So, there are 3 categories of human beings:
BACs going to heaven, BACs not going to heaven,
and non-believers.
Hi. I didn't read through all 7 pages so I may repeat points already raised.
I would suggest that there is no such thing as a BAC who won't be saved, since it'd defeat the purpose of the ideal for God to damn someone who is born again.
Rather, I think the issue will be closer to what Jesus said when he warned that not all who say, "Lord" will enter the kingdom, but rather only those who obey God. (Mt 7:21). There's lots of people out there claiming to be born again, but they don't obey him.
As for belief, I think we show our belief through our behavior. The author of Hebrews lists a bunch of famous people including Abraham and Moses and suggests that we only know these people had faith
because they demonstrated it through their behavior.
This is consistent with Jesus' oft-repeated warnings about the need to act on his teachings. In Matthew 7, at the end of the famous sermon on the mount, Jesus caps it off with a parable about a wise and foolish man. He says both the wise and the foolish man heard his teachings, but only the wise man acted on them.
In Luke 6:46 he's talking to his own so-called followers and asks them, "Why do you call me Lord, but do not obey me"?
In John 8 he says that
if we follow his teachings
then we will be his disciples, we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free.
And finally, even without any scriptural reference, it's just common sense that we cannot claim to be a follower of some particular discipline if we do not practice the ways of that discipline. You would not believe a person is a mechanic just because he owns a set of tools or that a person is a doctor just because he owns a set of medical books. Neither does it make sense to believe someone is a Christian who does not practice the teachings of Christ.