Tiger said:
blueeyeliner said:
Sorry to dissappoint you,but atheism will not be fine to the global
church at all.
Kindly prove that, or admit it's just your belief of what will be.
You are actually hinting that there is no God
Am I? Would you like to show me where I have declared that I am an Atheist?
[quote:47750]and some of you actually try to say that there is no God.
Still trying to lump me in with Atheists I see..
That is seen as more intolerant.
More than saying that every other religion has got it wrong? Sorry B.E.L. but it is not more intolerant, just AS intolerant.
It is very possible that atheists will be used as an example to put fear in the christians who believe like me.
It is very possible that Christians who believe like you will be used as an example to put fear in the Atheists... (works both ways, so don't try to scare people into believing)
You also make really ugly remarks about the way I believe
Just following your lead, nothing more...
but that won't be allowed to happen when the global religious system takes over.
Get your act together then and be more tolerant of others.
Btw... As yet, I have not said that what I "believe" is right, only that I do not believe in what others believe in. You, on the other hand, have stated often that ONLY what you believe is right, and that everyone else is wrong. (unless they believe like you)
I am tolerant of others beliefs, you, on the other hand, have shown that you are not.
Funny that... A non-Christian more tolerant than a Christian. Who would've guessed... :-?[/quote:47750]
Tiger, If you are so tolerent of others belief's then you wouldn't make such a remark. That not tolerance, that's an attempt at scolding someone you don't agree with.
Blueeyeliner is presenting the painful truth, you may take that any way you like.
God's Blessings.