CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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Hi Quantrill,Concerning the Fall:
I certainly believe the fall was all part of God's plan. If it wasn't, as I have said, then something occurred outside of God's will. satan messed up God's plan. And I don't believe that.
In other words, Adam and Eve in a pristine environment was not the goal. It was but a means to the goal. That goal being sons, not just made by God, but born of God. And that was not possible without the death and rebirth. (John 12:24).
Much like the Mosaic Law. Many treat it as the goal of God. But it was but a means to the goal. Note what David said when he was repenting for his sins. (Ps. 51:16) "For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt-offering." But the Lord did require the sacrifices. But David saw beyond that. The Mosaic sacrifices were but a means to an end. The end being a broken spirit, and contrite heart. (51:17.
Concerning satan's wish for mankind:
satan will never be 'sovereign' as God, though that is his desire. It doesn't matter that he can't be. he wants to be. And, at this time he certainly has authority over the earth. That authority doesn't exceed God's authority. But he has authority. he is the prince of this world. (2 Cor. 4:4) (Eph. 2:2)
satan has antagonism against man because God is going to usurp satans authority over the world and give it to man, who is much lesser at this time than the angels. (Heb. 1:4-14)
satan uses man to come against God, to be like God. satan seeks rule over the earth through rebellion. But God is going to give it to man, through that Man Jesus Christ, through submission to God.
This I believe is his goal.
Concerning (John 1:13)
Man has a will. And that will is exercised. (John 1:12) "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe." The receiving and believing are one act here, not two.
But, to those who believe and receive Christ, they do so only because God affects their will. He opens their eyes. (Matt. 16:13-17) "...Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." Thus our faith, our believe in Christ is too a gift from God. (Eph. 2:8)
So, (John 1:13) says, "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." It is not just the act of rebirth, but the will is emphasized here. Man's will is excluded. God's will is the deciding factor. Just as (Matt. 16:13-17) says also.
Even your faith is not you making a good decision to follow God. It is God has opened your eyes to see. Your will is acted upon by God. Your will is not free.
I can't go back and forth with you about the same topic when nothing new is written.
I'll put it to you very bluntly....
Calvinism messes up the bible very badly.
Your idea that man does not have free will messes up every book in the bible, starting with Genesis.
Your idea about satan is messed up because you think God's free will or sovereignty is at stake. When, really, it is not.
You can't even understand John 1:13, which does NOT say what you THINK it does.
I'll tell you something else. Many Calvinists worry about their salvation.
How could you be sure you're saved until your death comes?
You MUST persevere till the end because this is the only way you could prove that GOD PICKED YOU.
Think about it.
On a practical level, Calvinists do not claim to know who is elect and who is not, and the only guide they have is the verbal testimony and good works (or "fruit") of each individual. "Pastors do not know infallibly who of his listeners are the good soil and who are the bad."[11] Any who "fall away" (that is, do not persevere in the Christian faith until death) is assumed not to have been truly converted to begin with, though Calvinists do not claim to know with certainty who did and who did not persevere.
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseverance_of_the_saints#Reformed_doctrine
Calvin believed that God produces in us the will to obey....
so that if we do not obey, it surely means that we are no saved.
From Calvin's Institutes:
"For so much is the will of the saints inflamed by the Holy Spirit, that they are able, because they are willing; and willing, because God worketh in them so to will." For if, in such weakness (in which, however, to suppress pride, "strength" must be made "perfect,") their own will is left to them, in such sense that, by the help of God, they are able, if they will, while at the same time God does not work in them so as to make them will; among so many temptations and infirmities the will itself would give way, and, consequently, they would not be able to persevere. Therefore, to meet the infirmity of the human will, and prevent it from failing, how weak soever it might be, divine grace was made to act on it inseparably and uninterruptedly. Augustine (ibid. cap. 14). next entering fully into the question, how our hearts follow the movement when God affects them, necessarily says, indeed, that the Lord draws men by their own wills; wills, however, which he himself has produced. We have now an attestation by Augustine to the truth which we are specially desirous to maintain--viz. that the grace offered by the Lord is not merely one which every individual has full liberty of choosing to receive or reject, but a grace which produces in the heart both choice and will: so that all the good works which follow after are its fruit and effect;
source: https://www.biblestudytools.com/history/calvin-institutes-christianity/book2/chapter-3.html