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Bible Study Lets Talk About God's Will to heal.


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Well, my wife started getting better after everyone's prayers.
She had a great night's sleep and is without pain today.
I believe he healed her.

Oh Rollo, Praise the Lord indeed. The Holy Spirit assured me that she would be healed that day! Rollo, I'm so glad for you because there is nothing worse than watching your beloved suffer in pain when there is no way for you to help her. I watched my wonderful first wife die of cancer. For three years she suffered. I retired from the full time ministry to care for her. I did not have the faith for healing that I do now.

Again, Praise our healing God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Disobedient brings sickness, poverty and the dark path which they stumble and know not what they stumbled on.

You bring lots of natural things others have gotten not gotten, when we are told to work out our own salvation (healing and such) with fear and trembling.

Show me 50 young soldiers who enlisted to serve, and I'll show you 45 who never sought the Lord to see if enlisting was his call and will for their lives.
really? so you HONESTLY believe that if one is called to serve, that you wouldn't die? wow, just wow. uhm god told paul long before paul said anything about going to Jerusalem what would happen. I must disagree. to assume that is also to say the men like me that have ptsd symptoms and had it. are and were in sin to get it in the first place. that is a tad too much for me, there. god died on the cross to protect us from all manner of suffering. odd, paul says other wise to know the SUFFERRING of the Lord. kill a man and live with that act and see what it does to you. it will eat at you. much of what ptsd is that. you see something that traumatizes you and you don't know to deal with it. either you seek the rush or avoid the rush, one or the other.

I guess missioniaries that were killed by the chemical attacks must be sin too. imagine that. they died while trying to be with the lost that they cared about.

just wow. so we don't learn from pain and sickness? I know a man who wasn't healed miraculously of cancer but by medicine as that was the answer to his prayer. he said that was the BEST thing that ever happened to HIM. he said he had CHURCH everyday while in bed. health and wealth can be distractions. what is the purpose of the cross? to do what? to redeem men Now or ultimately?

I walked a mile with happiness and she rambled on and I learned little. I walked a while with sorrow and narry a word she spoke but l LEARNED a lot.
and some wonder why I reject the prosperity teachings of ken Copeland et all. its just salvation after all if you aren't believing as I say. great. im glad that im not going to live in this form forever. if im sick, is the victory that I have been given LOST? NO, I win either way. If im healed, I have more time on the earth, if I die im in HEAVEN. so how can it be a lie of the devil to say god allows men to die from sickness when he could be calling them HOME!
Obviously it is in God's will for suffering. 1 Peter 4:19 So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.

I know that I began to see God through my pain.

I know that I have someone very close to me (my mama) that hardly ever gets sick and she boasts about it, but very far from God.

I would take on every illness in my body, before I would have one more day without the knowledge of my faithful creator.
In light of God healing Rollo's Wife of diverticulitis, I'd like to post two more healing Scriptures. One from the Old Covenant and one from the New Covenant.

1. Proverbs 4:20 "My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 4:21 Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. 4:22 For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. 4:23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."

2. Isaiah 55:10 "For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 55:11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."

The Scriptures teach us that the Word of God is alive. Just like food, that is alive as well in that when we eat, we don't know what happens inside our bodies, but the food meets our bodily needs. We receive strength, our body gets the necessary fuel it needs to function etc. etc. So it is with God's Word. The more we study it, the stronger spiritually we get. Our spirit gets the necessary fuel it needs to believe in faith that something important will happen.

Hey, if we continue to eat more food than we need, we get fat. The more Scripture we study, we get fat spiritually. My friends, simply read, read, read the Word of God, study, study, and study the Word of God. Because God sends His Word to accomplish what He desires in each of the healing verses, if we believe that it is His will to cause each healing verse to accomplish His healing, shouldn't we believe it? Shouldn't we act on it? God wants us to, that's why He put it there!
well in context of the time that proverbs were written that words there would be called the torah and the context of what is shalom is what is meant by that world life. shalom is a greeting used today. it is short for shalom alechum which means may the peace of God be with you. when its the torah that we are to do and be blessed with a right place with god. that doesn't mean that one is healthy. remember the faithful serveant and mother of Samuel? she was barren. and then had her prayer answered. so was sarai, and others,

the idea there is life is a bit different then what you suggest though it can include that. but its so much more then just healings. shalom and its usage are an interesting study.
Oh Rollo, Praise the Lord indeed. The Holy Spirit assured me that she would be healed that day! Rollo, I'm so glad for you because there is nothing worse than watching your beloved suffer in pain when there is no way for you to help her. I watched my wonderful first wife die of cancer. For three years she suffered. I retired from the full time ministry to care for her. I did not have the faith for healing that I do now.

Again, Praise our healing God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you realize what you are saying here? Just a little common sense goes a long ways. We see everyday that people become sick, are not healed and die from that illness. We are heaping judgement on those that have family,loved ones,friends.....themselves that are sick!

It was ultimately your fault that your wife died because you did not have the faith for healing? And it was your wifes fault also, because she didn't have enough faith? And the logical conclusion is this also.....your church didn't have enough faith, anyone that was close to her didn't have enough faith.....she was surrounded by a bunch of weak,faithless Christians that ultimately Killed her. Just a bunch of worthless,faithless children that don't even deserve salvation. For crying out loud.

What ever happened to Heaven? Why such a battle to stay here in this sick twisted world?
English Standard Version
But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”—
Obviously it is in God's will for suffering. 1 Peter 4:19 So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.

I know that I began to see God through my pain.

I know that I have someone very close to me (my mama) that hardly ever gets sick and she boasts about it, but very far from God.

I would take on every illness in my body, before I would have one more day without the knowledge of my faithful creator.

Jesus already bore every illness in his body, you also don't need to be sick to learn more knowledge about God. Your not catching on here being well concerning who God is and his will. Being sick is not going to help you at all.

And no, there are no scriptures saying it God's will we suffer. Suffering is a by product for the words sake.

It says you resist the devil, steadfast in Faith, nothing wavering, putting on the whole armor of God. Our Faith overcomes this world by which there shall be troubles.

You only begsin to see God through your pain because you where stupid like me and sought the Lord stronger as we draw closer to him he draws closer to us.

I sought the Lord after facing 90 years in prison. I was stupid and should have been diligently seeking him before trouble came.
Do you realize what you are saying here? Just a little common sense goes a long ways. We see everyday that people become sick, are not healed and die from that illness. We are heaping judgement on those that have family,loved ones,friends.....themselves that are sick!

It was ultimately your fault that your wife died because you did not have the faith for healing? And it was your wifes fault also, because she didn't have enough faith? And the logical conclusion is this also.....your church didn't have enough faith, anyone that was close to her didn't have enough faith.....she was surrounded by a bunch of weak,faithless Christians that ultimately Killed her. Just a bunch of worthless,faithless children that don't even deserve salvation. For crying out loud.

What ever happened to Heaven? Why such a battle to stay here in this sick twisted world?
English Standard Version
But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”—

Nobody said a thing about someone not having enough Faith.

Also, it's not the wife, husband, church, who needs the Faith, it's the one needing healed unless a child.


Jesus said all things are possible to them that believe.

What happens if you don't believe? Don't know God's will?
And no, there are no scriptures saying it God's will we suffer.

New American Standard Bible
Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.

Nobody said a thing about someone not having enough Faith.

Also, it's not the wife, husband, church, who needs the Faith, it's the one needing healed unless a child.


Jesus said all things are possible to them that believe.

What happens if you don't believe? Don't know God's will?
Then why was Choppers first wife not healed Mike?
As for experience? You act as if yours can trump anyone's else when it's the same devil with no new devices. The outcome can be different, but same flood that hit both houses.

You do know that you just called God the devil.................................right?



Do you realize what you are saying here? Just a little common sense goes a long ways. We see everyday that people become sick, are not healed and die from that illness. We are heaping judgement on those that have family,loved ones,friends.....themselves that are sick!

This is true.

New American Standard Bible
Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.

Then why was Choppers first wife not healed Mike?

Ya know, I had that scripture in mind when I posted, but I did not think anyone would actually go there.

Let's read this together Grace.

Who Suffer According to the Will of God...........................

Those who live godly shall suffer persecutions. There shall be trouble in the World, but fear not, I have overcome the World. Affliction arises for the Word sake.

Those that are doing right, living right do run into the flood, the persecution. (Verses is not talking about sickness which is what this thread is about)

Doing right, and living right is the Will of God. If we suffering according to the Will of God, then that is a good position.

It is not saying it's God's will that we suffer, but suffer in the Will of God doing right.

Chopper's Wife....
Not everyone gets Healed, not everyone gets saved, not everyone gets their needs met.

My own wife had a serious infection and need immediate gull badder surgery. (gale???) She stood on the Word several days, but she just got worse.

She asked me, and I told her by the Holy Spirit it's according to your faith, I can only agree with you. You can die, or whatever you decide.
So, she is in the emergency room thinking about what I said. It's one thing to talk about faith, it's another to actually use your faith.

Is God faithful, will God heal me? That is the million dollar question. My wife had to decide what she really believed. She literally could not even walk. She believed as she said she was healed, but her body was not lining up with that. I already knew that the emergency surgery would not go well, but I had to be quite and let her and God sort this out. That is hard to do. I asked the Lord to help her, give her wisdom. Help her faith.

So, she is in the hospital and fell asleep. In her sleep she had a dream about them operating on her. Things were going wrong with the surgery, it was all wrong. She woke up, and stood up and said, "Devil, I am done. This goes no further, I am healed, and your not stealing anything from me. I had enough."

My wife then walks out of the hospital, and I take her home.

That was the last day she had pain, or any issue with her gull bladder. Stone after stone in small pieces just passed through her for two days constantly. That was 5 years ago.

I don't know about Chopper's wife. For Chopper to believe God wants to help and heal after that tragic experience is amazing and a man who seeks truth, not looking at the natural, but fixed on the Word, saying this won't happen again devil.

It's written, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

All my heart to do Grace is for you to see, and others that our Father in Heaven is awesome and always helps us in time of need. He is the healer, provider, and has great mercy even when we fall short.

What dose it hurt to say only, "My God will always see me through all things, my Father loves me."

What is wrong with just saying that, instead of I am sick, or this could kill me?

If you saw my son Grace, full of busted blood vessels, and barely breathing as the cancer ravaged his little body, you have to understand why I want you to know, God always will Heal you and help you. You can stand up and say, "NO devil, not my house. My God is bigger than you and no plague shall come neigh my dwelling."

You do know that you just called God the devil.................................right?


I would need that explained Brother. Saying works of evil is of God is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

Chopper has suffered much, but has a heart for others to see just how awesome God is if we agree with him. agreement means our words and actions line up with what he said, He said by his stripes we are healed.. That is spiritual, but all things happen in that realm first before becoming a physical reality.

I want you to see, and have what I have seen and experienced in my own life. More than once. Then share it with others.

Blessings Gary, it's hard to change doctrine and belief systems, but God is our helper in all things.
In light of God healing Rollo's Wife of diverticulitis, I'd like to post two more healing Scriptures. One from the Old Covenant and one from the New Covenant.

1. Proverbs 4:20 "My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 4:21 Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. 4:22 For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. 4:23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."

2. Isaiah 55:10 "For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 55:11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."

The Scriptures teach us that the Word of God is alive. Just like food, that is alive as well in that when we eat, we don't know what happens inside our bodies, but the food meets our bodily needs. We receive strength, our body gets the necessary fuel it needs to function etc. etc. So it is with God's Word. The more we study it, the stronger spiritually we get. Our spirit gets the necessary fuel it needs to believe in faith that something important will happen.

Hey, if we continue to eat more food than we need, we get fat. The more Scripture we study, we get fat spiritually. My friends, simply read, read, read the Word of God, study, study, and study the Word of God. Because God sends His Word to accomplish what He desires in each of the healing verses, if we believe that it is His will to cause each healing verse to accomplish His healing, shouldn't we believe it? Shouldn't we act on it? God wants us to, that's why He put it there!

My heart is to see others understand their Fathers willingness to help. When my son got sick, The devil was way to late, I was strong. Now it's a testimony against him. When I was facing 90 years in prison, I was not strong, but it was hard. I turned to God and cried out for help.
I drank many beer's and read my one scripture about the unjust Judge and how God would help them though he bare long with their crying.
I cried much, no faith, but that parable I held onto.

Amazing I ended up in Jail in Branson MO, Twice....... I came here to go to church, not visit the Jail. I could say God put me in Jail to witness to the people I had a chance to, but in reality I ignored the direction of the Holy Spirit. Bless God those people were given the Word in Jail, through my disobedience. God is good.
In light of God healing Rollo's Wife of diverticulitis, I'd like to post two more healing Scriptures. One from the Old Covenant and one from the New Covenant.

1. Proverbs 4:20 "My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 4:21 Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. 4:22 For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. 4:23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."

2. Isaiah 55:10 "For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 55:11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."

The Scriptures teach us that the Word of God is alive. Just like food, that is alive as well in that when we eat, we don't know what happens inside our bodies, but the food meets our bodily needs. We receive strength, our body gets the necessary fuel it needs to function etc. etc. So it is with God's Word. The more we study it, the stronger spiritually we get. Our spirit gets the necessary fuel it needs to believe in faith that something important will happen.

Hey, if we continue to eat more food than we need, we get fat. The more Scripture we study, we get fat spiritually. My friends, simply read, read, read the Word of God, study, study, and study the Word of God. Because God sends His Word to accomplish what He desires in each of the healing verses, if we believe that it is His will to cause each healing verse to accomplish His healing, shouldn't we believe it? Shouldn't we act on it? God wants us to, that's why He put it there!

My heart is to see others understand their Fathers willingness to help. When my son got sick, The devil was way to late, I was strong. Now it's a testimony against him. When I was facing 90 years in prison, I was not strong, but it was hard. I turned to God and cried out for help.
I drank many beer's and read my one scripture about the unjust Judge and how God would help them though he bare long with their crying.
I cried much, no faith, but that parable I held onto.

Amazing I ended up in Jail in Branson MO, Twice....... I came here to go to church, not visit the Jail. I could say God put me in Jail to witness to the people I had a chance to, but in reality I ignored the direction of the Holy Spirit. Bless God those people were given the Word in Jail, through my disobedience. God is good.
Ya know, I had that scripture in mind when I posted, but I did not think anyone would actually go there.

Let's read this together Grace.

Who Suffer According to the Will of God...........................

Those who live godly shall suffer persecutions. There shall be trouble in the World, but fear not, I have overcome the World. Affliction arises for the Word sake.

Those that are doing right, living right do run into the flood, the persecution. (Verses is not talking about sickness which is what this thread is about)

Doing right, and living right is the Will of God. If we suffering according to the Will of God, then that is a good position.

It is not saying it's God's will that we suffer, but suffer in the Will of God doing right.

Chopper's Wife....
Not everyone gets Healed, not everyone gets saved, not everyone gets their needs met.

My own wife had a serious infection and need immediate gull badder surgery. (gale???) She stood on the Word several days, but she just got worse.

She asked me, and I told her by the Holy Spirit it's according to your faith, I can only agree with you. You can die, or whatever you decide.
So, she is in the emergency room thinking about what I said. It's one thing to talk about faith, it's another to actually use your faith.

Is God faithful, will God heal me? That is the million dollar question. My wife had to decide what she really believed. She literally could not even walk. She believed as she said she was healed, but her body was not lining up with that. I already knew that the emergency surgery would not go well, but I had to be quite and let her and God sort this out. That is hard to do. I asked the Lord to help her, give her wisdom. Help her faith.

So, she is in the hospital and fell asleep. In her sleep she had a dream about them operating on her. Things were going wrong with the surgery, it was all wrong. She woke up, and stood up and said, "Devil, I am done. This goes no further, I am healed, and your not stealing anything from me. I had enough."

My wife then walks out of the hospital, and I take her home.

That was the last day she had pain, or any issue with her gull bladder. Stone after stone in small pieces just passed through her for two days constantly. That was 5 years ago.

I don't know about Chopper's wife. For Chopper to believe God wants to help and heal after that tragic experience is amazing and a man who seeks truth, not looking at the natural, but fixed on the Word, saying this won't happen again devil.

It's written, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

All my heart to do Grace is for you to see, and others that our Father in Heaven is awesome and always helps us in time of need. He is the healer, provider, and has great mercy even when we fall short.

What dose it hurt to say only, "My God will always see me through all things, my Father loves me."

What is wrong with just saying that, instead of I am sick, or this could kill me?

If you saw my son Grace, full of busted blood vessels, and barely breathing as the cancer ravaged his little body, you have to understand why I want you to know, God always will Heal you and help you. You can stand up and say, "NO devil, not my house. My God is bigger than you and no plague shall come neigh my dwelling."

I would need that explained Brother. Saying works of evil is of God is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

Chopper has suffered much, but has a heart for others to see just how awesome God is if we agree with him. agreement means our words and actions line up with what he said, He said by his stripes we are healed.. That is spiritual, but all things happen in that realm first before becoming a physical reality.

I want you to see, and have what I have seen and experienced in my own life. More than once. Then share it with others.

Blessings Gary, it's hard to change doctrine and belief systems, but God is our helper in all things.
Mike, so why did Choppers first wife not get healed?
I would need that explained Brother.

I said this.

Yes, He can heal us, but there's no guarantee that He will. Sometimes He uses sickness for good. Sometimes He uses sickness to deliver a soul from bondage. I've personally seen Him use disease as an answer to prayer. That individual is better off today, spiritually, than he was before the cancer.

You eventually got around to saying this about my comment above.

As for experience? You act as if yours can trump anyone's else when it's the same devil with no new devices. The outcome can be different, but same flood that hit both houses.

I can see it. How about you?

Saying works of evil is of God is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

Show me the verse.

Do you realize what you are saying here? Just a little common sense goes a long ways. We see everyday that people become sick, are not healed and die from that illness. We are heaping judgement on those that have family,loved ones,friends.....themselves that are sick!

It was ultimately your fault that your wife died because you did not have the faith for healing? And it was your wifes fault also, because she didn't have enough faith? And the logical conclusion is this also.....your church didn't have enough faith, anyone that was close to her didn't have enough faith..she was surrounded by a bunch of weak,faithless Christians that ultimately Killed her. Just a bunch of worthless,faithless children that don't even deserve salvation. For crying out loud.

What ever happened to Heaven? Why such a battle to stay here in this sick twisted world?
English Standard Version
But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”—

This post to me is an insult. It is obvious to me that you have not considered Scripture that reveals matters such as I wrote about. Example: Matthew 13:58 "And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief."

During the period between 1990 and 1993 when my dear wife and partner in the ministry was terminal, I had just come out of serving as the pastor of Baptist Churches because there was no real teaching on healing the sick other than "if it is Thy will." I knew that there was a lot of Scripture that I was unaware of that would have healed my Wife.

I decided to go to a Holiness Pentecostal ministry, Church/ Bible Institute, to learn new theology. My Dear Wife died before I could settle in my mind that it is God's will to heal. If you desire to put blame on something, put it on the theology of Seminaries and Bible Colleges that teach "if it is God's will to heal" otherwise it's not His will. That's what's wrong with this situation.

Had I properly understood what the will of God is back then, my Wife would be here today....Therefore I take offense at your characterization of my family and friends as....(your quote) "she was surrounded by a bunch of weak,faithless Christians that ultimately Killed her. Just a bunch of worthless,faithless children that don't even deserve salvation. For crying out loud." You will be judged for that un-spiritual statement.
Mike, so why did Choppers first wife not get healed?

Chopper has never told me about his wife, God has never mentioned her to me. There are many reasons why folks don't get healed and lack of Faith is not at the top of the list. Naaman for example was told to wash in the river Jordan, but............

2Ki 5:10-11 kjva 10 And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean. 11 But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the LORD his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper.

Naaman walked away mad, because he was not in agreement with the man of God on how he was supposed to be healed. In his mind on how it was suppose to work was far different on how God wanted to do it.

Listen to what else Naaman says.....

2Ki 5:12 kjva Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not wash in them, and be clean? So he turned and went away in a rage.

People are like this, if God wanted me healed then God would heal me. God just hits me up with healing power and shazam I get healed.

My group (WOF) is really bad at this, they know God's will on healing, but they just want to make confessions and do their own thing. It don't always work out for them. Same as Naaman,

Call on the name of the Lord, and he shall strike his hand over the place and Presto, the leper is clean. Forget that washing in a dirty river stuff.

Had Naaman not obeyed finally, then despite God's will to heal him, he would not have been healed.

Same with king Asa.

2Ch 16:12 kjva And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians.

We don't speculate on why someone is not healed unless the Lord tells us.
This post to me is an insult. It is obvious to me that you have not considered Scripture that reveals matters such as I wrote about. Example: Matthew 13:58 "And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief."

Read my post above brother. Though I am sure your wife was surrounded by unbelief and constant be thy will prayers, it's just speculation that is the reason she did not get healed unless the Lord told you.

Even my own wife who had a serious medical condition and needed surgery. She could not even walk and was in great pain, confessing and believing. If you listened to her it sounded like awesome Faith. Still not healed though.

So she asked me. I told her my Faith won't save you. You can die, hope the surgery goes well, or believe what God said. Ye are healed

She thought she was believing what God said. What I told her did not make sense. I prayed God would help her see it.

So in the hospital waiting on surgery she had a dream. Things were wrong, she should not be there, why surgery if your healed. I'm healed, I don't need surgery.

She saw it. If your healed you don't need surgery and the pain does not determine if your healed. She walked out. That was 5 years ago and no issues since, perfectly fine.

Now had she died, everyone would tell you my wife was a strong believer, that she confessed she was already healed but died anyway.

Then the unlearned would post her story to prove it's not always God's will to heal.

My wife being in so much pain was basing her healing by not feeling as much pain. The more she hurt the more she would confess. We don't base the word being true on natural things. She had to go from waiting to be healed, to I had enough, God said I am healed.


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