship between two people (a bride and a husband)???
And also talking about thanksgiving (giving thanks to God) which is relational between God and people???
[for simplicity sake and to move along quickly, I’ll assume you agree to these two rhetorical questions. You can correct me if I assume wrongly.]
Umm, do people marry?
Do people give thanks to God?
While pointing-out these things [plural] to the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, while being nourished in the words of the faith and the good teaching which you have closely-followed.
1 Timothy 4:6 - Timothy 4:6&version=DLNT
Umm, is pointing out to brothers that forbidding marriage is deceitful, doing good?
Does it save you to point this out?