Yes, it will happen, it might not happen until the Church is Raptured but it will happen, not because God requires it, but because the Jews are still blind until they SEE again.
I agree with both Rondmon and Jim; there will be another, literal temple built in Jerusalem, not because it's what God wants, but because it's what the Religious Jews want. It makes sense, since there is a fairly dominant theme of spiritual vs physical all throughout the OT and the NT.
The temple wasn't God's idea anyway. Just like the Isrealites wanted a human king (instead of the tribal judge system God had set up) so too they wanted a temple, which, as he did with the king issue, allowed them to do what they wanted but still giving instructions on how to do it.
God tolerated that system for a while but it became obvious that, along with most other systems and standards God put in place, they ended up abusing it. They had started to worship the temple in place of God. Among other things, Jesus put an end to all that. When he said "it is finished" on the cross, the thick veil separating the Holy of Holies was miraculously torn in two by God himself.
In Daniel 9, the "70 weeks" prophecy is expressed in such a way that it could be talking about two princes and two "agreement with many for 7 years". I believe one prince (Jesus) makes an agreement with his 144k by sealing them and forging them into The endtime church. No church in history can claim to be the one true church. There are sincere individuals in every denomination and religion; but for this final seven years God will bring together those individuals whom he has personally inspected and found to be sincere, or, as the prophecy says, "those who follow the lamb withersoever he goest".
I believe the other agreement will be between the Anti-Christ and the Jews to rebuild the temple. They will probably view him as their long awaited messiah, especially since he will have strong military power through the U.N. and will flex that muscle on their behalf to get the temple construction underway.
The prophecy says that in the "middle of the 7 year period" the evil prince will renege on his part of the deal. He will "cause the sacrifices and the oblation to cease". Sacrifices can only be (properly) done in that one temple. Personally, I believe Satan's interest in a rebuilt third temple is meant to be a personal insult to God and Jesus; a sign of rejection for Jesus and man's continued dependence on and faith in material things (like buildings) rather than God himself.