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Is Yahweh and Allah one?

What? I am Muslim now?
@ Smaller
I don't think he suggested that I was Muslim, but rather I am blind similarly as a Muslim. Did I say that right? I would like to know why He suggests that.

Just thought he might have known something factual about you that I might have missed.

@ Anthony02
My stance on the matter is clear. I don't believe they are the same. The link provided in the OP shows a character trait that is not of YHWH. Truth and Deception are oil and water.
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Oh, and for your link in the opening post Fedu, a very very rookie dissection of understanding.

Some Muslims understandings are also similar to N.T. TEXT in that the heart of the reader will be reflected, and that in their words that they read there are several potential levels of meaning and understanding OR resistance, just as there are in original Semitic languages. Any casual stroll through the O.T. will bring up the identical matter.

The attempt of 'here is my God box' now show me yours is always a comparison of limited subjectivity of the viewer and nothing more.

None of us ARE GOD.

That is fine, but I don't understand what you just said. Say it again with different words.
@ MegaMass
I have a hard time believing that God only made himself known intimately to only on group of people before the Messiah. I am on the look-out to see Him in other cultures, but sadly I have not confirmed a single one. As you said, there is a character or personality to God, but for Him to be confirmed in other cultures that use other names you must identify character traits. Did you look at the link provided?
I did read the link - not too carefully though, because it was just another mortal like me claiming something. Could be so or could be not. It could be even both. It could be, that all that is is not just black and white. What if everything is true? Or false? Who to know for sure? Answer is God.
to the jew and the christian the YHWH is the revealed name by the GOD that spoke to men in the tanach and also the brit chadesh(ot and the nt)

the YAH in YHWH is in the name of the man JESUS in his original hebraic name(yeshua).
since we are using the delination of YHWH and allah then they cant be the same as the christians will know who that is.

im sure your name for jesus(isa) doesnt even have the name he actually would use since its an arabic name for him but he was a jew not an arab. his name has the YHWH in it.

god does judges the hearts but we cant for the sake these delinations say that are the same when in fact if thats the case would could then say well if in so language the word

lucifer means god and god is a god then the worshipper of satan are worshipping the same god as the christians. when in fact NO they arent.
My only concern with that link was that it translated that Allah is the greatest deceiver. Yahweh can not be the greatest deceiver because he is truth. He can't even be the slightest deceiver. He can't be a deceiver period. I don't think that is putting God into a little box.

Speaking of which, why can't God lie? The thought scurried across my grey matter and the thought that followed was because His word becomes tangible. Things happen because he speaks. Light, worlds, islands, birds, rick rolls and other really narly things. Any thoughts?

There you are Jasoncran! I thought you fell off the circle of the world!
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Are god and god one?

It obviously depends on what you mean when you say "god". When an idle worshiper and a non-idle worshiper say, "god" they are not referring to the same being.

Which is why studying the character of one and one is important. As for mis-translations on that page, could you post some more accurate links that are appropriate?
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Which is why studying the character of one and one is important.
If you study the "Answering Islam" website, you will find a lot of information about Islam that is not true.

I agree with you that that is very important.

It is explicitly an anti-Islam website so everyone should obviously expect an ant-Islam bias to information found on that site.
As for mis-translations on that page, could you post some more accurate links that are appropriate?
It is easy enough for me to prove my point right here. Just look at any credible translation of the Quran and you will find that the translations differ from those in your link.
lucifer means god and god is a god then the worshipper of satan are worshipping the same god as the christians. when in fact NO they arent.

As I'm sure you're aware, Jason, the Hebrew phrase rendered "Lucifer" is hilal bin sahar or "brightness, son of (morning) star".

Sahar also means "star" in Arabic however, Hilal means "crescent moon".

Isaiah 14:

12 How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
13 You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.”
i know what lucifer means and also what the persian words for star is(estorai., and in older tounge esther isnt that off)
The prophet Daniel gives us insight on this subject.

"Indeed all Israel has transgressed Your Law and turned aside, not obeying Your voice; so the curse has been poured out on us, along with the oath which is written in the Law of Moses the servant of God, for we have sinned against Him."

The Strong's # 423 for the word "curse" is...... yep! You guessed it!!!! ALLAH is a CURSE sent by God to punish those who have tossed aside His commandments!
If you believe the Law has been done away with.... you might want to sit up and take note WHERE in Daniel this is written. This passage nestles up right before the 70 Weeks prophecy in....... YEP!!! You guessed it again..... 9/11
This question is a complicated one and the answer really depends a lot on what exactly you are driving at.

If you go back to Abraham and his son Ishmael that he had with Hagar, who is believed to be the forefather of the Arabs, and accept that they held on to their beliefs in the One God, you could well argue that Allah is just another name for the God of Abraham, Yahweh.

But, if you are trying to liken Muslims and Christians to each other, it becomes a whole new issue altogether, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, as was already mentioned in the thread. Whether Allah is the same as God the Father within the Trinity is not of substance in the argument of salvation. Even if he were, the Muslims do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, and that puts them on the very same level as the Jews, celebrating the God of the Old Testament, but refusing to accept the message of the New Testament.
Muslims and Christians may have differing thoughts about God and his nature but I don't believe they actually have separate Gods.
2Jn 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
2Jn 1:8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.
2Jn 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
2Jn 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
2Jn 1:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Allah is Satan and Muhammad is the anti-christ. The sole purpose of Islam is as a tool of Satan's to destroy God's church. To live peacefully with Islam is to live peacefully with Satan himself.
This question is a complicated one and the answer really depends a lot on what exactly you are driving at.

If you go back to Abraham and his son Ishmael that he had with Hagar, who is believed to be the forefather of the Arabs, and accept that they held on to their beliefs in the One God, you could well argue that Allah is just another name for the God of Abraham, Yahweh.

But, if you are trying to liken Muslims and Christians to each other, it becomes a whole new issue altogether, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, as was already mentioned in the thread. Whether Allah is the same as God the Father within the Trinity is not of substance in the argument of salvation. Even if he were, the Muslims do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, and that puts them on the very same level as the Jews, celebrating the God of the Old Testament, but refusing to accept the message of the New Testament.
This isn't entirely correct. I recently heard that Muslims believe Abraham was a Muslim, which really changes things.

Just something to consider.
reba: nobody here is saying that Christians and Muslims are one. When you speak of the deceiver, I assume you talk of Muhammad. But Muhammad did not invent Allah, so that quote is not really relevant in this discussion. Now, you underlined: Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.
Again, a different question. Is Allah the same as Yahweh? is not the equivalent of Do Muslims have God?
2 Jn 1:9 does not say: whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, believeth not in God.
There is a marked difference between the two. There is no salvation through belief. Don't forget, even Satan believes in God.

To live peacefully with Islam is to live peacefully with Satan himself.

But I say to you who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27)
That it the teaching of our Lord. Every time you write something I worry for you. How can you be so full of hate and yet still call yourself a Christian?

Free: what you write actually supports what I was saying. If Muslims consider Abraham a Muslim (which is figurative speech, since there was no such thing as a Muslim until the 7th century AD), they are in fact saying that they consider Allah to be Abraham's God, whom we know as Yahweh.
Don't mistake willingness to resist evil for hate. Islam is evil to its core and is completely incapable of peaceful coexistence with any other faith in any form other than as oppressor. Jesus didn't peacefully coexist with Satan, he crushed the serpent beneath his feet. He didn't allow demons to inhabit men, he cast them out.

I have no problem coexisting with other faiths, I was once a follower of Asatru and still count Odinists, Buddhists, Jews, followers of Shinto, and even a couple of Wiccans (though that is one faith I have little respect for) as friends. I have no Muslim friends, though I have known many Muslims.

I don't believe for one minute that God only spoke to one people for thousands of years and then decided to convert the gentiles, his words can be found in the legends of peoples throughout the world. But there is no God in Islam, only Satan. Don't ever forget that they want to destroy Christianity, not through love and peaceful conversion but by fire and the sword; just as Muhammad commanded them. They don't just attack Christians, they attack all faiths other than their own.

They are only capable of getting along with non-Muslims as long as they are a small minority; if you doubt that you should look at what's happening in Europe. Look at their hate-filled protests in England and France, look at their demands all through Europe. The more there are the more violent and aggressive they become. You are their enemy even if you refuse to see them as yours, if you aren't willing to stand up to evil it will crush you. Allah is Satan and Islam is his most powerful weapon against God.