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Jesus saves from unbelief !


SbyG Some where along the road we do do something

Sure. After having been made a New Creation, Eph 2:10

10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

However until a man is created, he cannot do a good work..

Sure. After having been made a New Creation, Eph 2:10

10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

However until a man is created, he cannot do a good work..

This may be putting words in your mouth SbyG, would /could this be your understanding, something close?.

"Our acceptance/acknowledgement of salvation would then be the first good work of the new creation?"

Our acceptance/acknowledgement of salvation would then be the first good work of the new creation?"

Exactly. All those things like repentance towards God and Faith in Christ are the beginning good works or deeds/actions that the New Creation performs as evidence of partaking of the Merits and Effects of Christ Death for them..
I don't have an issue with none of the verses quoted there, in fact I believe them.

However neither one of them says that believing is not something man does. Jn 6:29 does not say believing is not something that man does, now does it ?

Do you believe that believing is something man does ? When Paul was asked by the Jailor this Acts 16:30

30And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

Paul responded vs 31

31And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Was Paul instructing him TO DO SOMETHING ?

Alright, SbyG, I have a question for you. If I gave you a quarter, what would you have?
Please don't take it personally, reba. I've just gotten a little gun-shy from hearing so much "My Jesus" and "Your Jesus". I apologize for being short with you.

Thank you sir! :yes Some of us are not good writers. I will try harder to be clear.... flat words on flat paper can get all messed up :sad
what do you mean by, "a slight lack of regard for the sovereignty of God??" Whats your definition of "Sovereignty?"

Answering this in the light of our conversation.. We talked about man spreading the gospel/ accepting the gospel . About God having man spread the gospel...
My thoughts.. God does not NEED man to spread the gospel just as God did not need man to feed Elljah. God used the unclean raven.

In His sovereignty He has the 'right" to Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
When we say in-fanatically (sp) God uses men or God doesn't use men we are thinking of Him in limited terms... It was/is God's business to hate Esau and love Jacob.

Rom 9:16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

When we hold fast to mans active part in salvation do we think God is not sovereign to show mercy to who He wills. To make a vessel of dishonour? The Words tell us He can make a vessel of dishonour so is salvation to every man? Was it to Esau? or Pharaoh, Judas?

I hope i have explained what i think about God's Sovereignty if not i will try again..:)
Answering this in the light of our conversation.. We talked about man spreading the gospel/ accepting the gospel . About God having man spread the gospel...
My thoughts.. God does not NEED man to spread the gospel just as God did not need man to feed Elljah. God used the unclean raven.

In His sovereignty He has the 'right" to Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
When we say in-fanatically (sp) God uses men or God doesn't use men we are thinking of Him in limited terms... It was/is God's business to hate Esau and love Jacob.

Rom 9:16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

When we hold fast to mans active part in salvation do we think God is not sovereign to show mercy to who He wills. To make a vessel of dishonour? The Words tell us He can make a vessel of dishonour so is salvation to every man? Was it to Esau? or Pharaoh, Judas?

I hope i have explained what i think about God's Sovereignty if not i will try again..:)

Good explanation. Of course being sovereign, God can set up His plan of salvation however He likes. ;)
Answering this in the light of our conversation.. We talked about man spreading the gospel/ accepting the gospel . About God having man spread the gospel...
My thoughts.. God does not NEED man to spread the gospel just as God did not need man to feed Elljah. God used the unclean raven.

In His sovereignty He has the 'right" to Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
When we say in-fanatically (sp) God uses men or God doesn't use men we are thinking of Him in limited terms... It was/is God's business to hate Esau and love Jacob.

Rom 9:16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

When we hold fast to mans active part in salvation do we think God is not sovereign to show mercy to who He wills. To make a vessel of dishonour? The Words tell us He can make a vessel of dishonour so is salvation to every man? Was it to Esau? or Pharaoh, Judas?

I hope i have explained what i think about God's Sovereignty if not i will try again..:)

Reba, The word says in, "Romans 10:14---"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" God has "chosen" man to spread the Gospel. Now this can be through the spoken word, a tract, a sermon, an evangelist, a church, etc. But , the Gospel has to get out there somehow. God's not displaying His miracles like He did in The Old Testament. He's not having a donkey speak, He's not miraculously writing on a wall, etc. He has chosen "man" to spread the word. Could and can He provide the message through a "Spiritual" and miraculous way ? Of course but, the norm is, to have man spread the word today. How else are we hearing it today??

I'll help you answer, you'd have a "quarter." You are receiving a free gift all you have to do is reach out in faith.

The key to your comment here is "all you have to DO" that denotes a work..

Thats my point, you teach a salvation by what man does.

The gift of God is when I am not aware of it, one day I look in my piggy bank and find that someone has put a quarter in it. It was gift ! I received it, but i did not put forth any effort for it, I did not reach for it, but I realized that it was in my possession. So thats how I received it, by realizing it was in my possession. Even my realizing it was not the cause of it being in my piggy bank..It was in my possession before I realized it, before I looked into my piggy bank..So I did not have to do anything to receive the gift of the quarter, I just Thank the Gift giver.

So again, you are teaching salvation by works, thats an accursed gospel !

How else are we hearing it today??

A Man must have hearing ears to hear ! Something all do not have spiritually..

Jesus said to His Chosen Matt 13:16

But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

The key to your comment here is "all you have to DO" that denotes a work..

Thats my point, you teach a salvation by what man does.

The gift of God is when I am not aware of it, one day I look in my piggy bank and find that someone has put a quarter in it. It was gift ! I received it, but i did not put forth any effort for it, I did not reach for it, but I realized that it was in my possession. So thats how I received it, by realizing it was in my possession. Even my realizing it was not the cause of it being in my piggy bank..It was in my possession before I realized it, before I looked into my piggy bank..So I did not have to do anything to receive the gift of the quarter, I just Thank the Gift giver.

So again, you are teaching salvation by works, thats an accursed gospel !

One mans "accursedness" is another mans salvation!!!

A Man must have hearing ears to hear ! Something all do not have spiritually..

Jesus said to His Chosen Matt 13:16

But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

I'm afraid you have it ALL wrong, my friend and fellow poster. ALL men have access to the "Same" Gospel, henceforth, they are put into a position of acceptance or rejection of the message presented...
I'm afraid you have it ALL wrong, my friend and fellow poster. ALL men have access to the "Same" Gospel, henceforth, they are put into a position of acceptance or rejection of the message presented...

You are speaking according to your philosophy, and not the scripture of truth.