I sure don't see that at all. Both sides cannot be "missing the mark" since both sides are diametrically opposed. Only one view can be correct. And it would be impossible for neither side to be incorrect. Because there are only 2 possibilities regarding one's salvation.What I perceive as I read through these pages and pages and pages of endless argument found in thread after thread after thread of these discussions is that both sides may be missing the mark and looking past those Scriptures that do not support their view while hanging their theology strictly on those Scriptures that do support their view.
If people cannot discern Scripture to determine which view is correct, then they should bow out of such discussions, since they are unable to confirm either view. If that's the case, what would be the point of discussion?
From my perspective, I've found scant effort from the position of loss of salvation to deal with John 10:27-29 with a scholarly approach. If they did, they would realize that what Jesus taught is eternal security.
If He wasn't teaching eternal security, what in the world was He saying? They never have an answer.
Nor can they find any legitimate 'condition' for never perishing that extends beyond just receiving the gift of eternal life.
That's where the problem lies with that position. The truth is directly in front of them. But they don't (want to) see it.
That's my assessment.