I'm going to interject a bit here.
From reading this thread I see Doc criticizing the corrupt religion - Talmudism (phariseeism) Kabblah/Zohar(babylonian mysteries). These are the books of the leadership of this corrupt new religion that was laid out from the oral traditions and fully born in Babylon between 200-500 AD. These books are not the Torah(Moses) or the books of the prophets we read as the Old Testament, it is something completely different. Jesus condemned the teachings of phariseeism all through the Gospels. He makes it very clear in Mark 7:1-13 as well.
Christ is the fulfillment of the "shepherds & the sheep" prophecy in Ezekiel 34.
Seems Doc & I see very similar declarations in the scriptures. I too see the dangers of Phariseeism, just as I see dangers in Islam, Theosophy, all the religions that contain fragments of the ancient mystery schools and deny Christ.
I wrote this in response to one who believes in the two-ways concept - aka - Judah is special! Above all people! I've heard those that hold to that dangerous theology actually declare that what Jesus taught was only for the jews and What Paul taught was only for the gentiles. So it seems they only read Paul, Revelations, and Daniel. Because those are they only scriptures they ever really seem to discuss, with one exception Genesis 12:3, which they apply to make 1 tribe out of 14 "special above all people". -
-The land - It is a foreshadowing of greater things to come. The True kingdom. Christ & the Kingdom of God has been taught from the beginning. Go back to Genesis and take a look at what God is teaching through Moses. Take a look at the events. Think about Joseph and how he is cut off from his natural brothers. Sold into slavery to the gentiles and raised up as a savior to his people. Then look at Gen 48. Think about how the cutoff brother becomes restored back to his father Israel. Why do you think Israel adopted Ephraim & Mannasseh(gentiles) as his own sons? Do they represent a Wild branch? Take a look at all the blessing/curses on all the Patriarchs in Gen 48 & 49. Take a close look at the one for Judah. If you read the KJV you'll find the word Shiloh, which means - to whom it rightfully belongs. It is a special word and is only used in this one instance, it represents the coming Christ.
This theme is repeated several times. It is repeated in Exodus through Moses with God calling his people out from the wicked(gentiles/egypt). Christ is proclaimed through the Passover event. Those that believed & obeyed(hebrew & gentile) participated and were saved. Remember they were instructed to tell all their neighbors, and the egyptian people were glad & gave the hebrews silver. It was a mixed multitude that left Egypt, it was a mixed multitude that entered Caanan. Moses instructed the tribes to give the "sojourners" an inheritance as well. Moses warned what will happen and proclaimed Christ. See the Songs of Moses.
It has always been about Christ and the Kingdom of God.
We see the theme repeated as well throughout the rest of the Old Testament and proclaimed by the Prophets.
We find more of the greater promise through David, this is what God is revealing to David as well - the coming Christ. After David & Solomon the symbolic kingdom becomes divided and the people are being repeatedly displaced among the gentiles. Twice for the northern Kingdom until they are completely displaced and assimilated into the gentiles. Completely cutoff, forgetting who they are, a fulfillment of prophecy. We then see the same thing happen with the kingdom of Judah. Displaced into the Babylonian empire twice with less & less returning, those not returning become assimilated into the gentiles. God told them they could be called Lo Ammani - not my people. God also promised that - not my people - would be given a new name - sons of the living God -. We know that name now as - Christians. This is how God chose a small people to bring Christ to all people. The prophecy of the return of Judah was fulfilled when Shiloh - whom it rightfully belongs - came and took the scepter of Kingship, the staff of the Priesthood - Christ. God foreshadowed his Plan from the beginning. But, not like the pagans with myth, false symbols, and idols. God proves to the world by showing the movement of his hand by actual people, real history.
The Old Testament believers are believers just like us. They believed in the coming Christ & were waiting on the promised Kingdom of God. We believe in the risen Christ & are waiting on the promised Kingdom of God.
This is why Jesus told the pharisees that - "Abraham was glad to see my day". Abraham knew Christ, Abraham knew the promises were fulfilled in Christ. Why in Acts 1 The disciples were only concerned about when the Kingdom would be restored. Why in Acts 3 & 4 Peter & John declare Jesus the fullfillment of the prophecies and the promises.
This is what Paul is teaching in Romans 9,10, 11. This is what the Messianics teach and call it Olive Tree Theology. Christianity is not a new religion, It did NOT begin in 35 AD. It is what the disciples called it - the way. It has always been the way. It has been the way from the beginning. ALL the other religions are the new ones. It is why Jesus said "I am the way", He has always been the way.
Think about this;
Exodus 3:15 And God said moreover unto Moses Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel The LORD God of your fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob hath sent me unto you this is my name for ever and this is my memorial unto all generations.
This is יְהוָ֞ה is the modern script for the hebrew name of the memorial forever. The letters are yod hey vav hey - YHWH. It is what it means when you see - LORD written this way - YHWH
This is the language of Moses. Take a look at that link.
Hebrew Pictograms
The letters mean: yod = hand, hey = behold, vav = nail, hey - behold.
YHWH translates into English - "Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail". This is why it was meant to be unspeakable, because it was meant to be seen by all future generations to be understood.
Now look at the letter tav which represents - mark, sign, covenant. It is the cross. Christ has been taught from the beginning.
This is why so many are not looking for a nation, and understand it is not about the Jews & the Gentiles. Its about Believers & unbelievers since time immemorial. The vast majority of historical Israel was dispersed into the gentiles almost 3000 years ago and have been continually called by a new name since the time of the resurrection of Jesus. It is about God's plan, the olive tree, the redemption of all people, the risen Christ, the fulfillment of the promise of the coming Kingdom. This is the Gospel.
If the modern nation is anything, it is part of the strong delusion because a very dangerous theology has been built around it. There is not two ways, never has been, never will be. There has always been only one way. It has always been about Christ & the coming Kingdom from the beginning. The Gospel is for ALL people. Those that do not believe need to hear it. People, please stop reading all the new gospels of men, all the new prophecies of men, read the scriptures, the Bible. That is where you will find the Truth