- Jul 13, 2012
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Signs, signs, everywhere are signs. But signs of what? Wars and rumors of wars? Earthquakes in divers places? The gathering of armies? Signs of the coming of His mighty wrath? Or the signs of HIS MERCY that endures forever? The children of darkness see the works of sin in the world and then try to warn of the wrath of God, while they themselves hide beneath a covering and watch for the signs of the coming and wrath of God. But the children of light see the works of sin in the world and show forth the grace and compassion of the Lord, for they no longer hide themselves beneath the covering, but allow for the glory of the Lord to be revealed in them. But the children of darkness still seeks after a sign.
A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, but no sign shall be given but that of Jonah the prophet. Many are simply taught that the sign of Jonah was about the resurrection of Jesus, but they are missing out on a great deal more of the sign of Jonah. For the sign of Jonah to the children of light is the resurrection of the body of Christ, that being the raising up of His Church, the bride. But the children of darkness want nothing to do with the light, so they hope the light is taken up to heaven where they will then await and watch for the signs of his coming in the mighty wrath and judgement of the Lord.
But so that the children of light are not caught completely unaware, there is another sign of Jonah that is hidden from the children of darkness, for they love the judgements of the Lord and their pride will not let them see, but the wrath the God they warn others of and watch for themselves shall fall upon their own heads, for they hath not considered the testimony of Jonah, nor the voice crying in the wilderness, nor the words of the bridegroom; but instead they turn their backs away from the light for a word of judgement instead.
Most know the story of Jonah, how he was swallowed up by a whale...... But Jonah was sent to deliver a message to Nineveh from the Lord that their days were numbered. But when the Lord repented of the evil that He was going to bring upon Nineveh, it displeased Jonah much like the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal son. Jonah grew angry and did not believe the word of the Lord, so Jonah built himself a booth to sit under while he waited and watched to see what their end would be. But the Lord took pity on Jonah and caused a vine to grow up over him and cover him, giving him shade. And Jonah was thankful for that gift as he kept watch until the numbered days be complete. But poor Jonah, as he kept watch upon the city, the Lord took from him the covering and then smote him such that he cried out and wanted to die.
The children of darkness speak of the wrath of God because the wrath of God rest's upon their heads, but they do not believe the word of the Lord, that He has repented of the evil he thought to do. They do not accept the word of the Lord and His promise of salvation and withholding his wrath under his covenant of peace that was confirmed in the blood of Christ. Instead the children of darkness take up the covering given to them to hide from the light whilst they keep watch for the signs of the coming destruction.
The children of darkness presume to know and understand the signs, telling you that everything thing they need to know and look for is given to them in the scriptures. They will speak of trumpets and warn of vials; they speak of what they have heard and read. But whilst they sit under their booth and under their covering keeping watch for the signs of destruction, the voice of the sound of the seven thunder's was kept from them; or in spite of all their professions, maybe they lack the faith or they just simply do not believe.
4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
Matthew 24:4
and again
For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.1 Thessalonians 5:3