- Jun 13, 2014
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I doubt I'll ever have to correct you Oz.
We may sometime have a different opinion on a CONCEPT,
but never on substance of a verse.
I read the above twice, and yes, i think I understand.
ANY amount of faith will suffice for salvation. This I've always understood.
But we each need a certain amount of faith for what we need to do.
IOW, if I'm a minister or pastor I need MORE faith for that ministry in order to do my work -
If I'm just a normal person witnessing or giving testimony, I won't need as much faith
as the pastor. Ditto for all other gifts.
I hope I've understood it correctly.
You've got it - my understanding.
There is one other point in Rom 12:3 (ESV) that helps to clarify the meaning of 'measure of faith'. Here 'measure' is a noun, but the verb associated with it, i.e. 'I measure', merizo, has implications of distribution, with 'measure' thought of as a portion of something.
Perhaps the closest parallel to this application is 2 Cor 10:13 (ESV), 'But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence God assigned to us, to reach even to you'.