Dear Brother @th1b.taylor, the problem is that many do not understand the context of James in that God does save the believer, but shows that the believer has little faith portrayed without works of righteousness. This is especially illustrated in Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them; God knows us because we have believed on Jesus.JF,
A study of James is called for in the answer to this one. If a person is saved they are saved unto Good Works, not evil. If a person is saved they cannot deny Jesus. Like my daughter when her husband passed over, a person can e angry with a decision of God, she ran down the street screaming at Fred and at God for the injustice she felt but she wasn't denying God the right, she was angry at the trial imposed. She has since fallen on her knees and repented of her anger and is teaching.
She never rebuked God of His right to do as He will but she was cut to the heart of the trial and needed time to adjust to living with her mon and dad again.
Regardless of how some believe they keep themselves, we remain God’s creation from beginning to end, else we could accuse his work in us of being of little effect. Many may see one like your daughter and accuse her when in the fire of trial, but God was not finished with her at that point, and she may be the very one that might bring an alabaster box to glorify our Lord. A former pastor that was still preaching four different services per week at ninety-four years of age once said: if you haven’t got mad at God, you haven’t traveled very far with Him. He said he had quit preaching several times.