I haven't finished reading this discussion yet so I don't know if this point has been addressed or not. Nonetheless, I think it's a third stance to the idea of obey the law. Of if the law is abolished.
Here's what I mean. In Acts, Peter had a dream that he was hungry and food from heaven came down to feed him, but the animals that were the food were unclean. Peter said that he did not want to eat what was unclean, and God made His point right there, do not think what I've given you is unclean. This dream and a few events that followed gave Peter the kbowledgevthat that Jews aren't the only ones who can be saved. But gentiles also.
Here's the point I mean to address. If we don't have the Spirit guide us, then we should obey the laws as we understand them. To the best of our ability. Just like Peter was trying to do, and not eat unclean foods even in the vision he had.
I don't know about you guys, but I know that a lot of the time I don't feel like I'm led by the spirit. So in those times I still have a guide. The guide being what's in the bible. After all if God has already said it through Jesus's teachings, and I don't remember it, that is on me for not following Jesus. The spirit might not have led me because it should be a lesson to read the bible more.
At least that's my take away from not being as led as I wish I were. We need to trust in God and that means to trust what He's already said before. To search out the scriptures so to search for God, because He might want a lesson learned through study this time, and will lead by the Holy Spirit a different time.