Proper way to read Revelation

Just read it.
No interpretation needed.
If you or I saw what John saw we would write exactly what he did. (other than differences between Greek and your chosen language)

If this is not acceptable to you then you are saying that either John, the Angels, or Jesus is lying.
If "John really meant..." than you are saying John did not write what he saw.

Revelation... the only book of the Bible that is commanded by Jesus to be written.
Revelation... the only book of the Bible that contains a blessing for reading, hearing and keeping the words of this prophecy.
Revelation... the only book of the Bible that contains a curse for altering the text of the prophecy.

And Rev 1:3 says to keep the words of the prophecy... that mean not to alter the text.
If I ask you to keep my copy of a picutre at your place and you return it to me with an altered image... did you really keep my picture?
Exigesis not Isegesis. I swear that almost no one knows how to do it right.
I can't follow your logic as you are missing all sorts of details. References would be nice.

But I see you want to argue... so I will be ignoring you if you persist.
Argue ?
You are literally trying to push your own viewing of it and think that you were the first here .

You say that we should trust John

Write down these things that must shortly come to pass.

You are claiming exegesis,and saying we shouldn't ignore how John heard it and saw it .

Is shortly ,one hundred years thousand ,a million ?

I wish it was so simple to know it but it's not

What is the mark ? What or who is the beast ?
The two witnesses?who is the ac ?
The false prophet ?
I get prophetic language but my church and most are not dogmatic on end times.
If John saw a flaming sword in the mouth of Jesus... then that is what he saw. (or are you calling John a liar?)
Is there a flaming sword in the book of Revelation ??? I wonder how I would describe a sword coming out of Jesus's mouth ? Like a laser beam :chin ?
If John saw locusts with mens faces, womens hair, and a scorpion tail... then that is what he saw.
If the Angel showed an Apache attack hellicopter as a locust... then the Angel lied.
Helicopter ? Have you ever flown in a helicopter dwb001 ?
Can an angel lie ?
So what is it?
Is what John wrote as it was shown to him... or was he or the Angels or Jesus lying?
Have you ever had a vision from God ?
Is there a flaming sword in the book of Revelation ??? I wonder how I would describe a sword coming out of Jesus's mouth ? Like a laser beam :chin ?

Helicopter ? Have you ever flown in a helicopter dwb001 ?
Can an angel lie ?

Have you ever had a vision from God ?
Not that I agree ,but a helicopter,they would be closer to a dragon fly as they well use a lot of their aerodynamics.

But that's off topic
Is there a flaming sword in the book of Revelation ??? I wonder how I would describe a sword coming out of Jesus's mouth ? Like a laser beam :chin ?

Helicopter ? Have you ever flown in a helicopter dwb001 ?
Can an angel lie ?

Have you ever had a vision from God ?
By your questions I see you are trying to make isegesis a normal part of your views of Revelation.
You and I would use exactly the same verbiage as John... or you and I would have failed in Jesus command in Rev 1:19.
Not that I agree ,but a helicopter,they would be closer to a dragon fly as they well use a lot of their aerodynamics.

But that's off topic
If dwb001 had not brought up helicopter I would probably not be talking about them . The helicopters do have men's faces in them , never thought about it that way . But I am not all in on it being something man made , not by a long shot . Dragon flies are cool !
If dwb001 had not brought up helicopter I would probably not be talking about them . The helicopters do have men's faces in them , never thought about it that way . But I am not all in on it being something man made , not by a long shot . Dragon flies are cool !
You wouldn't see them from the side or front and if you did .you would see the entire pilot in the older ones and civilian ones .

In the attack bird mentioned you wouldn't see the pilot as the windows are quite dark to minimize reflection .
Helicopters don't quite hop like a grass hopper ,they are able if refueled to cross larges portions of land .
Revelation is a very Hebraic book and it needs to be understood in light of Hebraic symbolism. Hebrew uses more metaphors than we do in English and they use very powerful ones. I have heard that all of what is in Revelation is already in the Old Testament but I have not studied this myself. Certainly the phrases of the changes in the sun, moon and stars is in the Old Testament, for example, when God is about to wipe out a people group. It does not mean the heavenly bodies stop functioning.
Revelation is a very Hebraic book and it needs to be understood in light of Hebraic symbolism. Hebrew uses more metaphors than we do in English and they use very powerful ones. I have heard that all of what is in Revelation is already in the Old Testament but I have not studied this myself. Certainly the phrases of the changes in the sun, moon and stars is in the Old Testament, for example, when God is about to wipe out a people group. It does not mean the heavenly bodies stop functioning.
I would have to disagree with all the symbolic stuff.
Nothing needs to be interpreted.
Just read and watch.
I would have to disagree with all the symbolic stuff.
Nothing needs to be interpreted.
Just read and watch.
If one wants to understand what the author intended, one must understand what the intended interpretation is. It’s full of metaphors.
If one wants to understand what the author intended, one must understand what the intended interpretation is. It’s full of metaphors.
Did John not mean to write what he saw?
That is what Jesus commanded him to write. Rev 1:19
So did John disobey Jesus?
Did John not mean to write what he saw?
That is what Jesus commanded him to write. Rev 1:19
So did John disobey Jesus?
Why do you think that seeing the vision as written means they were not metaphors. Do you know of any animals with 7 heads wearing several crowns? Do zoos today have dragons? What about places where the earth opens up
and swallows water to save a woman on the run?
Why do you think that seeing the vision as written means they were not metaphors. Do you know of any animals with 7 heads wearing several crowns? Do zoos today have dragons? What about places where the earth opens up
and swallows water to save a woman on the run?
That last one is totally possible as a literal event.
There is a difference between metaphor and translation.
That last one is totally possible as a literal event.
There is a difference between metaphor and translation.
Please give the incidence where a woman was running away from a flood and the earth opened up at the right point and swallowed the whole flood.
Revelation 12.
You say it could occur in real life. Do you have a real life incident or not? Rev 12 is pure symbolism and didn’t ever occur in real life as described same as there are no many headed animals with crowns. There aren’t dragons in zoos,
You says it could occur in real life. Do you have a real life incident or not. Rev 12 is pure symbolism and didn’t ever occur in real life as described same as there are no many headed animals with crowns.
Rev 12 hasn't happened yet. That solves the symbolic problem.
Not at all.
How has my story changed?
You claimed the unbelievable account of a woman running away from a flood who was saved by the earth opening up could be. I asked for evidence of this happening (past) and you offered Rev as evidence of the PAST. Nie you say future.