Post continued: Coop
I've already shown how that Rev.11:18 verse is declaring events that are also given later for the 7th vial. That forces us to follow the order per the type of events, and not simply by wanting to make Revelation read like every chapter's events are in chronological order.
Yup, and you had to use prophecy verses to prove it!! How silly is that? Or course prophecy is looking forward in time to FUTURE events. So in reality you proved nothing.
lecoop said:
Let's start here:
Do you think the seals are not in the right order? Must you rearrange them?
Do you think the Trumpets are not in the right order? Must you rearrange them?
Do you think the Vials are not in the right order? Must you rearrange them?
I'm not doing the rearranging, you are, per the traditions of men that you follow. It's obvious you're not paying close attention to what's contained in the events given. The very first seal of the one on the white horse going to conquer, what event is that? If you say it's Christ's coming, then how is that the 1st seal and not the 6th seal? If you say that's antichrist, also, how does that happen on the 1st seal?
Sorry, but everything you write shows me a lack of understanding. The best question you could ask about the first seal is WHEN. If you look at the context, the when was about 33 AD. If you study types, you see that John used the color white, I think 16 or 17 other times in this book, to represent RIGHTEOUSNESS. If anyone even thinks this first seal represents evil, will be showing their lack of understanding. God used white from Genesis to maps to represent righteousness. There is simply NO WAY this first seal can represent evil. In truth, it is to represent the CHURCH of Jesus Christ, sent out to make disciples of all nations. By the way, if you FIND where I have rearranged anything in this book, please point it out? I don't think I have.
The last 3 trumpet events are in proper order, we know that for certain, because Christ gave 3 woe periods.
I say ALL the trumpets are in order, else the numbering is silly. God is not silly. WE learned in first grade or earlier that 2 FOLLOWS 1. It is called counting. So I know ALL are in proper order.
The events of the seven seals and seven vials must be weighed according to the order given with the last three trumpets. On the 6th trumpet the locust army is loosed upon the earth, the four angels at the Euphrates being unbound. On the 6th vial, the spirits of devils are working miracles going to the kings of the earth and the whole world, and the Euphrates is dried for the kings of the east to cross in prep for battle.
Just take this to the bank: NO TRUMPET will be sounded until all seven seals are broken, and NO vial will be poured out until all seven of the trumpets are sounded. If you choose to rearrange, you will be proven wrong.
I never denied that our Lord doesn't come on the 7th vial. His coming is on the 7th seal, 7th trumpet, and 7th vial.
This is laughable. Go ahead and believe that. You will be proven wrong. Can you not picture a scroll rolled up and sealed with seals along its edge, so it cannot be unrolled? How could anyone unroll to see the inside until all 7 are broken? It seems that it can be unrolled just a tiny bit with each seal: so that seal is what is read from the scroll. But the trumpets are INSIDE, and cannot be read until ALL seals are broken. (Just my opinion here. No verse for this.)
If you study Isaiah 2 and Joel 2, you will see that they point straight to the 6th seal for their fulfillment. And of course, they are BOTH speaking of the day of the Lord. Then, Joel three speaks of His coming at the end of the 70th week. Both Joel 2 and Joel three have signs in the sun and moon, but the Joel two signs happen at the 6th seal, while the Joel 3 signs happen AFTER the tribulation, just as Jesus said. So the 6th seal is the SIGN of the start of the Day of the Lord, and that day actually starts with the 7th seal. Sorry, Jesus does NOT come back at the start of the day of the Lord, any more than he comes back at the midpoint, marked by the 7th trumpet. This is all just imagination.
Do you notice the order? Neither God nor John was confused as to chronology.
I notice the order, but I don't think you do, otherwise you would have included other relevant Scripture written along with that period from the end of the 2nd woe to the start of the 3rd woe-7th trumpet. The 3rd woe starts within "the same hour" the 2nd woe ends. That means you CANNOT just move the 7th trumpet to the midpoint of the tribulation, which is your attempt to rearrange the Scripture.[/quote]
No no no!! Sorry, I DID NOT MOVE it. It has BEEN there all the time as the MARKER for the abomination. It is just too bad that with your preconceptions you cannot see it.
13And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
14The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
Oh my oh my. Again, this is laughable. You have no understanding of what John is doing here. You must think that the 70th week is 1260, plus 42 months, plus 1260, plus 3 1/2 years, plus yet another 42 months.
Look, John is at the midpoin or very near it, here in chapter 11. He is told to measure the temple. That may be a week before the exact midpoint. He is told that the gentiles will trample the temple for 42 months. So WHEN does this time START? I say it starts right here, just a few days before the abmination and 7th trumpet.
Next, John does
NOT takes us through those 42 months; they are just mentioned. OF COURSE they are the 42 months of the SECOND half of the 70th week. So they MUST start near the abmination that splits the week.
So at the end of this verse, John is STILL just before the 7th trumpet in timing, and just before the abomination.
Next, John is introduced to the two witnesses? Why here in 11:3? BEcause this is exactly WHEN they will show up: 3 1/2 days before the abmination and 7th trumpet. So at th end of this verse, John is 3 1/2 days before the exact midpoint of the week. Believe it!
But what happens in verse 4, 5. 6? God starts taking John on a SIDE JOURNEY down their 1260 days towards the END OF THE WEEK. In other words, this is a Parenthesis!! The ONLY VERSE here that is in John's chronology is verse 3.
So the chronology is as follows:
Measure the temple: 42 months of trampling startiing HERE.
Two witnesses show up, 3 1/2 days before the abomination.
(parenthesis - verses 4-13 - a side trip down THIER last half of the week - parenthesis)
Two woes have past, the their comes quickly (seconds before the exact midpoint of the week)
The seventh trumpet sounds (marks the EXACT midpoint.)
The woman flees, minutes after the abominaton.
SAtan is cast out, because His lease has run out.
Satan goes after the woman.
THIS is John's chronology. So your "the same hour" is actually at the END of the two witnesses 1260 days, or the exact day of the 7th vial. So the same hour is the same hour of the 7th vial, and IT IS THE SAME earthquake. This is not rearranging; it is understanding.
YOU MISSED the parenthesis. That threw your timing off by 1260 days. John was near the exact midpoint with the 42 months, he was near the midpoint with the 1260 days, he was near the midpoint with the 1260 days of the woman fleeing, he was near the midpoint with the 3 1/2 years, and he was STILL near the midpoint with the 42 months. Therefore, verses 4-13 MUST be, and ARE a parenthesis NOT AT ALL RELATED to the chronology.
When Christ begins His "thousand years" reign on earth with His saints, Satan is locked in the pit, along with those who ruled with him (see Isaiah 14 for another example of that).
I can agree with this. It happens in chapter 19, AFTER the 70th week has finished. (it ends with the 7th vial.)
Per Zech.14, Christ's feet touch down upon the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem, and the gathering of His to Him happens there.
STOP!!! WHO said the gathering happens there? Zech. certainly did not tell you this. Prove this statement.
The idea that Christ's reign with His saints then is from Heaven is a TRADITION OF MEN. When the 7th trumpet happens, which is the "last trump" per Paul, Christ's coming happens and the raising of the dead, and all on earth are changed at the twinkling of an eye.
This is the TRADITION OF MEN. It is just not backed up by scripture. You only imagine that the 7th trump is the last trump of Paul. Well, go ahead and imagine, but you will be proven wrong. You are pulling scriptures together and THINK or imagine they happen here, when John shows us clearly that they happen at ANOTHER time. So then, you must REARRANGE to make your theory work.
IDEA!!! ( I need a lightbulb smiley) WHY NOT just leave His coming in Chapter 19, where it really is, and you won't have to rearrange!!! Do you really think John was THAT confused, and had to add chapters 12,13,14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 OUT OF ORDER?
I will give you a hint: I don't find the need to rearrange anything. It all fits perfectly the way it was written. But, you cannot use a prophecy of a FUTURE event to determine timing.
You're confused about the "last week" of Daniel's 70 weeks. When the "abomination of desolation" happens, that will begin the "great tribulation".
Hmmm. I'm the one confused, when you are doing all the rearranging? I agree with your second sentence here. The time of great tribulation will begin very shortly after the abomination.
That period was originally to be 42 months, or 1260 days, or 3 and 1/2 years, meaning the last half of the 7 years. But Christ shortened that time for the sake of His elect.
I actually agree with this too. But he 42 months was not, IS NOT and will not be shorted: the beast will get is full 42 months of authority. But the days when he will be causing great tribulation will be shortened. He will be rendered helpless by the vials of God's wrath.
The 6th trumpet is when Satan's locust army are loosed upon the earth (Rev.9). Until the 3rd woe starts, the tribulation is still going on (Rev.11).
How can you get to the days of great tribulation here in the trumpets, when John has NOT EVEN introduced the beast that CAUSES them, until chapter 13? This is rearranging. The days of great tribulation CANNOT begin until the woman flees. That will be the very beginnings of terror, and Satan, just kicked out of heaven, goes after her. He will possess the beast, and use the beast to go after the remnant of her seed. Again, you want the tribulation to end, before John even begins it. :toofunny :rolling
God's "two witnesses" are killed at the very end of the tribulation period, after their 1260 days Testimony, which brings the end of the 2nd woe period and start of the 3rd woe.
This statement shows very clearly where you have missed John's chronology. You missed the parenthesis. You missed the fact that once John is finished with his narrative of the two witnesses, he is right back at the midpoint with the 7th trumpet. ALL VERSES after this prove my point. Yes, they ARE killed at the end of their 1260 days, which BEGIN just before the abomination, and END 3 1/2 days before the 7th vial closes the 70th week. The 3rd woe IS the 7th trumpet, and Is all of the 7 vials.
The 42 months period the Gentiles "tread" the court and holy city is the same time the dragon is given power over the saints, per Rev.13. Those Gentiles of Rev.11:2 are not about us, unless you intend to be deceived.
I agree. But where will you START the 42 months? I say they are all started at the abomination, or very close to it.
[quote:2n4azwmj]The Euphrates dries up to prepare the kings of the east for Armageddon (day of the Lord timing) against Christ's army He brings with Him when He comes.
Yep, the day of The Lord happens with Armageddon, for the events of God's wrath upon the wicked, and the end of this world by fire, are events Paul and Peter linked with the day of The Lord. Zechariah 14 even includes a graphic description of how the wicked will be consumed while standing on the earth in that day. The Ezekiel 39 chapter is about God ending this present world, raining hail down upon Satan's host army that will come upon Israel out of the north quarters. He says He will send a fire upon Gog, and those who dwell carelessly in the isles (i.e., the rebellious). Israel will afterwards be burying the dead of that army for sevens years as written there. That's when they shall call that valley in Israel the "valley of Hamongog", which means 'the tumult or multitude of Gog'.[/quote:2n4azwmj]
The day of the Lord "happens?" When does it START? John tells us it begins way back at the 7th seal.
The tribulation will end on that 7th last trumpet, which is what the Rev.11:15-18 verses show. It is also 7th vial timing. We're being given a short look forward in those Rev.11:15-18 verses.
Not according to John. Did you happen to read the last three words at the 7th vial? "IT IS DONE." John is telling us that the 70th week has FINISHED here. You are 3 1/2 years TO SOON on every point. You want to finish the days of GT before John begins them.
If you believe anyone is raptured prior to any other who might come to Christ during the tribulation, then that is the Pre-Trib "secret rapture" doctrine, and not what is written.
Yes, certainly it is pretrib, because John shows the church in heaven, before the 70th week BEGINS. Look, I can see how you can be so confused, because you don't have a clue where the 70th week IS in Revelation. (Most pretribbers don't either.) Of course it is what is written; that is why so many millions believe it. That is why Jesus and John and the Holy Spirit believe it. That is why Paul, when talking about the day of the Lord, said we have NO appointment with his wrath.