Well, this explains a lot. You are the victim of the very outrageous and heretical "Jesus Seminar"
. Personally, I'll keep this in mind for future reference. I'm not going to debate this here. In fact, I'll probably find one of many threads that have likely been created or start a new one. The agenda of those who created the Jesus Seminar drove the outcome of this process and was completely fraudulent.
the jesus seminar (which i specifically said had done
some good work) has little to do with the these following points which i made to you and which you ignored:
1. Matthew (1:18-21) says that news of Mary’s pregnancy was announced only to Joseph, by an angel in a dream, and only after Jesus had been conceived. Luke (1:26-31) on the other hand, says that Gabriel appeared to Mary while she was awake and explained everything to her before Jesus was conceived. Neither angel cautions silence, so it’s unlikely that one wouldn’t have told the other — and so they can’t both be true.
2. i think if the angel appeared to mary her family would be less likely to doubt jesus. especially when zacharaia and elizabeth, also included in the family of jesus, were also visited by the angel.
3. paul tells us nothing about the virgin birth. this for me is the clincher. if it was so important, he would have written down in his letters. but no, he tells us only that we need believe christ is risen and here to save us of our sins, not that we must believe the in circumstances surrounding his birth. only that we believe the circumstances surrounding his death. and if the virgin birth is so integral theologically, why do 2 of the gospels make no mention of it?
4. what the point of telling us jesus' geneology, telling us how jospeh is descended from david and abraham if jesus is not even related to jospeh by blood? (also note the two very different genealogies in the only two gospels which mention the virgin birth)
5. the misreading of Isaiah 7:14 is the well documented mistranslation of virgin. the greek septuagint which matthew used translates it as “a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,” but the hebrew word “almah” means “young woman of marriageable age,” not a virigin. "betulah" is the hebrew word for virgin, and it is not used in isaiah. this is the contextualization to which i referred to earlier. i think much of the nativity story was added after the death of jesus, and made to fit certain prophesies from the OT, like his birth in bethlehem (i also have problems with the historicity of the census or the slaughter of babies (which john the baptist somehow survived without fleeing).
i would very much appreciate a response to these
1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect