who said anything about requring signs and wonders to believe in God, i for one do not need a sign to believe God exists, but what has happened is because i believe God and have faith in the Word, then i see signs - it's kind of an oxymoron don't you think? oh, i believe in God but i don't see God working in our lives??? He's God, of course He is alive and at work in our lives - for those who believe anyway. i find it extremely difficult, glory, to believe that you have never seen a sign from God as in a healing or an answered prayer.glorydaz said:jasoncran said:wow this isnt really i wanted the op to go.
on miracles, that does go on. but its not for them that dont believe, for them do believe. though the lord can use a miracle to save someone.
signs and wonders follow them that believe. Does this mean that those word faith and name and claim preachers are correct in thier doctrine?
No, their doctrine is not correct.
We aren't a name it and claim people.
The just shall live by faith.
The signs of the Apostles, and the writing of the books of the Bible were given to confirm Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus is confirmed by the Word...the Bible has been written. Now we pray and our prayers are heard by God. We no longer require signs and wonders to beleive.
the thing is, if you are in the Word, then our prayers will be His will, not ours. it's not like a person, in the Word, is going to pray for something that is against the Word, so the "name it claim it" phrase you used, i think you are misunderstanding it entirely.