Sorry if this has been brought up in this thread. I haven't read it all. I swore I wasn't going to get in yet another rift over this, but here I am.
What do those who defend predestination do with 2 Peter 3?? I've never seen a logical answer to this, and please don't come with "he was speaking to the elect".
If He's created certain souls for the purpose of condemnation, why would He be wanting no one to perish - that all would come to repentance? :gah
Another verse has to make you wonder...
Could someone who's predestined be led astray and held captive by false philosophy of their or our time?
When anyone reads the scriptures their views of what is being said is ALWAYS jaded by their own thoughts. Freewillers see freewill scriptures. Determinists see determinist scriptures, and YES, both scripture sets can be seen OR the positions wouldn't exist. I can read the underlined scripture that you cite and NOT see what you see. God desires that time when ALL will come to repent and LIFE will swallow up death.
In the MEANtime we ALL perish don't we?
See how that works?
Scriptures are in fact a reflection of everyone's heart. It is just as much about what is IN a person when they read than the Words themselves.
Another 'factoid' about scripture is that there are many statements therein that are contradictory, some purposefully so. These are meant to force seekers to
probe deeper to find HARMONY. I have spent decades in the study of HARMONIZATION. There absolutely CAN BE positions that are BOTH FULLY TRUE and seemingly directly OPPOSITE of each other. Many of them. Way more than just 'freewill' vs. 'determinism.' That just happens to be a popular one. Another is Law vs. Grace. Another is faith alone vs. faith + works. The list of conflicts is seemingly endless, and sometimes downright ridiculous. I have seen church splits over SINGLE WORDS. Why? Because of what is IN the hearts of the people. Few want to 'look to themselves' in these matters and see that the 'source' of conflict IS WITHIN themselves. They simply LOCK AND LOAD on a position and then go out hunting and condemning others.
An example? Jesus said that MAN SHALL LIVE by every Word of God. Yet there are DEATH WORDS to MAN in the scriptures.
My own belief? If any reader does not love their fellow man, GOD will NOT open the scriptures to them and they will FALL into CONFUSION. This too is scriptural.
As to predestination, a good primer is Romans 11:25-32 wherein ALL OF ISRAEL shall be SAVED, yes, even the ENEMIES of the Gospel who are beloved for the sake of the elect. There are other scriptures to confirm this statement of Paul. But if ones DOCTRINES do not allow that, they will NEVER see it, and they will also seek to DESTROY that WORD, because the DESTROYER in reality is in their own hearts being reflected therein when THEY READ.