duval said:
In a response to Mondar Francis referred to me as among some who ''BELIEVE THEY ARE THEIR OWN CHURCH AND TEACHING AUTHORITY.'' He is a paragon for building strawmen. I have NEVER said, NOR do I BELIEVE I am my own church and teaching authority. I do believe ALL men have the God given right to READ and UNDERSTAND scripture, myself included.
Over and over, your arguments state that you are the final point of deciding what is truth and what is not truth. You have not cited any Scriptures to prove this, and continue to ignore the verses I post.
Thus, yet again, I say "Pot, meet kettle" in your accusations.
Your strawman is that the Catholic Church does not allow people to read and understand Scriptures, something I have continuously denied. But you wouldn't want to read and accept such things, as it deflates your idea of what the Church is. IF you took the time to understand my posts, perhaps we could move on. But just as in our "debate", you do not want to address the issues, but rather cloud everything with false accusations and subjects off topic.
duval said:
I asked what the Bible makes, if NOT Christians? Francis answered, ''IT MAKES US BETTER CHRISTIANS.'' Of course it does! But WHAT BEFORE they were made "better Christians"? Why Christians, of course! If not why not?
I have already answered your idea that the Bible is a talisman that magically transforms people out of the blue. It doesn't work that way. It is GOD who transforms. In some cases, the Bible is an instrument, part of the package that God uses to move people to love Him. But yet again, for those who are have problems picking up on what I write, I'll write bigger...
This totally destroys your idea that "The Bible and ONLY the Bible makes Christians...
duval said:
But Francis says that "READING THE BIBLE DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY COVERT PEOPLE.' True, that goes without saying. The devil quoted scripture. The denoms trinbled and believed. They are not saved, Matt.25:41, Jas.2:19. Jesus taught, but many rejected Him, Jn.1:11. Paul taught truth, but not all obeyed, Acts 17:32. Francis no one is claiming the "magical.''
You have by saying the Bible and ONLY the Bible ALWAYS makes Christians. Nothing else does, according to you. Sounds pretty magical to me that paper and ink turn people into Christians...
I always thought the Holy Spirit does such work. And you say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about His role in conversion. ONLY a book converts people...
Sure thing, Duval... A supposedly-knowledgeable bible reader comes up with a non-biblical idea that "the bible ONLY makes Christians" while ignoring what the Bible says ACTUALLY changes people - the Holy Spirit!!! You got a lot of room to talk about NOT citing verses and talking about jargon and subjects not even in Scriptures... Such hypocrisy.
The fact that some are NOT saved after hearing the Gospel speaks VOLUMES for the idea that the Bible doesn't always makes converts, nor that ONLY the Bible converts people...
duval said:
Francis further said "Acts 2 RELATES A COUNT OF 3,000 CHRISTIANS BAPTIZED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PENTECOST WITHOUT A NT BIBLE.'' Of course it was without a writtren NT.
Another admittance that you are wrong. The Bible isn't the only thing that makes Christians. I shudder to think of your motives on why you continue to hold to a fantasy that YOU YOURSELF are now showing is incorrect.
duval said:
BUT we have it today! They had at that time the written OT and the OT wrote of that which was to come (the Catholic church was yet centuries in the future).
And yet again, you show you are lacking knowledge in history. The Cathoilc Church was instituted by Christ - "go and teach all that I have taught to the world". With this, the Church, the People of God were no longer to be Jews, but all people were granted the ability to come - a universal Church, a Catholic Church.
duval said:
Remember what was said about the "SEED" being the Word of God Lk.8:15???
What about it?
duval said:
Furthermore, the 3,000 were not baptized ''IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PENTECOST.'' They were baptized ON the day of Pentecost, "the same day''Acts 2:41. Also, 3,000 Christians WERE NOT baptized in Acts 2.
I see. When you cannot defend your argument, resort to such silly games. The Pentacost event preceded the baptism of 3000. The Holy Spirit came, and shortly AFTER, 3000 were baptized.
Three thousand were baptized and made Christian as a result - which is found in Acts 2. It goes without saying that Christians are not baptized... This is just simple nit-picking because you can't address the argument.
duval said:
One more thing, in Acts 26 when Paul preached to Agrippa, he responded: "Almost thou persuadeth me to be a Christian", vs.28. WHAT? CHRISTIAN?? Francis, Agrippa KNEW exactly what Paul wanted him to BE. A CHRISTIAN NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS AND NOTHING DIFFERENT!!!
Ah, another proof that the Bible was not absolutely needed.
Thanks yet again for providing the nails for the coffin that only the Bible makes Christians. Hopefully, you can finally come on board with some common sense and admit you are wrong...
duval said:
Agrippa knew that, Paul knew that and WE should know that. Herein lies much of our division. True, the NT was not then completed , but they had the PROPHETS, vs.27. REMEMBER THE SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD, Lk.8. We now have the account in our completed NT.
How do you know? Where does the Bible say that? Where does the Bible even list what Scriptures ARE??? It is the Church, the pillar of truth, that made this recognition public to the community. Not from study of the Bible.
duval said:
Dad0f10 asked me about what was taught by Nathaniel and Thomas, etc. I don't know what they said except for a few words recorded in the NT. I DO believe that whatever it was they may have said it was in harmony with what is written in tihe NT as they were led by the same Spirit and the Spirit would not inspire with contradictions. I assume we agree. Jn.21:25 says not all that Jesus did was recorded. Yet we have what is necessary for us to have, II Pet.1:3 and Dt.29:29.
Dt 29:29 eliminates the entire NT. You going to go with that argument??? The depths one must enter into so that they can be their own church...