Looking for Jesus according to Matthew

Jesus vs the religious leaders

Matthew 9:24

- “The girl is not dead, but asleep.”

- Another powerful verse! When someone you appreciate a lot dies, what do you think about the situation?

- lie down, rest, fall asleep!

- Is that so difficult to understand?

- You can twist the meaning of the words, that’s free will!

- You can deceive others, but you can’t deceive Yah.weh!

- There is always a price to pay sooner or later!

- Of course, those who don’t check and are deceived as a consequence are also responsible!

- If we don’t do our part of the job, we are also responsible!

- We don’t have any excuse!


to sleep, be fast asleep, Mt. 8:24; 9:24; met. to sleep in spiritual sloth, Eph. 5:14; 1 Thess. 5:6; to sleep the sleep of death, to die, 1 Thess. 5:10

Usage: The Greek verb "katheudó" primarily means "to sleep" in a literal sense, referring to the natural state of rest. It is used in the New Testament to describe physical sleep but can also carry metaphorical implications, such as spiritual lethargy or unawareness. The term is often employed to contrast spiritual vigilance with complacency.

Cultural and Historical Background: In the Greco-Roman world, sleep was understood as a natural and necessary part of life, often associated with rest and rejuvenation. However, in Jewish and early Christian thought, sleep could also symbolize spiritual unpreparedness or moral indifference. The New Testament writers used this duality to encourage believers to remain spiritually alert and prepared for the return of Christ.
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Matthew 9:27-30

- We see two blind men, they know who Jesus is and what he can do and they don’t want to miss the opportunity so they keep searching him and he asks them a question and THEIR EYES RECEIVE SIGHT like a gift but they had to struggle to get it! Do we really strive to take the opportunity Jesus gives us before it is too late? If we want Jesus to come to us, we have to sincerely come to him and look for him! It is a personal choice and it is our decision, not others! Jesus warned the inhabitants of Jerusalem and those who escaped were saved, the others died or were taken into slavery! It doesn’t matter if people listen to their religious leaders or not, they decided and they paid the price, that’s it!

- The two blind men had to struggle to get it!

- Today it is the same about Jesus’ teaching!

- The world doesn’t care about it!

- They prefer having fun!

- They live in the present!

- They don’t care about the future!

- But the present and the future are connected!

- And Jesus is our present and future!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Matthew 9:32-34

- People bring him a speechless man possessed by a demon!

- Jesus expels the demon!

- The speechless man speaks again!

- The crowds are amazed!

- As usual, the Pharisees oppose him!

- They call him the ruler of the demons!

- Can we say, on the one hand, GOOD SENSE from NORMAL PEOPLE and, on the other hand, BLINDNESS from RELIGIOUS LEADERS!

- It was not the first miracle by Jesus!

- They perfectly knew what he had been doing!

- There was no comparison between him and them!

- They didn’t express any shame!

- In fact, it is quite usual in this world!

- We see people who act as if they knew everything!

- But they only say empty words!

- First, you must express yourself and develop your ideas!

- First, we must demonstrate that we can think by writing articles!

- If we are good to nothing, people are going to laugh at us!

- First, we must demonstrate our humility and that we can think seriously!

- Otherwise it’s dead!

- Otherwise we should shut our mouths!

- But it can also show who is serious and who is not!

- Then seriousness is put ahead!

- Then excellence is put ahead and it shows others to look for seriousness and excellence!