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You realize how many people are killed by the drug cartels there?
Despite that many immigrants DO try to stay there. I think the US has a bit more opportunity for stability, safety, and hope.

The danger of the drug cartels is the reason for so much focus on a border wall. With what I've heard about the unsafe conditions that people go through to get into the US, as well as the ability for drug and drug smuggling to get through, the need is still there. Who knows how much a simple wall might curb these.

That said. I don't want to cut off access to the US, or to make it so difficult that we ignore the needs of those who really are trying to come here for a better life. There's enough in the bible about caring for the strangers and foreigners among us, just as Israel was strangers and foreigners in Egypt before God brought them out.

For now I hope the wall is able to be built well in the areas it's being built in. Because it might actually help the situation as a whole.
It happens our border is with Mexico.
And it also happens that Mexico is essentially controlled by the drug cartels, and uses the porous border to push large quantities of illicit drugs and criminals into the United States. Have all the tunnels been shut down? The shame of it is that no one in the federal and state governments has made a serious effort to address this properly. The War on Drugs was a joke, and now legal immigration has also become a joke. Then the past US administration had the crazy idea of supplying Fast and Furious guns to the cartels.
Look. I am a Christian. I don't control or have much impact on the government. I vote, obey the law.
As a Christian I hope to never come to have a callous regard for people who are threatened and bullied and taken advantage of. I hope to never view people of other races or cultures as inherently of lesser humanity.
I won't be surprised if the kind of unsympathetic, unfeeling, and ignorance that is embodied by our current president holds the day and the wall gets built and a bunch of other stuff happens. Don't worry, that spirit is winning.
I don't think anyone has a problem welcoming genuine people who are being threatened or persecuted and have to flee there countires. Most people have compassion. But that's no argument to have weak boarder security. Boarder security is there to try prevent drugs, terrorists, hard criminals, illegal material and illegal items, and so on from entering rhe country. That is the whole reason of boarder security.
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Since Jesus taught His people to obey the laws of the land (Rom 13) He would send all illegals back. and tell them to apply for entry according to the laws of the land. He does not support lawlessness and anarchy. As to the slums, He would tell City Hall to clean up its act and that slums are a disgrace.

The best way to help the poor (who want to be helped) is to give them a hand up, not a hand out on an ongoing basis. The poor need opportunities to become productive citizens through hard work, and earn a decent living through profit sharing. The Welfare system destroys incentives to get out of poverty, and Welfare fraud is also rampant.

And Christians should help. But churches generally fail to look at the long-term picture which means that eventually everyone is also helping themselves. Ideally, a homeless shelter should not stop at being only a shelter. It should become a training facility for workers, who also have access to either a farm or factory which is geared to them, so that those workers become productive citizens and go on to help others.

Whether Jesus would tell illegals to return home I don't know. That aspect I think is unclear, what is clear is that Jesus would help them. Help them with food, clothing, and legal advice.

Our poor and homeless.

Yes Iagree with you, that there should be medical and physcalogical help for them as well as training.
And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.

But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:33-34 King James Version
I am a Christian. I see no reason to expect our secular government to behave as if it is a Christian entity.
Despite what polls may say, actual Christians are very much a minority in my opinion, though a greater number may say they are Christians in certain situations.
So you need very strong boarder security to prevent smuggling. You don't want all that crookedness creeping into your country.
Sorry Dan but simple logic lies there screaming you are wrong! All Democratic Socialists want unrestricted immigration and logic is that such policy is blind eyed approval of the Cartels, MS-13 and all of the Punk Gang Members that come over recruiting or teens and making worthless scum out of them.

Once there were Conservative Dems but the ones claiming to be Conservative today are so lost in the mud of Communism that they cannot find the center.
And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.

But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:33-34 King James Version


According to Lev 19:1, the commands in ch 19 were addressed to Israel: 'The Lord said to Moses, 2 ‘Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them....' (NIV).

I do wish you wouldn't apply to the Christian church today what was written to the chosen nation of Israel.

This is just an opinion piece. Inspired by the feeling that democrats aren't hard line enough on illegal immigration. Which is a question. But What member of congress has pushed to have open borders?

According to Lev 19:1, the commands in ch 19 were addressed to Israel: 'The Lord said to Moses, 2 ‘Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them....' (NIV).

I do wish you wouldn't apply to the Christian church today what was written to the chosen nation of Israel.

I wish people wouldn't apply to the United States attributes of the church. The idea this is or ever was a truly "Christian" nation is a myth.
Whether Jesus would tell illegals to return home I don't know. That aspect I think is unclear, what is clear is that Jesus would help them. Help them with food, clothing, and legal advice.

Our poor and homeless.

Yes Iagree with you, that there should be medical and physcalogical help for them as well as training.


Question: "Did Jesus come only for the Jews and not the Gentiles?"
Answer: Jesus is the Messiah that the Jews had been anticipating for centuries (see Luke 2:25; 3:15). As such, He was born into a Jewish family and was reared according to Jewish law in a Jewish town (see Luke 2:27; Galatians 4:4). Jesus selected Jewish disciples, spoke in Jewish synagogues and the Jewish temple, and traveled mostly in Jewish areas. His mission, in fulfillment of the Jewish prophets, was to the Jewish people. However, none of this means that Jesus’ ministry was limited exclusively to the Jews.

In Matthew 15, there is an incident that, at first, seems to confirm the idea that Jesus came only for the Jews. Jesus was traveling through Tyre and Sidon, a Gentile region, and “a Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, ‘Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly’” (Matthew 15:22). This Gentile woman recognized Jesus as the Messiah (“Son of David”), but “Jesus did not answer a word” (verse 23). As the woman kept up her appeals, Jesus finally responded, but His words seemed to hold little hope: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel” (verse 24). However, the woman did not give up, and Jesus eventually granted her request, based on her “great faith” (verse 28).

The fact that Jesus helped the Canaanite woman, even though His mission was to the Jews, is a significant detail in the Gospel narrative. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus gave other indications that His power and compassion reached to all people. He healed a Roman centurion’s servant (Luke 7:1–10). He traveled through the Gentile region of the Gerasenes (Mark 5:1). He ministered in a Samaritan city (John 4) [GotQuestions?]

Therefore, it is the will of Jesus to minister practical help to the non-Christians in our midst. In his day, it included the Gentiles, Canaanites, Romans and Samaritans.

In your country and mine, shouldn't we as Christians be ministering to the asylum seekers (including seeking protection from persecution), providing food, clothing and housing for the various foreign minority groups in our countries?

By making that suggestion, I do not endorse allowing minority groups being allowed to become rabble-rousers in gangs and drug traffickers.

Jesus, during his ministry on earth, presented enough evidence for Christians to be involved in serving those who are not Christians and are from other ethnic groups.


Refugees and asylum seekers are suppose to be persecuted people or minorities who have no choice but to flee there country from persecution and threats.

This would be insulting and offensive to genuine refugees.

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You cannot get more crooked that this when it comes to Immigration.

Refugees and asylum seekers are suppose to be persecuted people or minorities who have no choice but to flee there country from persecution and threats. They are not terrorists and people who murder others.

It is insulting to genuine refugees to call terrorists refugees.

Not just insulting, but for those who are receiving refugees, having them turn out to be known terrorists is unsettling, and causes people to not accept refugees solely on their status and claim of being a refugee.