His_nee (Jeff)
That's practiced ..... in almost no church of dozens i've seen.
Only one Bible Church of Jefferson City, Mo,
reprimanded members when they sinned. Plain and simple. Repent and stop sinning, or out you go.
I don't remember any
other church following the Biblical example and command.
In over 40 years across the country in churches of several denominations, and others,
I remember only a handful of people confessing and repenting, besides myself.
foot note (wiiggllee toess)) ... repent is an ongoing continuous seeking Yhwh and HIs Way instead of sin or any other way - once "turned around from sin" STAY TURNED AROUND FROM SIN. stay face to face with Yhwh in Christ Jesus all day, always. don't sin on purpose any more.
Only one Bible Church of Jefferson City, Mo,
reprimanded members when they sinned. Plain and simple. Repent and stop sinning, or out you go.
I don't remember any
other church following the Biblical example and command.
In over 40 years across the country in churches of several denominations, and others,
I remember only a handful of people confessing and repenting, besides myself.
foot note (wiiggllee toess)) ... repent is an ongoing continuous seeking Yhwh and HIs Way instead of sin or any other way - once "turned around from sin" STAY TURNED AROUND FROM SIN. stay face to face with Yhwh in Christ Jesus all day, always. don't sin on purpose any more.