Re: Questions for the Preterists/Fullfilled Prophecy people here (Stormcrow, Hitch et
Let's talk turkey!!!!!!
You say that we are in the "place" where righteousness dwells and if I understand you properly, that "place" you speak of is the Kingdom of heaven. I will agree that within the reign of the Kingdom of Heaven, righteousness does indeed dwell, BUT where we will strongly disagree is on the issue of exactly what is currently a part of the Kingdom. I contend that the Earth and its inhabitants are NOT currently under the reign of the Kingdom of Heaven where Jesus is seated on the throne. That means that no one today individual and definately not religious institution is a "kingdom citizen" yet.
We need to define or let scripture define what it is the Kingdom of God actually is supposed to be and not fall into the trap of assuming or letting religion assume for us. It's been said that the church, christians, and the New Jerusalem itself are not only sunonomous, but also what the kingdom is. Looking to scripture we find that that is simply not the case. The Reign or Kingdom of heaven is bigger, yes FAR bigger that the saints and New Jerusalem. The saints/New Jerusalem has a place of honor within the Kingdom for sure, but do not represent the end all and be all of Jesus' kingdom.
Now we must also address the issue of WHO exactly is "in Christ" and how one is able to get "in Christ."
The "earth" as you assume is not the same as "the world" Biblically.
There IS of course a distinction between the new heavens & the new earth. Neither one applies to "the world" - as in all the earth's inhabitants.
Scripture does not distinguish between the saints who are in heaven & the saints who are on earth. The "new heavens & earth" have to do with the new covenant. Never had any reference (even the old covenant) to "the world" we live in.
The New Jerusalem is the kingdom of God on earth. If this were the perfect end of a "heaven on earth" why would the nations need "healing?" And the kings of the earth bringing their glory & honor to it can only be to the church, whose gates are never shut.
There is a 3rd heaven after our physical death that we do not know the details of- only that it was promised to us by Jesus & the apostles.
You cannot deny the New Jerusalem being Zion in its triumphant state on earth. (prophetically of course)
And you cannot deny what Jesus said about the "kingdom of heaven being near"
Was that meant to mean that within that generation, the dead would arise from Hades? And did He proceed to describe the kingdom of heaven as in the parables?
When using the parables, He described what the kingdom of heaven was like. And to the saints He said that they should understand the mystery of the kingdom of heaven.
The prayer is "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
So, I do not see any distinction between having the keys to the kingdom & knowing the way- & the kingdom of God's after we leave the earth.
But "we" are all kingdom citizens. Paul said our citizenship is in heaven. Meaning, we may be in the world (on this earth) but we are not (morally & spiritually) of this world- or even this earth.
But there is a heavenly counterpart. Daniel certainly (& Abraham, etc) couldn't be raised to their "inheritance" to a place on earth. So where God's throne is is the literal heaven (probably 3rd heaven- that we cannot really know of this side of life)