CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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It's no wonder Catholics are curt with their replies and use a lot of exclamation points and pretty much refuse to reply much to members.I am only responding to you for the sake of others who may read this post, and, not understand, lest they be misled.
1. "There is no room for hate in the Kingdom of God."
1a. Ps. 11:5, "The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked,
And His soul hates one who loves violence."
2. "IF you're a member of the Kingdom, Jesus said you are to
2a. There is a difference between heating a system and hating those who practice in that system. When I was a Baptist, we called that "hating the sin, loving the sinner."
3. "If you're ever hungry one day, you'll find food at your local Catholic church,
and clothing and other necessities for families."
3a. This makes them good by human standards, not by God's.
4. "BTW, calling any denomination demonic is against the TOS."
4a. I have-and will continue to do so- respect the ToS, but, they DO NOT supersede the word of God.
5. "Please be civil "
5a. I am being civil and have a relaxed mentally attitude about this while thing.
6. "1.4: Do not misquote or misrepresent another member. Do not state a negative opinion about a member's denomination, leaders, founders, or the veracity of a member's faith."
6a. I have not done this at all. Everything I've quoted is in the Catholic Catechism, which is, their own statement of belief. Furthermore, the RCC is not a Christian denomination as it is- and I will reiterate this- evil, vile and is filled with doctrines and practices of demons that goes directly against the word and Word of God, and that, I will never tolerate or abide.
7. Exodus 20:16
7a. Again, everything I've quoted comes directly from the statement from the Catholic Catechism. If I were giving a false statement about the RCC, I would claim they are a God fearing Christian church, founded on the Word of God, walking by the means of the Spirit.
Gal. 1:8, "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!"
Look what's going on here.
I don't have the time to go back and look for posts,
but YOU STATED in an open thread, this one, that the CC is demonic.
§That breaks TOS 1.4
AND shows no love for a denomination that does not believe anything that is not based on the bible in one way or another. Calling a denomination DEMONIC is not being civil in an open discussion with members you don't even know personally. DO NOT STATE A NEGATIVE OPINION...I'd say calling the CC demonic is VERY negative.
And what have YOU quoted from the CCC?
I must not have been involved in that conversation, so why bring it up?
A different gospel -- that's pretty funny.
We wouldn't be sitting here complaining if it weren't for the CC.
What other church do you think was around back at the beginning that safeguarded all our Christianly tenets?
And you had to go all the way back to the OT to find a verse on hate.
And to think that JESUS is the last and ultimate revelation of God.
Guess that's just not easy to accept, so let's flip back to the OT for some support verse.
Happy New Year JackRabbitSlim.