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Just how old is the earth anyway?

jasoncran said:
A species is a population of interbreeding organisms. The definition requires that interbreeding be in the wild, not in some artificial environment, such as a zoo

that is where i got that. and i should have added that in artifical enviroment.

no, you dont choose to correct bronsesnake as he has more knowledge then you, and that fact that i choose not respond to your accusation.which i would have addressed hadnt my uncle be in the hospital.

If you want to see bronzesnake refuted just read barbarians posts. If you had a basic understanding of biology you would understand. Don't be afraid of an education. I am not accusing you of anything. I am not trying to make you angry. You seem like a nice person.
happyjoy, when i do decide to educate myself in biology as you say,that may not make me accept evolution.

you see i went to college late in life and as a christian. :thumb

i have already notices some inconstisecies then.

for instant , a cave that was used to show men that lived in caves 30,000 yrs ago on a shore of angola that was close to a shore, the high tide tide will enter in the cave . the drawings had water solualbe ink or substance used for the drawing.

it was damned off so that the water wont enter. so how can me have drawn that yrs ago.
i asked the proffesor of this and she had no answer. odd. she played the video twice.

i may be wrong on this, but thats odd.

that was an anthropology class.

i dont mind science, but i dont buy we are all here by chance. you may want to, but i wont. i am curious to how naturalists answer the devolopment of languages via chance, surely they do.

i dont really believe any one here thinks that (truly) that they are here by chance and they there personality and so on is a fluke. think about it.

we tell kids that they are special, then when they get to the toe, they are here only by some chance.

highly inconsistant.

learning biology , intelletual pursiut,hmm learning a new skill that makes money.

i will pick the later.
John said:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:11

Right in the middle of issuing the ten commandments, are you calling Jesus a liar?

Your still under the assumption that these '6 days' refer to literal days. I don't see why anyone would bring Jesus into this argument about a writing attributed to Moses??

John said:
or perhaps Jesus was ignorant of modern dating methods?

Or maybe he was more concerned with things that were not 'of this world'.

John said:
The Lord made all in 6 days, man, dinosaurs, water, earth, etc etc. The water was clear until man threw mud in it with his theories about the age of the earth and heavens.

I put forward some evidence that seems to contradict this statement and in fact points to 'men throwing mud' on something that was not to be taken literally as presented early on in Christianity. How do you address the beliefs of early Christians that did not believe in a literal reading of Genesis that was later changed by men who didn't agree?

John said:
You lose.

I didn't know this was about winning and losing.

st. agustine may be wrong, that is our perspective. where do you begin this allegoricism of days

the sabbath. come on. the seventh day. the day of rest.

i like him and he has done much for the faith, but he isnt god , nor was ordained to write the bible like the apostles that did.

he was born during the time of the nicean counsel. not actually participated in it.

you need to read the post by watchmen. he explained it well.
Right in the middle of issuing the ten commandments, are you calling Jesus a liar? or perhaps Jesus was ignorant of modern dating methods? The Lord made all in 6 days, man, dinosaurs, water, earth, etc etc. The water was clear until man threw mud in it with his theories about the age of the earth and heavens. You lose.[/quote]
Amen! :amen
I think the reason some people who are Christian get so confused is because of statements such as this...
“No actually, what I mean is that people have an incapacity to accept both science and the Bible. From my point of view they both accomplish different things:
Science (big-bang, evolution) facilitates scientific advancement which is necessary in our world - dare to argue it isn't?â€
You incorrectly believe that science and evolutionary theory are synonymous...they are not!
You think that evolutionary theory (faith) is scientific advancement, it is not!
It is merely an hypothesis. Science in itself does not come to any conclusions. Men do.

I am absolutely astounded at the complete lack of knowledge so many people have who support evolution in that they inevitably use remarks such as “real†science does not ascribe to intelligent design, or creationists are not “real†scientists. It’s as though they can’t conceive of the very thought that there are “real†scientists who do not ascribe to the theory of evolution! It’s amazing! These people actually do not believe there are any accredited scientists who do not believe in evolution. They can’t imagine it!

Please allow me to educate you my friends. There are many thousands of highly educated scientists both religious and non religious who have turned away from the theory of evolution due to a complete lack of any legitimate corroborating evidence.
What most laypeople do not realise is that evolutionary conclusions are propagated by scientists who cannot bring themselves to believe in any creator. The conclusions are not based on any empirical evidence. Just take a look in any biology or paleontology text book and try and find photos of any series of graduated transitional won’t find any. Oh, you’ll see plenty illustrations all right, but no photographs. Why is that? Can’t these scientists afford cameras? Or maybe they simply are extremely forgetful...hey; maybe they feel obliged to create work for all the illustrators out there, ya that’s surely it.

Remember those illustrations we all looked at in biology class? The ones where a tiny monkey became a chimp and the chimp became a gorilla and the gorilla became a cave man then the cave man became a human being?
Ya, you’d think they would have taken the time to go out and find the fossils which were in between those so called transitional and photographed them wouldn’t you?
They didn’t do that because no such missing links exist. That’s the truth my friends.
Hey prove me wrong. That should be easy enough right? Just provide a link to the photos and I’ll shut my cake hole.

Look, creation scientists are as highly trained as any other scientist. They attend the same universities and they graduate side by side.
They study the exact same fossils, they dig in the same ground, they study the same rocks etc, etc. The only difference is evolutionary scientists start out with presuppositions and assumptions based on their belief that there is no God – no creator.

Creation scientists start out with the presupposition and assumptions based on their belief that there is a God – a creator. That is the only difference. After that conclusions are reached based on both schools of belief.
Conclusions are not necessarily correct my friends. No matter how many time we hear them.

So how are we to know the true facts?
How are we to know whether earth is 4 plus billions of years old, or six thousand years old?
How are we to know whether we were created, or the result of pure dumb luck?
Well we can take the scientists at their word? OK, so which scientists are we to believe in because there are clearly two schools.

OK, so for starters are you a Christian? If yes, then it would be consistent for you to take the creationist scientists conclusions. If you are a non believer then accept the evolutionary conclusions.

OK so let’s see what some of the most highly respected evolutionary scientists are saying...
The following is taken from and is by Dr.Don Boys Ph.D
World famous scientist, G. G. Simpson stated, "It is inherent in any definition of science that statements that cannot be checked by observation are not about anything...or at the very best, they are not science."

Need I remind our readers of the many incredible mistakes made by evolutionists because of their faith: Haeckel's recapitulation theory that only third-rate scientists believe; also the vestigial organ error; the failure of the fossil record (that no informed evolutionist uses to prove his position), etc.

Let me dwell on the fossil record since most people assume it is supportive of evolution. It is not.
Dr. David Kitts, professor of geology at the University of Oklahoma said, "Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them...." And Lord Zuckerman admitted there are no "fossil traces" of transformation from an ape-like creature to man!
Even Stephen J. Gould of Harvard admitted, "The fossil record with its abrupt transitions offers no support for gradual change." I assume that all college professors know that Darwin admitted the same fact. (I also assume they know that Darwin was not trained as a scientist but for the ministry, so evolutionists are worshipping at the feet of an apostate preacher!)

Famous fossil expert, Niles Eldredge confessed, "...geologists have found rock layers of all divisions of the last 500 million years and no transitional forms were contained in them." Dr. Eldredge further said, " one has yet found any evidence of such transitional creatures."

All the alleged transitional fossils, that were so dear to the hearts of evolutionists a generation ago, are now an embarrassment to them. Breaks my heart. Archaeopteryx is now considered only a bird, not an intermediate fossil. The famous horse series that is still found in some textbooks and museums has been "discarded" and is considered a "phantom" and "illusion" because it is not proof of evolution. In fact, the first horse in the series is no longer thought to be a horse! And when a horse can't be counted on being a horse then we've got trouble, real trouble right here in River City.

Concerning transitional fossils, world famous paleontologist Colin Patterson admitted that "there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument." Not one.
Surely it is not necessary for me to remind college professors that Piltdown Man was a total fraud and Nebraska Man turned out to be a pig, not an ape man! And in recent years we have discovered that Neanderthal Man was simply a man with rickets and arthritis, not the much desired "ape man." Need I go on?

The truth is that only a fool says evolution is a fact compared to gravity, and to equate scientific creationists with flat earthers as many evolutionists do is outrageous irresponsibility.
Biologist, Dr. Pierre Grasse, considered the greatest living scientist in France, wrote a book to "launch a frontal assault on all forms of Darwinism." Grasse is not a religious fanatic, yet he called evolution a "pseudo-science."

Dr. Soren Lovtrup, Professor of Zoo-physiology at the University of Umea in Sweden wrote, "I suppose that nobody will deny that it is a great misfortune if an entire branch of science becomes addicted to a false theory. But this is what has happened in biology: for a long time now people discuss evolutionary problems in a peculiar 'Darwinian' vocabulary...thereby believing that they contribute to the explanation of natural events." He went on to say, "I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science." He also said, "Evolution is 'anti-science.'" And so it is.

Do those who teach evolution know that scientists have characterized Darwinism as "speculation," based on faith," similar to theories of "little green men," "dead," "effectively dead," "very flimsy," "incoherent," and a "myth." Hey, with friends like that, evolutionists don't need scientific creationists to hold their feet to the fire.

World known Swiss scientist Dr. A. E. Wilder-Smith (who recently died), with three earned doctorates in science and considered to be an expert by the United Nations, confessed after seeing the fossilized dinosaur tracks and men prints within inches of each other at Glen Rose, Texas, "...all this makes evolution impossible." And so it does.â€

Whew! How strong are your evolutionary beliefs now?
Are any of you even aware of the actual title of Darwin’s book?
Here it is in all its horrible glory...
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
Darwin was a racist my friends and he believed our black brothers and sisters were inferior and a close transitional to the apes.

Holy Bible facilitates a relationship with God through faith - that's obvious.
Not only faith. God has provided us with more than enough physical evidence for us to feel even more confident that His scriptures are not myth, but rather an amazing literal description of an example of His almighty power and authority.

The Holy Bible doesn't set out to teach science and science doesn't set out to provide a relationship with God.
You speak about science as if it were above God. Science is simply a way for men to understand how things work. It’s not a way to prove or disprove the existence of God, I agree, but we can use our God given intelligence and the elements in our surroundings to confirm what the scriptures are telling us is literal fact, and not just some nice story.
God gave us brains to use. And when God’s word is under attack He surely doesn’t need our help, but it is expected by God that we will do our very best to try and keep our brothers and sisters from being victims of satan and his lies. Evolution is one of satan’s greatest lies and I cringe to think of how many people reject God because they accept the “real†scientists conclusions which they incorrectly assume to be facts when as we can see, even their own people are telling us it is anything but fact.

Am I really the only person who finds it possible to believe both science and The Bible without trying to use one to prove the other wrong?â€
It’s not a matter of trying to prove science wrong. It’s a matter of exposing the rotting corpse of evolution before any more fall victim to it. Remember, God expects us to be disciples, and He expects us to go forth and win souls. If we allow our brothers and sisters to fall prey to the enemy, then we have failed God and we will be accountable for it.

All we can do is try our best. We obviously can’t force God on anyone to accept Jesus – Jesus never did, so we sure as heck can’t.
All I’m doing is trying to help even one person to see that rejecting evolutionary conclusions is not equivalent to rejecting science. That science does not draw conclusions; people do and people are not infallible.
More and more scientists are starting to openly admit Darwin’s idea was wrong.
There is still a very intolerant attitude in the scientific community towards any open discussion against evolution and there is a lot of pressure placed on scientists to toe the line. People hae lost their jobs by going against the status quo. Just watch Ben Stein’s movie “Expelled†if you don’t believe me.

John bronzesnake
jasoncran said:
you need to read the post by watchmen. he explained it well.

I didn't see this post so you would have to point me in the right direction. I did see watchmen make a comment about fitting scripture to one's beliefs rather than the other way around and I would question who is fitting scripture to what when YE is a later addition to what early believers thought??

On a side note one must merely ACCEPT the evidence to accept how God made the earth and life rather then BELIEVE the way it happened and have to come up with excuses why evidence doesn't support that stance.

There is zero contradiction with an old earth view and acceptance of evolution and what the bible has to say, other then by Christians who refuse accept the fact that science isn't against God. There are numerous contradictions with accepting a YE and a literal 6 day creation. I'm sure though that with all the info The Barbarian has posted on this matter on this forum that there will still be those that cling to their beliefs.

Who do you put your faith in? Yourself that you have it right? Or God to do His will as He pleases?


And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging to belief, of holding on.
Alan Watts
uh, reread bronzensnakes post on the fact that some unbelieving scientist dont accept evolution.
two. if we christians accept the fact the God uses natural selection as a means to create, then we can honeslty say that all earthquakes and disasters are his fault, for you see that is the process hes using to weed out those bad genes. think about that.

the earthquakes in haiti, and others may be used to kill of the hatians that have bad genes,and also animals and such like. and what of others disasters. ie famine. and so on.

we can NOW blame God and know what. we would be right if and consistent if the means is natural selection.

but what does the word really say on that.

aids, malaria, and a host of deadly diseases are to be blamed on the lord now.
jasoncran said:
uh, reread bronzensnakes post on the fact that some unbelieving scientist dont accept evolution.
two. if we christians accept the fact the God uses natural selection as a means to create, then we can honeslty say that all earthquakes and disasters are his fault, for you see that is the process hes using to weed out those bad genes. think about that.

the earthquakes in haiti, and others may be used to kill of the hatians that have bad genes,and also animals and such like. and what of others disasters. ie famine. and so on.

we can NOW blame God and know what. we would be right if and consistent if the means is natural selection.

but what does the word really say on that.

aids, malaria, and a host of deadly diseases are to be blamed on the lord now.

The funny thing is jason, we can assert 'God's will' to whatever we want but the fact remains it is 'His' will not ours to command. If it is meant for our knowledge it will be revealed. for example, our understanding shows how moving plates cause earthquakes so to take it one step further and issue it as God's punishment is pretending like said group needs punishment and we don't.

seekandlisten wrote ;On a side note one must merely ACCEPT the evidence to accept how God made the earth and life rather then BELIEVE the way it happened and have to come up with excuses why evidence doesn't support that stance.
There is zero contradiction with an old earth view and acceptance of evolution and what the bible has to say, other then by Christians who refuse accept the fact that science isn't against God. There are numerous contradictions with accepting a YE and a literal 6 day creation. I'm sure though that with all the info The Barbarian has posted on this matter on this forum that there will still be those that cling to their beliefs

I’m sorry but the scriptures clearly go out of the way to describe a literal day by day description of how God created everything.

I’ll begin with the scriptures then I’ll go to science.

First a challenge. Look throughout the entire Bible and try finding even a single reference to billions or even millions of years.

OK when we break down the genealogies from the scriptures we come to a 6 thousand year earth. The seven thousandth year is described in Revelation as the thousand year reign of Jesus on earth.

So did Jesus believe in evolution?
Mark 10:6. ‘But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female’
Apparently not. Jesus said that at the very beginning of creation God created the male and female.
He did not say in the beginning God created life and over billions of years Adam and Eve evolved.

OK, I won’t take up any more space than I need to but we all agree that this first verse is describing a single literal 24 hour period right? I’m not saying you take it literally, but as it is written, it does describe a 24 hour period.
Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And it goes on in the same format...
Gen 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Gen 1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
OK we all know it goes on like this up to day six where God created man.

Now here’s the issue. Some Christians can’t take this literal chapter literal. Why?
Is it because they don’t believe God is capable of creating everything in six days? Probably not. Then why?
It’s because they believe that “science†has proven that the universe is approximately 15 billion years (it changes from time to time) and the earth is 4 billion years (give or take 500 million years)

First of all “science†does not come to conclusions, men do.
So in reality, these people believe the conclusions reached by men through science.
Well, that’s not totally unreasonable...on the face.
However. It seems a wee bit inconsistent for people to believe these conclusions but disbelieve these same “scientists†when they come to the conclusion that the miracles performed by Jesus in the scriptures are not possible within the bounds of the very same science that is used to conclude the earth is billions of years old! :o

I’ve asked my theistic evolutionary friends about this and the explanation is well, wanting.
I usually get “well, everyone knows that Genesis is not to be taken literally" to that I can only scratch my head. After, all it’s not written in a mythical manner. It’s not written as allegory. It’s not written as parable, so why is it not taken literally when it’s written in the very same manner as say...
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

Jhn 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.

Jhn 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.
And so on.

Or ...
Jhn 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

Jhn 5:9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

I can’t answer that, and I have not received a reasonable answer from those who I have asked.
Hebrew scholars have proven that the Genesis text is a historical narrative, not Hebrew poetry, to a confidence factor in excess of 99%. It must be taken literally

Look what Jesus said in Luke...
Luk 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
Jesus is rebuking those who do not take His word literally, including Moses who wrote the Genesis account!

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Rom 5:12 wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Jesus tells us that there was no death prior to the first sin by Adam and Eve, so how can we have millions of years of life before Adam and Eve without death?

OK now let’s look at the Ten Commandments...
OK, so if Genesis is not to be taken literally, and in fact each day as described in Genesis is not a literal 24 hour period but rather thousands or millions of years, then how are we to understand these verses?...

Exd 20:9Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

Exd 20:10But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates:

Exd 20:11For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
So are we to work for six thousand years? Six million years? Then rest for six thousand years or six million years?
These verses use the exact same Hebrew to describe six days as is used in Genesis, so please tell me again how the Genesis account is not six literal days?

I’ll go onto the science in my next post.

John Bronzesnake
Bronzesnake said:
I’m sorry but the scriptures clearly go out of the way to describe a literal day by day description of how God created everything.

Revisiting my previous post, Origen in the 3rd century had this to say.

"What person of intelligence, I ask, will consider as a reasonable statement that the first and the second and the third day, in which there are said to be both morning and evening, existed without sun and moon and stars, while the first day was even without a heaven? […] I do not think anyone will doubt that these are figurative expressions which indicate certain mysteries through a semblance of history."

Can I ask why you feel the need to go against scientific evidence and what the early Church leaders believed in order to believe in a literal reading of Genesis??

Bronzesnake said:
First a challenge. Look throughout the entire Bible and try finding even a single reference to billions or even millions of years.

Nope but I seem to remember a reference to time not meaning anything to God.

Rather than argue with you as it seems from your posts you are quite positive you know what you are talking about I'll leave it at that.

seekandlisten said:
jasoncran said:
uh, reread bronzensnakes post on the fact that some unbelieving scientist dont accept evolution.
two. if we christians accept the fact the God uses natural selection as a means to create, then we can honeslty say that all earthquakes and disasters are his fault, for you see that is the process hes using to weed out those bad genes. think about that.

the earthquakes in haiti, and others may be used to kill of the hatians that have bad genes,and also animals and such like. and what of others disasters. ie famine. and so on.

we can NOW blame God and know what. we would be right if and consistent if the means is natural selection.

but what does the word really say on that.

aids, malaria, and a host of deadly diseases are to be blamed on the lord now.

The funny thing is jason, we can assert 'God's will' to whatever we want but the fact remains it is 'His' will not ours to command. If it is meant for our knowledge it will be revealed. for example, our understanding shows how moving plates cause earthquakes so to take it one step further and issue it as God's punishment is pretending like said group needs punishment and we don't.

that's not what i am saying. God didnt plan on the earth being imperfect. if he did then why? why would we let men die fi they werent in sin? to punish them. read revaltion and the end of it and you will see that men live on the earth forever not in heaven and that the the old tree of life is still there. think about it what was his plan to then.

God allows nature to do its thing but that wasnt what originally wanted, what did he tell adam after the fall. that fact that thorns and thistles willc come out from his labors was for his sake. to do what, draw him back to hi,. to teach us that we cant be in control and need god.

but to simply say that he planned death in order to devolop man. and make him better is a litle bit of a stretch. and since evolution is still happening according to the scientiists ,then we can honestly say that those natural things are to be blameable on God.

Do you claim that God isnt still creating as speciation is occuring? think about it, what if by killling off that aids pateient the lord is making a better man that is resistant to aids. and or smart enough to avoid the pitfalls.
'No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.' Buddha
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" Jesus

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" Jesus
