the big issue here Free Grace is that when you quote verses that point at salvation through faith ----those verses are mostly correct because we are saved ny faith.
By saying "those verses are
mostly correct" is at least an insinuation that they have some error in them. I strongly reject that notion.
But the burning question is WAS THAT FAITH SAVING FAITH? Did the believer OBEY the Lord or continued to live out a sinful Ungodly life?
Please provide verses that differentiate between a faith that saves vs a faith that doesn't. I don't accept that notion because I haven't found any such verse. But if there is any, please share.
If that is the case then there was no faith in the first place.
But since we DO find the word "faith" in Scripture, obviously there IS faith.
By stoutly and persistently denying the importance of obedience --as explained b y Christ Himself in His great commission to ALL His followewrs across the globe and gtime ---Matthew 28:18-20.
Matthew 28:18-20New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to OBEY everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Why is there so much resistance to Lord's commission? Why is it so hard to understand that the lord will NOT be there till the end of the ages with the believer UNLESS we do as He says in this verse---- OBEY.
Please identify the verse or words in this passage that tells us that salvation adds obedience to faith in order to be saved.
Why did Christ WARNING in :
Revelation 2:23
I will strike her ( Jezebel's) children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.
Because He will repay each of them according to their deeds. But how does one leap from being repaid for deeds to a requirement of obedience for salvation??
Again Jesus repeats the importance of obedience in the following verse in
Revelation 2:26 ►
To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations
This seems rather obviously about rewards for obedience.
Jesus expects us to be obedient till the end of our lives and if I may say so, expects not just obedience but obedience to the point of death --- just as He did from the apostles who laid down their lives while following the Lord and spreading the good news of the gospel.
Of course Jesus expects all believers to be obedient. But not for salvation. Most of the salvation verses that mention ONLY faith in Him were said by Him.
Also I wonder if faith alone saved why did Christ ask the rich man to give away all His riches to the poor and come and follow Him. He could have simply said Believe in me and you will be saved. But Jesus didn't say that. WHY?
Because Jesus many times made the point that one is saved and POSSESSES eternal life when they believe, it should be obvious that His dealing with the RYR wasn't evangelism, but pre-evangelism. If His comments were in regard to getting into heaven, He would have contradicted Himself, because of the other verses.
Why did Paul caution with the words "WORK OUT your salvation with fear and trembling"?
Because Paul was referring to progressive sanctification, or what some call spiritual growth.
That verse is about the present tense of salvation. There are 3 tenses regarding salvation:
past tense: saved from the penalty of sin. John 5:24. Justification
present tense: saved from the power of sin. 1 John 1:9. Sanctification
future tense: saved from the presence of sin. 1 Cor 15:42,43 Glorification
The answer is obvious. paul knew they could LOSE IT! Their salvation.
Not possible. It was Paul who listed 3 of God's gifts in Romans before he wrote that the gifts of God are irrevocable. The 3 gifts he listed were spiritual gifts in 1:11, justification in 3:24 and 5:1516,17, and eternal life in 6:23.
Further, in Eph 1:13,14 he taught that "having believed", the believer is marked IN HIM with a seal, the Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance for the day of redemption.
The wording is clear that this seal, the Holy Spirit, guarantees our inheritance.
Paul believed in eternal security.
See my friend none of us knows who will be saved and who will NOT be saved.
I do. The Bible tells us who will be saved. It's no mystery.
1 Cor 1:21 - For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him,
God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached
to save those who believe.
It's believers who will b saved.
I do not know if I will be saved ---a born again believer in Lord Christ.
Edit....Those He gives eternal life. He said they shall never perish
edit. Why, given what Jesus said in John 10:28?
In John 3:15,16, 5:24, 6:47, 11:25-27 Jesus said those who believe HAVE (as in possess) eternal life. So that fact, combined with 10:28 proves that once given eternal life, one shall never perish.
But i do know one thing , if I persevere with my faith until the end ( or MY end) and be obedient and fruitful for the kingdom, the Lord will have mercy.
This indicates to me that the finished work of Christ is of no effect
edit. That your ultimate salvation is all up to you.
Well, my friend, my full trust and confidence is in the finished work of Christ on the cross on my behalf for salvation.
That's all I can hope for.
That's only wishful thinking. The Greek word for "hope" means confident expectation, which you've made clear that you don't have.
I cannot put a gun to Christ and command him to save me.
No. All anyone can do is believe what He said about salvation and eternal life:
John 3:15 that
everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
John 5:24 - “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me
has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.
Our sins are so many my friend, that we have no right to salvation.
That's exactly WHY Christ had to come to earth and die for every sin ever committed. Do you believe that Christ died for all your sins, most of your sins, some of your sins, or a few of your sins?
Its FREE GRACE of the Lord Jesus--- wherever believes in Him may have eternal life.
Edit....By your own admission, you said: "if I persevere with my faith until the end ( or MY end) and be obedient and fruitful for the kingdom, the Lord will have mercy."
yet those who elect to believe but NOT OBEY will not see eternal life as John the Baptist reveals in John 3: 36 for God's wrath remains on that person
"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
Brother, I do not know who will be saved and who will not be--- thats Christ's call
Please research the Greek word for "disobey" in 3:36. It is apeitho, and means to "disbelieve".
Revelation 20:15
Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
Rev 20:11-15 shows that no one will be cast into the lake of fire because of any sins. The ONLY reason anyone will be cast into the lake of fire is for not possessing eternal life.
But I do know one thing, it's very dangerous for a believer who believes but does not obey the Lord or bear any fruit for the kingdom.
This may surprise some, but I fully agree with you. But for a different reason. Instead of the "threat" of losing salvation, which, btw, there are NO verses that actually say so, those who believe but don't obey will face God's hand of discipline, which will be painful, per Heb 12:11.