My statement was NOT directed at YOU I assure you. I was simply making a statement concerning how MANY seem hell bent and intent on TELLING others about WHAT'S going to happen to THEM when they Die. How they KNOW that THEY are saved and KNOW how God is going to judge THEM.
You don't need to apologize to me. I didn't even notice that you had posted anything of this sort. So, please accept what I offer here: This is NOT directed AT ANY INDIVIDUAL. It was directed at a GROUP of people.
I am NOT here to condemn ANYONE. I DON'T KNOW who is 'saved' or who is NOT. That is NOT my purpose in Christ. But I AM convicted to offer TRUTH as has been offered to ME. Judge it for what it's worth. If it complies to scripture and has, perhaps, a bit of ADDED WISDOM, then accept it as such. If not, just ignore it.
I have NEVER read ANYWHERE in scripture that we have a 'free ride' so far as Salvation is concerned. YES, it IS a 'GIFT', (the death of Christ for our sins), but one MUST accept a gift in order to RECEIVE it. And it is NOT a 'gift WITHOUT conditions'. As a matter of FACT, the Bible itself is pretty much an INSTRUCTION GUIDE as to HOW we are ABLE to receive this 'gift'. To deny this is to deny MOST of what has been offered in Word.
OSAS, ISAS, these are NOTHING other than men MOSTLY selling BOOKS offering what itching ears desire to hear. For who WOULDN'T want to THINK that ONCE one SAYS that they ACCEPT Christ, then they are BOUND to forgiveness NO MATTER WHAT. I would LOVE to believe in something SO SIMPLE. The only problem with this: FOLKS, YOU WILL BE JUDGED ONE DAY. And it would REALLY be sad to face judgement and ONLY be able to offer: "Well, that's what SOMEONE TOLD ME". I don't think that this is going to be a very valid defense.
We are commanded to FOLLOW. NOT to 'create' doctrine that fits OUR DESIRES. One CANNOT work their way to heaven. But THROUGH WORKS we can SURELY BE what Christ has TOLD us to be. Can we DO IT ON OUR OWN? Of COURSE NOT. It took me over thirty years to become that sinner that I was, (and still am). To even THINK that I could 'snap my fingers' and ALL that I WAS would be GONE is rediculous. For it is such REDICULOUSNESS that leaves MANY to a continuation of CONFUSION rather than being ABLE to truly COME TO GOD through His Son. It takes TIME for us to change. With the power of God NOTHING Is impossible and it's the same with us. He CAN help us to BE what we are meant to be. But it takes OUR efforts as well. For he who is unwilling to work, DOESN'T even deserve to EAT. So HOW do you reacon one too lazy to follow is deserving of eternal LIFE?
What many confuse with 'works' is NOT works. For FAITH is NOT a 'work'. Neither is LOVE. But to LEARN these things we MUST follow the truth as has been offered. We MUST be diligent in our study and prayer. We MUST resist the devil and temptation. If you don't think that these THINGS MUST BE DONE, then you haven't learned the FIRST THING about BEING a 'follower of Christ'. And if you don't think that these THINGS take EFFORT, then you would probably fair BETTER follow such a 'religion' that teaches OSAS or IF saved, always saved.
We have been assured of NOTHING without the 'gift FIRST' being accepted. And even then we are COMMANDED to follow the TRUTH. And IN THAT TRUTH are MANY MANY MANY things that we have been TOLD THAT WE MUST DO. Don't let ANYONE 'trick' you into an unnatural belief that this is NOT SO. Just READ and study and the truth is apparent.
God punishes those that He loves. Hmmm.........................
I am NOT here to convince ANYONE that 'I' am right and they are wrong. What I would do is inflence others to READ and PRAY so that they don't NEED to be right or wrong so far as 'men' are concerned. For it is a 'greater truth' that we are to seek and NOT that 'layed down by the hands of men'.
My statement was NOT directed at YOU I assure you. I was simply making a statement concerning how MANY seem hell bent and intent on TELLING others about WHAT'S going to happen to THEM when they Die. How they KNOW that THEY are saved and KNOW how God is going to judge THEM.
You don't need to apologize to me. I didn't even notice that you had posted anything of this sort. So, please accept what I offer here: This is NOT directed AT ANY INDIVIDUAL. It was directed at a GROUP of people.
I am NOT here to condemn ANYONE. I DON'T KNOW who is 'saved' or who is NOT. That is NOT my purpose in Christ. But I AM convicted to offer TRUTH as has been offered to ME. Judge it for what it's worth. If it complies to scripture and has, perhaps, a bit of ADDED WISDOM, then accept it as such. If not, just ignore it.
I have NEVER read ANYWHERE in scripture that we have a 'free ride' so far as Salvation is concerned. YES, it IS a 'GIFT', (the death of Christ for our sins), but one MUST accept a gift in order to RECEIVE it. And it is NOT a 'gift WITHOUT conditions'. As a matter of FACT, the Bible itself is pretty much an INSTRUCTION GUIDE as to HOW we are ABLE to receive this 'gift'. To deny this is to deny MOST of what has been offered in Word.
OSAS, ISAS, these are NOTHING other than men MOSTLY selling BOOKS offering what itching ears desire to hear. For who WOULDN'T want to THINK that ONCE one SAYS that they ACCEPT Christ, then they are BOUND to forgiveness NO MATTER WHAT. I would LOVE to believe in something SO SIMPLE. The only problem with this: FOLKS, YOU WILL BE JUDGED ONE DAY. And it would REALLY be sad to face judgement and ONLY be able to offer: "Well, that's what SOMEONE TOLD ME". I don't think that this is going to be a very valid defense.
We are commanded to FOLLOW. NOT to 'create' doctrine that fits OUR DESIRES. One CANNOT work their way to heaven. But THROUGH WORKS we can SURELY BE what Christ has TOLD us to be. Can we DO IT ON OUR OWN? Of COURSE NOT. It took me over thirty years to become that sinner that I was, (and still am). To even THINK that I could 'snap my fingers' and ALL that I WAS would be GONE is rediculous. For it is such REDICULOUSNESS that leaves MANY to a continuation of CONFUSION rather than being ABLE to truly COME TO GOD through His Son. It takes TIME for us to change. With the power of God NOTHING Is impossible and it's the same with us. He CAN help us to BE what we are meant to be. But it takes OUR efforts as well. For he who is unwilling to work, DOESN'T even deserve to EAT. So HOW do you reacon one too lazy to follow is deserving of eternal LIFE?
What many confuse with 'works' is NOT works. For FAITH is NOT a 'work'. Neither is LOVE. But to LEARN these things we MUST follow the truth as has been offered. We MUST be diligent in our study and prayer. We MUST resist the devil and temptation. If you don't think that these THINGS MUST BE DONE, then you haven't learned the FIRST THING about BEING a 'follower of Christ'. And if you don't think that these THINGS take EFFORT, then you would probably fair BETTER follow such a 'religion' that teaches OSAS or IF saved, always saved.
We have been assured of NOTHING without the 'gift FIRST' being accepted. And even then we are COMMANDED to follow the TRUTH. And IN THAT TRUTH are MANY MANY MANY things that we have been TOLD THAT WE MUST DO. Don't let ANYONE 'trick' you into an unnatural belief that this is NOT SO. Just READ and study and the truth is apparent.
God punishes those that He loves. Hmmm.........................
I am NOT here to convince ANYONE that 'I' am right and they are wrong. What I would do is inflence others to READ and PRAY so that they don't NEED to be right or wrong so far as 'men' are concerned. For it is a 'greater truth' that we are to seek and NOT that 'layed down by the hands of men'.