Genesis 10 mentions the first division between Gentiles and the lineage that Yahweh was choosing. That lineage led to the Jews. When the first Jew was born, he was already separated from Gentiles.
I showed you the word is "koinos" (common), but you would not reply to my facts. Instead, you just repeat yourself over and over again.
The Greek word "soma" means "body". It is never translated "substance" in the NT except in this verse and then, only by post KJV translations that allow their bias to enter the translation. Paul used it 8 times in Colossians alone and each time it referred to the physical body or the Body of Messiah (the believers). The NT uses it 142 times, but only once translates it "substance". Why? Bias.
The verse should correctly read;
16 So let no one judge you . . . but the Body of Christ. Colossians 2:16-17
Only believers can judge one another regarding those things. Those outside the Body who do not hold Yeshua as head have no say in the matter. If those things were fulfilled shadows, Paul would not be telling us that they "ARE" shadows of "things TO COME". He wrote that about 30 years after they were supposedly fulfilled/abolished, but he did not write, "WERE" or "things THAT CAME".
They considered certain Gentile foods unclean because Yahweh said they were unclean. They were unclean BEFORE a Jew ever existed (Gen 7:1-2). The Sabbath also existed before any Jew ever existed (Gen 2:1-3; Ex 20:11).
Yahweh commanded the death penalty for Sabbath breakers which tells us how incredibly important Yahweh views the holiness of the Sabbath. The Sabbath command still exists for believers today, but the death penalty for breaking it has been paid for by Yeshua.
I addressed this earlier by explaining the context, but you did not reply to the facts. Instead, you just keep repeating yourself.
He abolished man-made commands because they were causing His people to break His commands (Matthew 15:3-9). They were also causing Jews and Gentiles to hate one another (Eph 2:15a). Any Gentile proselyte in that day would be extremely thankful to be given the gift of the Sabbath rest so he wouldn't be forced by his boss to work hard seven days a week. I say "in that day" because modern Christian teaching has turned the Sabbath rest into a burden contrary to 1 John 5:3. They are teaching Gentiles to hate Yahweh's literal Sabbath.