James 1:1
1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
Not many realize that the Book of James is specifically written to the 12 tribes of Israel that were still scattered abroad in his days. He's including the majority of the "house of Judah", the ones that stayed in Babylon and were later further scattered through the countries, and also the ten tribes of Israel ("house of Israel") that never returned to the holy land. When Israel split into two separate kingdoms per 1 Kings 11 forward, the ten tribes made up the majority of the people of Israel. So for one who thinks only Jews make up today's Israelites in the world, in reality they are only seeing a small portion of the total number of Israelites. And mind you, a lot of Jews today are not even of bloodline Judah, Benjamin, Levi, but are Gentile converts to Judaism. So imagine, if the majority of Israel made up the ten tribes, imagine how many more they are than Jews today, but just don't know they have an Israelite heritage.
Some will say, "Well bloodline Israel isn't important anymore, but spiritual Israel is instead," quoting from Romans 9. For the sake of The Gospel that's correct, all believers on Christ's Jesus are now 'spiritual Israel'. However, God has a Plan for this world age, and it still includes the physical seed of Israel, even a remnant of believing Israel which He has preserved unto Himself (Romans 11:1-5). They have a Mission, still a job to do on this earth, a very important one involving Christ's Gospel.
If you'll notice and wonder, it's not been Judaism and unbelieving Jews that have taken Christ's Gospel to the nations since Christ died on the cross. The structure of power on earth God setup for taking The Gospel to the nations is one of His Promises specifically to Israel. It involves that "multitude of nations" prophecy about Ephraim, one of the sons of Joseph, and a ruling tribe over the ten tribes.
Don't be deceived by those who are against this Bible teaching, for the same ones who had our Lord Jesus Christ crucified also vehemently hate this teaching about the "house of Israel" (ten tribes). And they have tricked many of the deceived into being against it, while those same deceived are too proud to actually study both Old and New Testament Books together, which is a requirement for understanding this.
Why would some hate this Bible teaching if it truly is written in God's Word? All one need do is look at the ways things are in this world today, and look at those who are being given temporary control over it, and what they are doing. They're actually trying to establish a fake copy of Christ's Kingdom to come on this earth today, joining all nations and all religions together. And, they think they need to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and start up Old Covenant animal sacrifices and the Levitical priesthood again. In other words, the ones which Christ does not recognize because they have refused Him, and His Kingdom, think they can create their own kingdom today without Him.
1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
Not many realize that the Book of James is specifically written to the 12 tribes of Israel that were still scattered abroad in his days. He's including the majority of the "house of Judah", the ones that stayed in Babylon and were later further scattered through the countries, and also the ten tribes of Israel ("house of Israel") that never returned to the holy land. When Israel split into two separate kingdoms per 1 Kings 11 forward, the ten tribes made up the majority of the people of Israel. So for one who thinks only Jews make up today's Israelites in the world, in reality they are only seeing a small portion of the total number of Israelites. And mind you, a lot of Jews today are not even of bloodline Judah, Benjamin, Levi, but are Gentile converts to Judaism. So imagine, if the majority of Israel made up the ten tribes, imagine how many more they are than Jews today, but just don't know they have an Israelite heritage.
Some will say, "Well bloodline Israel isn't important anymore, but spiritual Israel is instead," quoting from Romans 9. For the sake of The Gospel that's correct, all believers on Christ's Jesus are now 'spiritual Israel'. However, God has a Plan for this world age, and it still includes the physical seed of Israel, even a remnant of believing Israel which He has preserved unto Himself (Romans 11:1-5). They have a Mission, still a job to do on this earth, a very important one involving Christ's Gospel.
If you'll notice and wonder, it's not been Judaism and unbelieving Jews that have taken Christ's Gospel to the nations since Christ died on the cross. The structure of power on earth God setup for taking The Gospel to the nations is one of His Promises specifically to Israel. It involves that "multitude of nations" prophecy about Ephraim, one of the sons of Joseph, and a ruling tribe over the ten tribes.
Don't be deceived by those who are against this Bible teaching, for the same ones who had our Lord Jesus Christ crucified also vehemently hate this teaching about the "house of Israel" (ten tribes). And they have tricked many of the deceived into being against it, while those same deceived are too proud to actually study both Old and New Testament Books together, which is a requirement for understanding this.
Why would some hate this Bible teaching if it truly is written in God's Word? All one need do is look at the ways things are in this world today, and look at those who are being given temporary control over it, and what they are doing. They're actually trying to establish a fake copy of Christ's Kingdom to come on this earth today, joining all nations and all religions together. And, they think they need to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and start up Old Covenant animal sacrifices and the Levitical priesthood again. In other words, the ones which Christ does not recognize because they have refused Him, and His Kingdom, think they can create their own kingdom today without Him.