Te top tax rate is 39.6 percent and Texas has an eight and a quarter percent sales tax but these are taxes we see and there are so many more hidden taxes we are paying without knowledge available about them. The farmer of wheat must pay the tax on the sales of his product and the Driver Taxes pays on his income plus the Toll Road charges, tax, from hauling that load to the Mill and then the Miller pays his income tax on his profit and all of these taxes are steadily increasing the end cost of a sack of flour. Then another 18 wheeler, both of the trucks hiking the Tax tax rate bing paid be3cause of the gas tax and the big one, the Federal Excise Tax on those eighteen Tire that the Highway is grinding them down to be slicks. When the Bakery bakes the Bread that e paid the Sales tax on every product he uses in he bread and the wrapper the bread must be in to preserve the freshness of it so he adds more to the price of it to cover the sales tax and his income and FICA Taxes and then I purchase the 10 or fifteen cent loaf of bread for a buck and a quarter and they charge me 8,25% tax on the price that as exploded because of the taxes on the taxes already paid to both the state, local and federal taxing agencies. Our forefathers had the Boston Tea Party over taxes, ad what do we do when we are over three hundred million strong? We sit down and we take it.