Revelations questions

There are some things about the Book of Revelations that have been nagging at me for a while now; and I hope some of my fellow members can help me to figure it out.

Now I know the only Church (or Temple) God has ever built upon this earth is the physical human body. Our bodies are a Temple Unto Our Lord; so I have no concern with the 7 letters to the 7 Churches.

There is Prophecy concerning the end times in other Book's; but only in Revelations does it warn of consequences of "changing" a single word of the Prophecy given? That I cannot understand; unless the whole point was to ensure that some of that Prophecy could never be fulfilled.

I know that God can do anything He pleases; but I also believe God has no interest in "putting on a show" for those who hold doubt in their hearts.
Is it possible that the 2 Angel's that stand at the mouth of the Euphrates are actually standing at the north and south poles? They are both already releasing their waters.
Have to be carful, we can't edit or dont have long. I meant Israel flees Judea not Jesus above.

Rev. 9 and 16 are separate events, those are Angels who kill 1/3 of those who have taken the Mark of the Beast are probably who you are speaking about. I see no angels in Rev. 16. I will paste and go over the big reveal. HINT, no river is ever dried up, even though it might be, that is not what vial #6 is about. Why do I say it might dry up? Because Satan is wiser than men, if he understands vial #6 the he could cause the river to dry up to deceive, at the hands of men.

Rev. 16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. 16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

So, what is really going on here, what has God given us, the Creator of all things, in such a manner we can not see it easily? Which was His desire, He wanted only us end time Christians and Saints to be able to see it, we have computers which can compare things in seconds, so we have an advantage, if we are willing to go against the grain of other men's ideas.

So, we know in Seal #6 God foretold (the Seals are prophetic) that men will be hiding in caves, begging rocks to fall on them and in fear of God's Wrath. So, how does the three lying frog spirits preform a miracle by getting all those "COWARDS" to go to Armageddon to try and battle God? Because God stops his "Plagues for a time period" or dries up the Euphrates. So, who prays down every plagues live on TV to the whole world? The Two-witnesses, so once they die at the 2nd Woe the 7th Trump blows, which brings the 3rd Woe which is all 7 vials.

So, when God gets to the 6th vial he stops bringing his plagues, notice the first 5 were plagues that harmed men, but the 6th vial is different, it is the "Euphrates River Dying up" and in that vial we see the Dragon, F.P. and A.C. who get these men to come to Armageddon, they lie to them, they tell them that since the Two-witnesses are dead, they now have nothing else to fear, but if God's plagues were ongoing, they would never head out for Armageddon, so the river drying up is a metaphor for the plagues drying up. Giving the cowards a change to go to Armageddon and to try to kill all the Jews, no doubt they have been told if you kill every last Jew there can thus never ever again be Judgment like that brought onto mankind.

Modern armies can cross rivers, this is merely a metaphor for God pausing His plagues long enough to entice these cowards out of their hiding places so Jesus can have a majestic second coming where all men can see those who hate God perish by the presence of his glorious coming. If they died in caves that's no testimony unto Jesus' and God's Glory.

So, why do we get the verse that says "He comes like a thief in the night" here? Well, Jesus comes like a thief in the pre 70th week rapture, which sealed the peoples fate. All God and John is doing here is saying "We told you so long ago, but you refused to listen, now your judgment is at hand". Everyone knows Jesus 2nd coming will be 1260 days after the Beast conquers Israel. God does this with prophecy, he weaves it together. Look at Zech. 13:1-5 and 8-9 both are about the end times, 1/3 of the Jews repent, but in verses 6-7 it flashes back to Jesus who died in the house of his friends and his sheep were scattered, why? Because a Prophecy in 2500 BC that foretells the End Times and a Repentant Israel, then shows how a man 2000 years before the end times Blood is what saved them, is a much more spine chilling prophecy. God not only showed 1/3 of Israel repents, He showed how they were forgiven, via the blood of Jesus.
Sorry, I guess I was not aware that Christ actually wrote the Book of Revelations. And my meaning, I believe; was asking what the point of mentioning consequences for changing anything in Revelations; when there is no mention of consequences about any of the other Prophecy concerning the end times. Why would "Christ" indicate that in just one Book of the Bible; if what was "absolutely required" must not be changed?

THis is bc the Bk of Rev is exceedingly important as it deals with grave very urgent and consequential matters.
= Yeshua is warning anyone who believes that have understandings in REv and give teachings on the symbols etc and when in fact God never revealed the maenings to that man.
This is the reason for the unique anomoly, stern warning.
This is why you see on YT those who give videos on Rev, all wacky and kooky ideas, their sites are history = they just don not last. Also, look at Hal LIndsey, the big Rev interpreter, Lookm at him today, has mental issues.
God has given fair warning To those who miscontre, distort the verses and do not recant and ignore Yeshua's voice to stop saying things about His Book that are false.
Well then their are consequences.
This is the meaning of do not make any attempt to alter the meanings
Commentaries on REv are all 100% wacko,, of couse most were written past 20,30, 40 yrs ago, when the world was not that far into Rev's Holy Judgements, Now today, the symbols are opening to those who Yeshua decides to reveal the meanings.
Look at the news just now
3 US troops killed dozen wounded by attack inside Jordan. UNREALLL Thats a HUGE matter in end times. Revelation is unfolding day by day now.
Forgot to add,
Lets say one is teachinga Home bible study or small church study, maybe 10-20 membrers,,,,and one says things they believe/feel about Rev's symbols,, but they are not correct understanding, , No big deal really, UNLESS there is one listener in the group that God has plans for in the future,,, now he is being fed things that are wrong, and this is not good, Deserves some correction,, The more he fails to hear Yeshua's voice to stop teaching Revelation as IF he really knows what he is talking about, = more strong the voice (corrections( from Yeshua.. Now as for this site, no big deal , as we are so few and all understand we are only giving our opinions and we footnote, please do not consider my ideas as bonifide and true. **its only what I think/opinion** No big deal.
Hal LIndsy , we were young and gullible, credulous and actually believed his fantasies, His trickery really semed = The Real Deal.
I dumped his books after about 1 yr,, others hung on to some of his weirdo stuff.
I know the symbols, took 40+ yrs of patience .
But I have no interest in teaching a group on the hidden meanings. Maybe near the end of my life.sometime fiture,,, but not anytime soon.
Not bc of the strict warnings,, bc I have no time, low interest in teaching right at this point in my early old age. Maybe late old age, yes I would be interested in teaching this hidden symbolic book
The Greek title is
The REvealing of Yeshua Christos.
= Bk of Revelation( our modern english terminology, which leaves off Yeshua Christos)
Revelation is unfolding day by day now.
I agree the events leading up to Revelations are unfolding. But to my understanding Revelations is more about the Truth of what is; not a bunch of myth's. People are not going to see literal dragons (except for Satan) or a hydra with seven heads; the truth is far more mundane.

As for Satan, that nasty lizard will be brought forth in the only form he is allowed; with a chain around one foot (to represent his bondage). I am sure there are some "evil ones" who will try to break him free; not understanding that the physical chain is not what holds him.
There are some things about the Book of Revelations that have been nagging at me for a while now; and I hope some of my fellow members can help me to figure it out.

Now I know the only Church (or Temple) God has ever built upon this earth is the physical human body. Our bodies are a Temple Unto Our Lord; so I have no concern with the 7 letters to the 7 Churches.

There is Prophecy concerning the end times in other Book's; but only in Revelations does it warn of consequences of "changing" a single word of the Prophecy given? That I cannot understand; unless the whole point was to ensure that some of that Prophecy could never be fulfilled.

I know that God can do anything He pleases; but I also believe God has no interest in "putting on a show" for those who hold doubt in their hearts.
First of all....there is NO such book in the Bibles called "Revelations". There is however the last book in the Bible which is called, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".

Second, the human body as the temple of God is a New Test. theological teaching that took place because of the "indwelling of the Holy Spirit". However, the JewishTemple was built in Jerusalem and was destroyed in 70 AD and will be rebuilt in the Tribulation Peroid.

The changing of the Prophecy is in Revelation 22:18-19.........
" For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

God's warning here extends to those who detract from the book of Revelation and presumably from all Scripture. As with the prior warning, this can be taken to mean editing the text, or trying to explain away or misinterpret those aspects of the message we don't like.

We need the entire body of Scripture to believe right and to behave right. We dare not reject passages of Scripture because they convict us or contradict what we believe. We cannot choose to believe some passages are from God and others are not. We must never read Scripture as if we're prepared to use scissors to cut out what we don't like. A modern tendency is to consider a passage God's Word only if it speaks to us. Scripture is God's objective truth and not subject to human opinion.

I hope this helps your understanding.
Forgot to add,
Lets say one is teachinga Home bible study or small church study, maybe 10-20 membrers,,,,and one says things they believe/feel about Rev's symbols,, but they are not correct understanding, , No big deal really, UNLESS there is one listener in the group that God has plans for in the future,,, now he is being fed things that are wrong, and this is not good, Deserves some correction,, The more he fails to hear Yeshua's voice to stop teaching Revelation as IF he really knows what he is talking about, = more strong the voice (corrections( from Yeshua.. Now as for this site, no big deal , as we are so few and all understand we are only giving our opinions and we footnote, please do not consider my ideas as bonifide and true. **its only what I think/opinion** No big deal.
Hal LIndsy , we were young and gullible, credulous and actually believed his fantasies, His trickery really semed = The Real Deal.
I dumped his books after about 1 yr,, others hung on to some of his weirdo stuff.
I know the symbols, took 40+ yrs of patience .
But I have no interest in teaching a group on the hidden meanings. Maybe near the end of my life.sometime fiture,,, but not anytime soon.
Not bc of the strict warnings,, bc I have no time, low interest in teaching right at this point in my early old age. Maybe late old age, yes I would be interested in teaching this hidden symbolic book
The Greek title is
The REvealing of Yeshua Christos.
= Bk of Revelation( our modern english terminology, which leaves off Yeshua Christos)
Blessing to you brother. I have no arguments to make with your post other than to say
That I have no doubts about Hal Lindsay’s faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, nor do I doubt that God uses his lecturing to bring people to Christ.... Nor does he take any doctrinal position which would cause me to break off fellowship with him as a brother in Christ.

However, I do agree with you in that I also have some misgivings about what he has said and many others with him that have a desire “to pinpoint the time” of the Second Coming. (p. 51 on The Late Great Planet Earth).

For them/him it is of paramount importance to identify the time as if that somehow makes them/him a prophet of God.

It seems to me that their desire is to fit current and future events together “into a precise pattern of predicted events”. This, I believe, is an unhealthy attitude in our churches.

You see....The more detailed one attempts to map out the future, the more inferences one must make which are not explicit in the Scripture. Therefore, the tendency of the imagination to fill the gaps increases and the probability of erroneous calculation grows.

In other words, we must work to make world events fit what we want them to say!
Agreed in part; all men and women have the capacity to do evil deeds, but it is the choices we make. It's called free will; and free will was not Satan's Creation.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this; but I believe you will live to see Revelation's, unless your doctor has told you that you have less than 6 months to live. And even 6 months might be stretching it a bit, cause this stuff could jump off a lot quicker.

Absolulty correct! Choices lead to habits and habits lead to destiny.

While I agree in principle and world events tend to cause us to focus on what we believe is coming, People have been saying what you said for 2000 years. Paul even wrote 2nd Thess. because people then were expecting to see Jesus come again.
It's not a book I've ever concentrated on.
But I do believe it should be read and there are many verses that I really understand and like.
The simple ones!

I just think there's too much for us to know first before Revelation and what the dragon means and all that.
I may never get to Revelation!
May I say to you that the book of the Revelation is the only book in the Bible that promises you a blessing if you read it!

Revelation 1:3.......
"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand."
May I say to you that the book of the Revelation is the only book in the Bible that promises you a blessing if you read it!

Revelation 1:3.......
"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand."
I've read it or I wouldn't know I'm not too interested in studying it.

John is a blessing to me.
Gospel and letters.
There are some things about the Book of Revelations that have been nagging at me for a while now; and I hope some of my fellow members can help me to figure it out.

Now I know the only Church (or Temple) God has ever built upon this earth is the physical human body. Our bodies are a Temple Unto Our Lord; so I have no concern with the 7 letters to the 7 Churches.

There is Prophecy concerning the end times in other Book's; but only in Revelations does it warn of consequences of "changing" a single word of the Prophecy given? That I cannot understand; unless the whole point was to ensure that some of that Prophecy could never be fulfilled.

I know that God can do anything He pleases; but I also believe God has no interest in "putting on a show" for those who hold doubt in their hearts.
We are the Temple when assembled together. We are each a living stone in the walls of that Temple. Peter was the first stone to be set up on our cornerstone, Christ.
We are the Temple when assembled together. We are each a living stone in the walls of that Temple. Peter was the first stone to be set up on our cornerstone, Christ.
Yes that is true.

We are in fact the temple of God when we are not gathered with others!

The combined "gathering or group" of individuals is called the Church of God and it that group that will be Raptured.
Actually, E, I wouldn't spend my life reading Revelation.
It's all metaphor (not all, sorry about that) and visions and no one is absolutely sure
what it all means.
There are some parts that are very clear.
I would tend to invest my time in those instead of getting into these debates that go on forever
and which there is NO WAY we could know what John meant.
People would rather not know what it all means.

I've spent decades studying it, but didn't fully understand what it's saying until I stopped listening to what others theorize and debate about it.

I've never actually met anyone who really wants to learn and to know...most are satisfied mimicking their preachers and theologians and using it as fodder for arguing.

It's easier for someone who's never read the Bible or been to church to understand. And it's not as complicated as the metaphors make it out to be.
People would rather not know what it all means.

I've spent decades studying it, but didn't fully understand what it's saying until I stopped listening to what others theorize and debate about it.

I've never actually met anyone who really wants to learn and to know...most are satisfied mimicking their preachers and theologians and using it as fodder for arguing.

It's easier for someone who's never read the Bible or been to church to understand. And it's not as complicated as the metaphors make it out to be.
Well, IS, I'd be willing to listen to you but I fear the conversation would turn into a debate with others joining in.

If you want to give it a go....let's try.

I check in at least twice a day.
Why do you think most don't WANT to know?

In Rev 1:9 John states that he is ALREADY in the tribulation.
(because he preached the word).

Verse 12 might be Jesus or God Father, not sure.
Maybe verse 18 means it's Jesus.
Why the Lampstands?
And the 7 stars?

Think that's enough for now?
You asked, "Why don't they want to know?" The answer is simple,
Well, IS, I'd be willing to listen to you but I fear the conversation would turn into a debate with others joining in.

If you want to give it a go....let's try.

I check in at least twice a day.
Why do you think most don't WANT to know?

In Rev 1:9 John states that he is ALREADY in the tribulation.
(because he preached the word).

Verse 12 might be Jesus or God Father, not sure.
Maybe verse 18 means it's Jesus.
Why the Lampstands?
And the 7 stars?

Think that's enough for now?
You asked why people don't want to know... Simply because it violates their doctrine and personal beliefs. (We may see some examples of that in response to my answer on your specific inquiries.)

John was "in the Spirit," so what he saw was spiritual, and was described using a similar communication style Jesus used when he spoke in parables.

V.12- The seven lampstands are the seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit. "They" were the "us" in the creation account. (Three of them appeared to Abraham at his tent, he sacrificed an animal to feed them)
Jesus in the midst of them, and also stating that he holds them in his hand, indicates his possession of them as a part of himself.

He became the Holy Spirit., or, rather, the Holy Spirit became a man, without being separated from the Father.

Essentially, he became what Adam was supposed to be, the first created being that God could access to have a visible body on the planet. These seven manifestations are what most Christians refer to as "spiritual gifts." They are actually a portion of God.

V.17&18- Yes, this is Jesus AND the Holy Spirit speaking as One complete individual. Alpha & Omega, a moniker of the Creator, is found in Genesis 1:1; however, no one translates it into English... If would just be the Hebrew letters Aleph and Tav. ("...Elohyim 'Aleph-Tav,' created...") That is why Elohyim is plural, but translators render it God, singular. ("The God's Aleph-Tav son/Father" = "God created...")

The word "created," is a very unique word. It is the Hebrew 'bara.' "bar" is Hebrew for Son, and the letter Aleph is associated with God (as father). Basically, it can be read as "son of father," or, (my personal thought), is that it depicts a pair, an equality... "the Father and I are One," and "...the Word was with God and God is the Word."
Bara is used when Solomon wrote, "remember your Creator."

[Interestingly, since we didn't necessarily address the previous verses... John's salutation isn't until verse 4. The first three verses were added, BUT, they were written in the FIRST PERSON... The text reads, "I, God, ......" Those first three verses are from God's own hand. (There are other portions of scripture hand written by God, and passed on to Moses, while the Prophets were merely inspired to write-- ...people are gonna lose their minds after they read that, haha.)

That's a big chunk, but seeing that in scripture helps to understand John's writing.
People would rather not know what it all means.

I've spent decades studying it, but didn't fully understand what it's saying until I stopped listening to what others theorize and debate about it.

I've never actually met anyone who really wants to learn and to know...most are satisfied mimicking their preachers and theologians and using it as fodder for arguing.

It's easier for someone who's never read the Bible or been to church to understand. And it's not as complicated as the metaphors make it out to be.
It actually is not difficult at all if you get rid of all your preconceived notions and ideas from men who think that they know.

I have lived long enough to have heard those who simply parrot what others have said, add a little of this and a little of that and boom!

You see......we like what we know because at heart we are all stubborn and lazy. We like comfortability and when we are comfortable with what we know, even if what we know is wrong.....we stick with it because we are stubborn and lazy.
You asked, "Why don't they want to know?" The answer is simple,

You asked why people don't want to know... Simply because it violates their doctrine and personal beliefs. (We may see some examples of that in response to my answer on your specific inquiries.)

John was "in the Spirit," so what he saw was spiritual, and was described using a similar communication style Jesus used when he spoke in parables.

V.12- The seven lampstands are the seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit. "They" were the "us" in the creation account. (Three of them appeared to Abraham at his tent, he sacrificed an animal to feed them)
Jesus in the midst of them, and also stating that he holds them in his hand, indicates his possession of them as a part of himself.

He became the Holy Spirit., or, rather, the Holy Spirit became a man, without being separated from the Father.

Essentially, he became what Adam was supposed to be, the first created being that God could access to have a visible body on the planet. These seven manifestations are what most Christians refer to as "spiritual gifts." They are actually a portion of God.

V.17&18- Yes, this is Jesus AND the Holy Spirit speaking as One complete individual. Alpha & Omega, a moniker of the Creator, is found in Genesis 1:1; however, no one translates it into English... If would just be the Hebrew letters Aleph and Tav. ("...Elohyim 'Aleph-Tav,' created...") That is why Elohyim is plural, but translators render it God, singular. ("The God's Aleph-Tav son/Father" = "God created...")

The word "created," is a very unique word. It is the Hebrew 'bara.' "bar" is Hebrew for Son, and the letter Aleph is associated with God (as father). Basically, it can be read as "son of father," or, (my personal thought), is that it depicts a pair, an equality... "the Father and I are One," and "...the Word was with God and God is the Word."
Bara is used when Solomon wrote, "remember your Creator."

[Interestingly, since we didn't necessarily address the previous verses... John's salutation isn't until verse 4. The first three verses were added, BUT, they were written in the FIRST PERSON... The text reads, "I, God, ......" Those first three verses are from God's own hand. (There are other portions of scripture hand written by God, and passed on to Moses, while the Prophets were merely inspired to write-- ...people are gonna lose their minds after they read that, haha.)

That's a big chunk, but seeing that in scripture helps to understand John's writing.
May I add to you post the fact that is usually overlooked about the Revelation, and that is that John wrote in PROPEPTC style using "picture language".
Well, IS, I'd be willing to listen to you but I fear the conversation would turn into a debate with others joining in.

If you want to give it a go....let's try.

I check in at least twice a day.
Why do you think most don't WANT to know?

In Rev 1:9 John states that he is ALREADY in the tribulation.
(because he preached the word).

Verse 12 might be Jesus or God Father, not sure.
Maybe verse 18 means it's Jesus.
Why the Lampstands?
And the 7 stars?

Think that's enough for now?
May I join in?

Rev. 1:9 is John stating the obvious. The Christian Church of his day was in extreme tribulation but that is not to be confused with "The Tribulation" of the Last Days. We know that is the case because the Romans had exlied him to Patmos for his faith in Christ.

Rev.1:12 is explained by Revelation 1:20 where we see that the seven lampstands represented seven churches of Johns day.

We must remember that John is writing to WHAT WAS, WHAT IS AND WHAT WILL BE.

Each individual church was supposed to shine her light into a spiritually dark world which is why each church is named in Chapter 2 & 3. Addressing the church at Philippi, the apostle Paul exhorted, "Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:14).

As for who is speaking in vers 12, we can be confident that it is the Son of God.
Verse 13...........
" and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band."

Rev. 1:1
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must [a]shortly take place. "

Why the lamp stands?...............

John herad a trumpet sound, and upon doing so, he saw seven golden lampstands. In the Old Testament, a single golden lampstand with seven lamps that burned with oil stood in the tabernacle and later in the temple (Exodus 25:31; Hebrews 9:2). An angel showed the Old Testament prophet Zechariah a golden lampstand with a bowl on its top and seven lamps on top of it (Zechariah 4:1–2). This single lampstand represented the nation of Israel, whom God had chosen to be a light to the Gentiles.

However, the apostle John saw seven individual lampstands. As Revelation 1:20 explains, the seven lampstands represented seven churches.
Why 7 stars?
In Revelation chapters 1—3, “seven stars” are referenced four times.
Did you notice that they are in His right hand?????.......The fact that the stars are in Jesus’ right hand indicates that they are important and under His authority.

Lampstand = Light Giver!!!! These stars are the pastors of the seven churches, symbolized by the lampstands. A pastor is God’s “messenger” to the church in that he is responsible to faithfully preach God’s Word to them. John’s vision shows that each pastor is being held in the Lord’s right hand. And, as we learn in John 10:28, no one can snatch them out of Jesus’ hand.
May I join in?

Rev. 1:9 is John stating the obvious. The Christian Church of his day was in extreme tribulation but that is not to be confused with "The Tribulation" of the Last Days. We know that is the case because the Romans had exlied him to Patmos for his faith in Christ.

Rev.1:12 is explained by Revelation 1:20 where we see that the seven lampstands represented seven churches of Johns day.

We must remember that John is writing to WHAT WAS, WHAT IS AND WHAT WILL BE.

Each individual church was supposed to shine her light into a spiritually dark world which is why each church is named in Chapter 2 & 3. Addressing the church at Philippi, the apostle Paul exhorted, "Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:14).

As for who is speaking in vers 12, we can be confident that it is the Son of God.
Verse 13...........
" and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band."

Rev. 1:1
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must [a]shortly take place. "

Why the lamp stands?...............

John herad a trumpet sound, and upon doing so, he saw seven golden lampstands. In the Old Testament, a single golden lampstand with seven lamps that burned with oil stood in the tabernacle and later in the temple (Exodus 25:31; Hebrews 9:2). An angel showed the Old Testament prophet Zechariah a golden lampstand with a bowl on its top and seven lamps on top of it (Zechariah 4:1–2). This single lampstand represented the nation of Israel, whom God had chosen to be a light to the Gentiles.

However, the apostle John saw seven individual lampstands. As Revelation 1:20 explains, the seven lampstands represented seven churches.
Why 7 stars?
In Revelation chapters 1—3, “seven stars” are referenced four times.
Did you notice that they are in His right hand?????.......The fact that the stars are in Jesus’ right hand indicates that they are important and under His authority.

Lampstand = Light Giver!!!! These stars are the pastors of the seven churches, symbolized by the lampstands. A pastor is God’s “messenger” to the church in that he is responsible to faithfully preach God’s Word to them. John’s vision shows that each pastor is being held in the Lord’s right hand. And, as we learn in John 10:28, no one can snatch them out of Jesus’ hand.
You can join in Rodger. That's why we're here.
I know very little about Revelation and/or the end times.
It just really never interested me too much - maybe to my loss.

I understand that John is speaking of was pretty easy to figure out.
The 7 churches is no big mystery.
Didn't remember about Zecharia, the lamp stands makes sense.
The part about the pastors of the churches doesn't make too much sense...
A star represents one pastor of each of the 7 churches?
OK on the we know what a star represents?
May I add to you post the fact that is usually overlooked about the Revelation, and that is that John wrote in PROPEPTC style using "picture language".
Many do tend to either accept it as "literal," or so obscure that they can make it fit their doctrinal narrative. Just last year, I heard a pastor, (local radio sermon), tell everyone that "Mystery" was the name of a city that one can physically go to... If we knew where it was." He didn't appreciate my critique.