Solo said:
The Scriptures are clear that those who are born again, born from above, born of God are saved, and will have eternal life.
WHILE they walk in Christ, my friend. Eternal life is Christ. Not a bus ticket. If Christ does not abide in you, you don't have eternal life anymore. We can judge if Christ abides in us by our faith working in love - our obedience to God, since disobedience is unfaithfulness. See Hebrews.
Solo said:
God seals those who are born again, born of God with Himself, the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption when the old nasty sinful corrupt mortal flesh will be changed and united with the new creature that was born again at belief in Christ Jesus.
Being sealed does not guarantee eternal salvation upon our death. You keep repeating that mantra, but Scriptures do not make that claim. Being sealed means we are God's "property", God's People. We are no longer guided by an evil principle, but the Spirit of God Himself. Unless we choose to return to the vomit of our past life. Then, the "seal" and its promise is "worse than before"...
Solo said:
Here is an example of one who was born again and living in fornication, yet his spirit is saved in the day of Jesus Christ:
- 1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife. 2 And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. 3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged F14 already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, 4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. 1 Corinthians 5:1-5
Those who hold to the Conditional Salvation teaching have to add that such a one repented before salvation, but that is a lie as well, for there is nothing in that section of Scripture that denotes such a belief. Instead it observes that a born again believer that is living in sin must be turned over to satan so that the nasty sinful flesh is destroyed, but that his born again, born of God spirit is saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
AH, more reading of Scriptures that do not take into account what is actually said.
It doesn't say this person
WILL be saved despite his sin and being turned over to satan. It says that he
MAY be saved as a result of being cast out... The word "may" is not the same as "will". ONLY in 2 Corinthians do we learn that this man INDEED REPENTED. The purpose of this "turning over to satan" is to provide bring a man to repentance. However, there is no guarantee that he will repent and come back to the Lord. The point of excommunication is that such a person is humbled and returns to God and the community.
Solo said:
Those who refuse to let God teach them the truth concerning salvation continue to misinterpret the Scriptures
No doubt...
Solo said:
and allude that one loses salvation in verses that speak of rewards and loss of rewards.
Loss of rewards? Where does the Bible speak of "loss of rewards", unless it speaks of losing EVERYTHING? Being cast out into the night is not a "loss of rewards", it is a loss of salvation!
Solo said:
Paul is writing to those who are not able to eat the meat of the word because they are still babes in Christ, and he gives them information about building upon the foundation of their faith. He tells them that whatever is built on the foundation of Jesus Christ will be proved through fire; and that which is done in the flesh is as wood, hay, and stubble; but that which is done in the spirit is gold, silver and precious stones. If all that a man builds is wood, hay, and stubble (those things done in the flesh which is sin) he will suffer loss of rewards but will be saved.
It doesn't say a person will suffer a "loss of rewards", Solo.
It says suffer a loss - and yet will be saved.
It refers to a purging, since that is what takes place in the comparison above to gold and silver.
"...that which is done in the spirit is gold, silver and precious stones."
Silver and gold don't "lose rewards" when they have impurities! They are purged, forged in the suffering fires of discipline and punishment..
Sounds like Purgatory, but I digress... :yes
Of course, you realize THESE VERY VERSES destroy the idea of "OSAS"? Esp. verse 17...
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Being destroyed does not indicate a "loss of rewards" - unless it is a TOTAL LOSS and expulsion from the Kingdom, out into the night and the chattering of teeth...
Solo said:
Correct! Jesus paid the price for the whole entire world's sin; past, present, and future! Only those who are born again will enter into the Kingdom of God. Once born again, one is forever in Christ Jesus never to be unborn from the body of Christ.
He did pay the price for the sins of the world. And YET, my friend, all men are not saved. Why? Because some men refuse the
offer of redemption. That includes the "born again" who return to the vomit of past life, despite being illuminated. The resulting life is WORSE than before...
There is no need to be "unborn". The proper term is to
DIE. That is exactly what Scriptures refer to when we separate ourselves from God. Spiritual
death. Thus, one is born from above, and one can die - by sin - since the wages of sin is death.