of course, my issue with these guys isnt that isreal is that harlot , but they wont ever return to the christ. they dont see that part of the bible. only the other part. i do believe that isreal can be the harlot but lets be honest i think that the u.n, with the ideas that it has more anti christ ideals then the state of isreal does. all nations are going to come together when the time is right and worship the beast.
i personally after all my studies, have come to the inescapable conclusion that JERUSALEM is the Mother of Harlots. Jesus told Jerusalem she would remain DESOLATE (empty, void, filled with chaos and all the things that happen when God has withdrawn Himself), until they shall say Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.
he came unto His own, and they received Him not (nationally), but some did, obviously! only a remnant shall be saved: but that remnant will be a representation of the Whole House of Israel (all twelve tribes, even wicked Dan in the end). some of the remnant we know as the apostles and disciples of the first Church. and untold numbers have come to their Saviour since that time.
the gentiles were brought in, but this was the mystery of Ephesians - God purposed to do it from the Beginning. there are no second chances for anyone regarding their death in belief or unbelief. God Has Accomplished and Fulfilled all things in Christ, and there is no other Name by which men may be saved.
the son of perdition in 2 Thessalonians 2 (Judas was a type, as was apostate Solomon) must come first, before The Lord returns. he must present himself as the jewish mosiach and rule from Jerusalem: and he will, make no mistake about it. he'll claim descent through Solomon, but Jesus did not come through Solomon, he came through David through Nathan to Heli and Mary. (the masons, for one esoteric group are obsessed with Solomon - research the so-called star of david)
the global power structure we see (consolidation of global power, loss of national sovergenties, the UN; these are just the power grab. the UN and others must take control of the world through the appearance of benevolence and "equality">. marxism. that power will be exercised in the enforcement of The Noahide Laws for gentiles, and "Torah/Rabbinic Talmudism for jews. the Pharisees are gaining the Seat of Moses again. the true children of Israel have ALWAYS been persecuted by the antichrist spirit, as are christians and all others. i think the pharisees are not jews at all, but are Edomites (Esau) >> the Herod kinglines were. i think this will be the 8th Herod.
anyone who claims to be a jew (a child of God in Covenant with Him) yet follows the Babylonian Talmud and the other systems of the Pharisees will be in grave grave danger of never coming to the truth, since there is no truth in those books or in that system of Judaism. it is a wicked hybrid religion which is basically witchcraft. The Talmud contains the unpardonable sin, and many are committing it today, and teaching others the same. that's why Jesus condemned the Pharisees saying they searched the world for a convert, then made him a two-fold child of hell. by their Babylonian Oral Traditions (the same as the Mystery Religions/Masonry etc - they're working together) Jesus said they made the Word of God of none effect. so, there is NO TRUTH IN THEM.
if you are not familiar with the unpardonable sin, i can post it here for you. from their texts.
the true Israelites who are faithful yet remain blinded are faithful to Moses and the prophets and reject the rest: they are persecuted and are not many in number. i pray for them, that they come to Christ in simplicity of Faith, by Grace.