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Bible Study Lets Talk About God's Will to heal.


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Okay Jim, I'll try again.
Too bad we both seem to misunderstand each other.
My wife has been diagnosed with diverticulitis.
She has had quite a spell this past year dealing with it.
Doctors don't and can't do anything for her.
We know that.
We try our best to keep her on a diverticulitis diet.

Now does she really have diverticulitis or is this just the way the doctor answers when he doesn't know what's wrong?
Our next stop is this Thursday to an gastroenterologist.
Because the pain is getting worse and continual.

Now here's where all of you reading this come in.
It shouldn't matter if you like me or not.
My wife is a wonderful woman of God, I wouldn't trade her in for anything.
She is a prayer warrior.
She never stops praying and praising God all day long.
Year after year.

Who wants to start praying for her daily until she receives her healing?
I don't know what to expect anymore.
God can heal her, God can take her home, or God can let her suffer.
What will it be?
Do we have a say in it?
Help me!
The Anointing: The anointing is a special endowment of power given by the Holy Spirit to His servants to do supernatural things. The anointing can be increased by prayer and fasting. It can be decreased due to sin in the person’s life. The anointing can be transmitted via the laying on of hands. The anointing is tangible, it can be felt, it can knock you down to the ground. It has been described as fire, electricity, power, heat, and warmth. Charismatics have books and tape series on the anointing. They love to speak of it, call it an unction, and are experts in discerning whether a minister “has the anointing” or not. The anointing is mystical and at times spooky. The only problem is 99.9% of their teaching on the anointing is without Biblical support! It is a doctrine based on extra-Biblical experiences, texts taken out of context, and Pentecostal traditions.
Okay Jim, I'll try again.
Too bad we both seem to misunderstand each other.
My wife has been diagnosed with diverticulitis.
She has had quite a spell this past year dealing with it.
Doctors don't and can't do anything for her.
We know that.
We try our best to keep her on a diverticulitis diet.

Now does she really have diverticulitis or is this just the way the doctor answers when he doesn't know what's wrong?
Our next stop is this Thursday to an gastroenterologist.
Because the pain is getting worse and continual.

Now here's where all of you reading this come in.
It shouldn't matter if you like me or not.
My wife is a wonderful woman of God, I wouldn't trade her in for anything.
She is a prayer warrior.
She never stops praying and praising God all day long.
Year after year.

Who wants to start praying for her daily until she receives her healing?
I don't know what to expect anymore.
God can heal her, God can take her home, or God can let her suffer.
What will it be?
Do we have a say in it?
Help me!

Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus we thank You for this precious woman of Yours! We thank You for loving her and taking very good care of her! We thank You that this sickness that is trying to settle and attack her body is not of You. We thank You Father, that because of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary, He bought her healing, and that she is the healed that the devil is trying to convince that she is sick. We thank You Father for sending the healing rain and the healing balm of gillead to coat her esophagus. Thank You Father that as she is already obeying You in every way, and that You are restoring her to total health and peace. For no weapon formed against her shall prosper. Thank You Father that these symptoms have to submit to Your Word. We give You all the praise and glory for her healing, in Jesus Mighty Name, we pray, Amen!
The Anointing: The anointing is a special endowment of power given by the Holy Spirit to His servants to do supernatural things. The anointing can be increased by prayer and fasting. It can be decreased due to sin in the person’s life. The anointing can be transmitted via the laying on of hands. The anointing is tangible, it can be felt, it can knock you down to the ground. It has been described as fire, electricity, power, heat, and warmth. Charismatics have books and tape series on the anointing. They love to speak of it, call it an unction, and are experts in discerning whether a minister “has the anointing” or not. The anointing is mystical and at times spooky. The only problem is 99.9% of their teaching on the anointing is without Biblical support! It is a doctrine based on extra-Biblical experiences, texts taken out of context, and Pentecostal traditions.
When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you accepted His healing, delivering, bondage-crushing power.
Our calling is to keep ourselves in a place where we can be anointed with the Holy Ghost and power, so we can go everywhere healing all who are oppressed of the devil.
Rollo my friend. I am saddened to hear that your wife is sick with diverticulitis. I have heard that that disease is terrible to bear. Your dear Wife must be in a lot of pain, I'm so sorry. I am going to pray for her healing right now and will continue to pray for her each and every morning until I hear the good news from you that our healing God has healed her.

My Heavenly Father. I am fully convinced that it is your will to heal this woman, Rollo's Wife, of the disease of diverticulitis. You have said that your Name is the I AM Jehovah Rapha. You are the LORD that heals. I believe that Your power to heal is just as powerful as it ever was and in the Name of Your Son Jesus, I believe that you are healing this godly woman right now. I praise your Holy Name my Father, and wait expecting to hear the good news of her healing, amen and amen.
With long life I'll satisfy there. Run the race set before thee.

James is not talking about cancer. What did Jesus say?

Luk 17:32-33 kjva 32 Remember Lot's wife. 33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

What did lots wife do? She looked back wanting to reserve her old life. She grew up in Sodom, it was her homeland and it was being burnt to the ground. All her memories, her home, everything. She looked back, and was told not to. There was nothing of value to look back on.

A man's life does not consist of what he owns. His life is not in what he decides to do.

Jesus said.
Luk 12:16-21 kjva 16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. 20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? 21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.

What the guy in the parable say?

I will lay up extra in a barn and eat and drink to be merry.

Back to James. What were they saying?

Jas 4:13-17 amp 13 Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a city and spend a year there and carry on our business and make money. 14 Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into thin air]. 15 You ought instead to say, If the Lord is willing, we shall live and we shall do this or that [thing]. 16 But as it is, you boast [falsely] in your presumption and your self-conceit. All such boasting is wrong. 17 So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.

They said we are going to do this and that to make their own life and get rich. They were going to take a whole year seeking the things of their own life with total disregard to what the Lord's will was.

They were not rich in God but themselves. Stepping out of the will of God can get you killed.

Even Isaac who by reason to keep his own life comfortable sought to go to Egypt to escape the famine. The Lord said stay in this land, don't go to Egypt. The Lord blessed him in that land a hundred fold despite the famine.

Many of us are dead today be doing what James said don't do. I know a few of them seeking not to loose what they had and not doing what the Lord said do.

so its a works base salvation you believe then? well what sin haven't you sinned today? you do realize that its not just cancer that kills. shoot people die from the condition I have. I thought once about diving because I have asthma they would have check the amount of lung scaring! yup astma does that. so while its too expense for me to that diving then I figured I would ask. james in context with a little help.

now then so you believe that YOU must be That Holy daily that God's grace is just one day at a time? seriously that is what you just said. for it is appointed for ALL men to die and then unto judgment. we are in that all and the judgement is adjucted by the blood but we will all die. cancer, diseases will all take us or war or murder etc. there has been NO man that has died healthy. they don't do autopsy on the eldery, why? because common sense says if they didn't die under suspiscion they don't bother checking. other wise men wouldn't die. I also didn't mention dementia all forms kill and guess what contact sports can cause that prematurely. any time you have a concussion that increases the risk. its listed as a disease! so its a sin to play football, other contact sports. to be hit by an ied that causes a a concussion?

I also add this, for the death of the saints is a sweet incense to the lord.
the steps of the righteous are ordered by the lord. our birth and our deaths are known to him and ordained by him. yes Calvinistic a bit but we cant deny there is truth in that. we do have some say but NOTHING we do that he didn't foreknow. sorry I disagree. sometimes God will allow men to die. I personally know a man now that will die from parkinsons. he is saved.but he cant talk now, he isn't old. its that quick for him, sad, he has a great testimony, but he is there and I doubt sin had much do with it in his new life. probably injuries from his drug days.
so its a works base salvation you believe then? well what sin haven't you sinned today? you do realize that its not just cancer that kills. shoot people die from the condition I have. I thought once about diving because I have asthma they would have check the amount of lung scaring! yup astma does that. so while its too expense for me to that diving then I figured I would ask. james in context with a little help.

now then so you believe that YOU must be That Holy daily that God's grace is just one day at a time? seriously that is what you just said. for it is appointed for ALL men to die and then unto judgment. we are in that all and the judgement is adjucted by the blood but we will all die. cancer, diseases will all take us or war or murder etc. there has been NO man that has died healthy. they don't do autopsy on the eldery, why? because common sense says if they didn't die under suspiscion they don't bother checking. other wise men wouldn't die. I also didn't mention dementia all forms kill and guess what contact sports can cause that prematurely. any time you have a concussion that increases the risk. its listed as a disease! so its a sin to play football, other contact sports. to be hit by an ied that causes a a concussion?

I also add this, for the death of the saints is a sweet incense to the lord.
the steps of the righteous are ordered by the lord. our birth and our deaths are known to him and ordained by him. yes Calvinistic a bit but we cant deny there is truth in that. we do have some say but NOTHING we do that he didn't foreknow. sorry I disagree. sometimes God will allow men to die. I personally know a man now that will die from parkinsons. he is saved.but he cant talk now, he isn't old. its that quick for him, sad, he has a great testimony, but he is there and I doubt sin had much do with it in his new life. probably injuries from his drug days.

I never said anything about works and "salvation" I was saying what James said. We can't get off God's path to do our own thing and expect things to go well.
I never said anything about works and "salvation" I was saying what James said. We can't get off God's path to do our own thing and expect things to go well.
you implied it that if we sin we always will get sick. you also seem to forget that the agents of illness need not be at the devils hands directly. small pox was once used to kill the American Indians and japan also used wmd's on the Chinese for experiments. anthrax is also easily viable for this stuff. so persecution can be also the means of a disease. god does allow satan to take men out via persecution. and we can argue all day on that. im sure chemical ali killed some Christians.
you implied it that if we sin we always will get sick. you also seem to forget that the agents of illness need not be at the devils hands directly. small pox was once used to kill the American Indians and japan also used wmd's on the Chinese for experiments. anthrax is also easily viable for this stuff. so persecution can be also the means of a disease. god does allow satan to take men out via persecution. and we can argue all day on that. im sure chemical ali killed some Christians.

Disobedient brings sickness, poverty and the dark path which they stumble and know not what they stumbled on.

You bring lots of natural things others have gotten not gotten, when we are told to work out our own salvation (healing and such) with fear and trembling.

Show me 50 young soldiers who enlisted to serve, and I'll show you 45 who never sought the Lord to see if enlisting was his call and will for their lives.
Hello all my friends. I'd like to present two Scriptures on why I believe that healing is God's will for today.

1. Luke 5:12 "While he was in one of the cities, there came a man full of leprosy. And when he saw Jesus, he fell on his face and begged him, "Lord, if you will, you can make me clean." 5:13 "And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, "I will; be clean." And immediately the leprosy left him." (ESV)

Lets look at what happened. This man was FULL of this dreaded disease, I suppose we could consider leprosy equal to cancer in it's death sentence. Notice what this man said. (my paraphrase) Lord, if it is Your will to heal me, I know You can make me clean. Jesus replied, (my paraphrase) It is My will, be clean....Is Jesus a respecter of persons? NO! Does He change? NO! If Jesus healed that man because it was His will, will He heal you? YES!

2. Galatians 3:13 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree".

Now we all know where sin came from. Adam sinned and incurred the curse of death and the eventual death of each of us. In the process of living there is sickness because of that curse. It is called the "curse of the Law" What Law? The Law that God laid down in the Garden when He told Adam that if he ate of the fruit of the tree, he would surely die....Now we have a New Covenant thru Jesus that replaced the Old Covenant. This Scripture says that Jesus REDEEMED us from the curse of the Law. Jesus paid that debt in full on the cross.

Now we can show respect to the finished work of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, by claiming for ourselves what He endured so that we can be healed.
Reason number ? We are healed.
Jesus came to enforce the will of God

Luk 13:11-17 kjva 11 And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. 12 And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. 13 And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God. 14 And the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation, because that Jesus had healed on the sabbath day, and said unto the people, There are six days in which men ought to work: in them therefore come and be healed, and not on the sabbath day. 15 The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering? 16 And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day? 17 And when he had said these things, all his adversaries were ashamed: and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him.

Their has Been adversity in this thread. Unlearned things brought up like Job, Paul's thorn..... All to remove Faith with foolish questioning. Despite what some think it's proof the Lord is not Good nor cares to help, the women was a daughter of Abraham.

She did not come to Jesus, he did not question her Faith as others. Jesus said, "this daughter of Abraham should be loosed"

Psa 105:9-10 kjva 9 Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; 10 And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant:

Gal 3:29 kjva And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

So despite all the opposition and unbelief. If you are Christ's, then your Abrahams seed and must be loosed from any infirmity that comes on you.

God would have to be a liar, and breaker of covenants to say to you it's not my will to heal you.

To any that would oppose and make excuses as to why we are might not be healed like they did Jesus who set a daughter of the seed and promise free.

I'll let the unchanging word of God speak.

And when he had said these things, all his adversaries were ashamed

It's one thing to ask questions, it's a whole other thing to destroy the Faith by which the promise was made.
Is Jesus a respecter of persons? NO! Does He change? NO! If Jesus healed that man because it was His will, will He heal you? YES!

Yes, He can heal us, but there's no guarantee that He will. Sometimes He uses sickness for good. Sometimes He uses sickness to deliver a soul from bondage. I've personally seen Him use disease as an answer to prayer. That individual is better off today, spiritually, than he was before the cancer.

Yes, God can heal. I've seen it. He just doesn't heal everyone.

Please forgive if this is not phrased real good..
Jesus healed that man, He healed many... He did not leprosy He healed that man. .. His will at that time was to heal that man...
Don't misunderstand me i believe in divine healing....I just dont believe it is under our control.. It is under His will... one size does not fit...
John 9
1 Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth.
2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
3 Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.

In His own time.

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so its a works base salvation you believe then? well what sin haven't you sinned today? you do realize that its not just cancer that kills. shoot people die from the condition I have. I thought once about diving because I have asthma they would have check the amount of lung scaring! yup astma does that. so while its too expense for me to that diving then I figured I would ask. james in context with a little help.

now then so you believe that YOU must be That Holy daily that God's grace is just one day at a time? seriously that is what you just said. for it is appointed for ALL men to die and then unto judgment. we are in that all and the judgement is adjucted by the blood but we will all die. cancer, diseases will all take us or war or murder etc. there has been NO man that has died healthy. they don't do autopsy on the eldery, why? because common sense says if they didn't die under suspiscion they don't bother checking. other wise men wouldn't die. I also didn't mention dementia all forms kill and guess what contact sports can cause that prematurely. any time you have a concussion that increases the risk. its listed as a disease! so its a sin to play football, other contact sports. to be hit by an ied that causes a a concussion?

I also add this, for the death of the saints is a sweet incense to the lord.
the steps of the righteous are ordered by the lord. our birth and our deaths are known to him and ordained by him. yes Calvinistic a bit but we cant deny there is truth in that. we do have some say but NOTHING we do that he didn't foreknow. sorry I disagree. sometimes God will allow men to die. I personally know a man now that will die from parkinsons. he is saved.but he cant talk now, he isn't old. its that quick for him, sad, he has a great testimony, but he is there and I doubt sin had much do with it in his new life. probably injuries from his drug days.
Parkinsons is a genetic disorder. Any child born to a person who carries the gene has a 50/50 chance that they also carry the gene. My son-in--law could be tested to see if he is a carrier, his father has Parkinsons.
Yes, He can heal us, but there's no guarantee that He will. Sometimes He uses sickness for good. Sometimes He uses sickness to deliver a soul from bondage. I've personally seen Him use disease as an answer to prayer. That individual is better off today, spiritually, than he was before the cancer.

Yes, God can heal. I've seen it. He just doesn't heal everyone.


Sickness is not good Gary. Every sickness from great to least was designed to destroy, and steal the quality of life. That is scripture Gary, and we are suppose to be corrected by it.

Learn to discern good from what is evil. You seem to be confused that cancer, sorrow from pain and unable to help your family could in anyway be good.

You remind me of the women who told me God gave her husband a heart attack to witness to the young man in his hospital room. The man got saved.

Those that are the sons of God are led by the heart attacks of God.
Sickness is not good Gary. Every sickness from great to least was designed to destroy, and steal the quality of life.

Well I guess we just see things different.

It happens. I'm ok with it.

You seem to be confused that cancer, sorrow from pain and unable to help your family could in anyway be good.

You can say that because you haven't experienced what I have.

Learn to discern good from what is evil.

Okay. :thumbsup

Well I guess we just see things different.

It happens. I'm ok with it.

You can say that because you haven't experienced what I have.

Okay. :thumbsup


Gary, experience does not determine the word. The word should determine the experience.

Billions are going to he'll. I don't let their condition determine that I also believe I have to go to he'll.

Many Christians get killed. I don't let that change what I believe that no weapon formed against me can prosper.

We need to stop taking unfavorable experiences and through pride try to line up, twisting scripture to prove out God does not care enough to help all the time.

We should instead say I need to understand more and believe more, as it can't be that it's God who did not want me healed.

We come short Gary, not God.

As for experience? You act as if yours can trump anyone's else when it's the same devil with no new devices. The outcome can be different, but same flood that hit both houses.


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