Your points here are:
Adam is not God because He was called a son of God.
Let's say that the demoniac's name, in Luke 8 , was Fred. When the demon spoke through him, did Jesus relpy to Fred? No, he spoke to Legion because he possesed Fred. After the demons were gone he could speak to Fred. In the same way Father could speak to Jesus as His Son because the two were one. Jesus identity was now the Son of God by the result of the Son incarnate. To grow up to the fullness of the stature of the Son of God would be impossible unless He lived within us...All of us. To be the Son does not make us something, we must decrease that He may increase it requires us to be nothing so that He can be all and in all.
Did Paul say Christ was in Jesus?
Or do we hear
That Jesus is the Christ?
When I hear the terms " The Christ" I think of the one who is to come, or the messiah.
Therefore Jesus is the Christ- the annoited one.
So I agree that Jesus is the word made flesh and hence human. But here I see Him as the Christ. The one that "Moses wrote" about.
You seem to be a scholarly man so I suspect that you know this. Christ is Greek and Messiah is Aramaic, but the meaning is identical . One who is anointed. Saul was anointed, David was anointed, Aaron was anointed king Cyrus a pagan was anointed. They were set apart to accomplish the will of God. I have used it in my postings so as to differentiate between Mary's son and the Son of God.
Jesus cannot live in us but the Son who is a spirit can. The Son can live in you and also in Mary's son as well.
Why do I make a distinction between the Son and Mary's son? Because it occurred to me that it ia the Son in us that qualifies us for eternity. The Father promised us His Son for redemption. John declares that eternal life is in the Son. Every one of the redeemed must have the Son. Jesus was an example of what it is to be redeemed. He laid down his life so that God could live out His life in him. The nature of Adam was destined to die for it was fallen and could not be fixed. So the cross shows us that the Son who had laid down His life to come into us, helped Jesus to give up his life, and the cross is a very serious demonstration of how real the death of the old man must be, and we should do the same. When Adam's life is gone we only have God's life. When God looks into the eyes of the redeemed He will see His Son for that is where He will live forever. A sacrifice so far beyond what I ever had considered before.
When you divide the son from the physical body of Jesus it gets confusing.
I know it is. I believe it is because of Catholicism making every prominent person a saint or a pathway to God. Go through Mary to get to Jesus to get to God. He has been made an Icon, way up there far away. No, He is within you and will accomplish in you a life of continual obedience. He will keep you from Falling and present you faultless. He will bring you to the place where you are the fullness of His very stature as the Son of God. Christ in you the hope of glory. The reformation is not over, more light was to come. The Son in you makes it all clear. it is not a son in you but the Son in you. The same Son who was in Jesus. God does not get turned into flesh He inhabits it.
Jesus was just like you or I. He was sentient with a personality. He had feelings about life he has desires, but he put it all on the cross daily.
For scripture says the word was made flesh and dwelt among us
It is called the incarnation, God in human flesh. When a man is so possessed that we might call him the devil incarnate. That does not make him the devil.
You mentioned the above to prove?
All I would interpret here is- that one is born of the Spirit, seeing that God is Spirit.
Yes we were all born of the flesh but if we accept Father's declaration that we have been crucified and are dead and our life is hidden with the Son in the bosom of the Father we have been born of His spirit. That is what is meant by being born again. We were born again out of the tomb with Jesus. Adam's human nature died on the cross and was buried in that tomb never to see the light of day again.
Romans 6:6 declares that our fallen nature was destroyed. If we believe what God believes it will be made manifest. He has made it so simple and easy. however, most are unwilling to accept that death. We have things we want to do. Not thy will be done but MY will. Such a sad testimony.
14 Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We saw his glory – the glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father. 15 John testified about him and shouted out, “This one was the one about whom I said, ‘He who comes after me is greater than I am, because he existed before me.’” 16For we have all received from his fullness one gracious gift after aanother.17
For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came about through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God. The only one, himself God, who is in closest fellowship with the Father, has made God known.
I don't think Adam had Eternal life yet, because it never says He ate off the tree of life.
You are correct. Only God has immortality 1 Timothy 6
Yes but the Spirit is not quickened together with Christ, regenerated until one comes to believe who Jesus is.
It has to be more than believing who Jesus because the devils believe. We must believe that we are dear and He is living within keeping us from falling.
I'm not agreeing here. Because scripture says Jesus was always obedient to His father and because of that His father never left Him alone.
Not sure what you are referring to here. But yes the Father was there even when He was on the cross in His darkest hour. Perhaps this is it... As the souls life and advocate He could feel the souls separation just as Jesus felt it. Yet Father is always there.
If you didn't seperate Jesus then you might be ok
This is a misunderstanding the two were one just as you and the Son are one. Taking a human with a fallen nature and keeping him from falling and presenting him faultless should strengthen our faith to believe that He can do that for us too. This is what gives us hope.
Scrips say:
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.
anyone confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God resides in him and he in God.
And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, who calls “Abba! Father!”Galatians
You use a lot of scripture- however I just can't see it that Jesus is divided...He obeyed the Father through His own Spirit. I read John but not sure what you wanted me to see
Was the human born of Mary present at creation?
Jesus is the Christ, son of the Living God according to Peter's own testamony.
Christ the Annoited one who would come into the world and came
If you read John as you told Me: Eternal life is that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.
And by being perfected in this way, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,
yes yes that is it. By perfecting Jesus who was of the seed of David, we see the way to life. We need not be deceived and follow all kinds of ways to be saved. Adam could only pass on to us what he had...Death. The last Adam passes on to us a life of continual obedience. He also gives us a total submissiveness of death to every inherited traits of evil, that is to say he never gave them expression and completed that death on Calvary. Finally being resurrected by the Life of the Son Himself. This is our new birth. For a divine person to do this the devil would only say, " So what. can Corinth77777 do that?" But now God can point to Mary's son and say, " You don't own my children." But For the divine Son divested of all power living within the limitations of a descendent of Adam, Abraham and David as he carried all the hereditary baggage handed down from them, and by depending on a power outside of himself but only by the Father alone, he showed that the devil had lost the war.
Scripture are true but Just cant see why you have the need to seperate Jesus physically from being His son....
Jesus always referred to the Father Speaking through Him. And scriptures show it is the Father who had to be obeyed. The Faith of Jesus Christ is that God is in control!
Also God gave Is only begotton son..