What i said, is very simple.
Everyone is born with an Adamic Nature, = John 8:44.
So, everyone's mind is blinded until they are saved.
Had they no free will, then they could never "believe" the Gospel.
So with a "blinded mind" they hear the Gospel, they are drawn/convicted by the Holy Spirit, they understand and they believe.
Had they no free will, they could never be drawn, never believe.
There is no freewill. There is the blinded will of the person and the will of the "god of this world" upon their minds. One obviously is predominant over "everyone" until they believe. Only God in Christ can 'do that.' No unbeliever will or even can conceive that their mind is blinded by another party that is not them.
John 12:40, Acts 26:18, Romans 9:18-24, Romans 11:7-8, 2 Cor. 3:14, 2 Cor. 4:4 and numerous citings of the O.T. prophets which were the precursor citings in the N.T. for John 12:40 and similar.
Again, these all show that there are in fact 3 wills involved in these matters.
The Will of God
The will of the blinded
The will of the 'god of this world,' Satan
People are 'born again' by the Will of God, which is shown below
by the process of elimination, showing the wills of the parties that didn't "do it."
John 1:13
Which were
born, not of blood,
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but
of God.
Additionally, as stated at length prior, the will of the god of this world, the tempter, continues to operate "in the flesh" even for believers, and this shows that "CONTRARY" wills remain involved with believers as well i.e. ours and the will of the tempter, who could care less about what God has to say and will in fact automatically resist everything of God in Christ because that is how that adverse spirit operates every time.
Paul shows this reality upon himself in Romans 7:7-13, Romans 7:17-21, 2 Cor. 12:7, 1 Tim. 1:15 among many other similar citings.
The conclusion from this is that we "all" experience adversity FROM GOD, because our wills are not alone or freestanding. We are free by reason of promise through faith in those promises and God in Christ who delivered them, but the will of other party is still present within the flesh, and God does deal adversely with "that" party and will.
This is actually the source of our chastisements and tribulations. It's not that God in Christ hates us, but we are all subjected to the wrestling matches of Eph. 6:11-13, with the devil, the tempter, in our own flesh.
We have basically a two fold construct involved. One party is saved and can not be lost. That is the child of God, born again. The other party is doomed to hell.
God has placed everyone under the tutorial of evil, that we learn to resist, and find out what Divine Mercy and Grace is "really" about. The big BUT involved with these matters is the other party will never concede that this is the case. Most believers understand they remain sinners (in all of the wild gyrations they use to "excuse" themselves) BUT very very few will concede that their "sin" is in fact "of the devil." And this is because the devil blinds them to this fact, in their flesh/carnal mind. 1 John 3:8