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Roman Catholic Church Catechism English Translation 1994


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Solo said:
Alrighty then.

The interpretation of the prophesy of scripture is given to the holy Spirit and is of no private interpretation. Remember that the scripture is not by the will of man, but by holy men as they were moved of the Holy Spirit.

19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1:19-21

Believers do not need that any man teach them, but the holy Spirit that lives in each believer will teach them all things.

Proverbs 3:5 says "trust not in YOUR OWN understanding, but rely on the Lord. Now interestingly enough Jer 3:15 says "I will give you shepherds after my own heart who will give you KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING".

Solo says we are not to get our understanding from men but are to get it directly from the Holy Spirit, i.e. we are to trust what is going on inside our little punkinheads. Yet these verses to me indicate that trusting in the Lord is trusting that he is going to send us shepherds to guide us so that our corrupt natures do not twist and distort God's Holy Word in to what we want it to say.

HEbrews 13:17 says [17]
Obey your leaders and submit to them; for they are keeping watch over your souls, as men who will have to give account. Let them do this joyfully, and not sadly, for that would be of no advantage to you.

So it does seem that we are to have men whom we are to listen to and submit to. Further we are told in John 10 that "my sheep hear my voice" and also in John "he who hears you hears me". Now how does the spirit tie in to this? Those who are God's sheep and truly have the spirit in them know truth when they hear it. This does not at all mean that we are not to listen to me. But if you are truly one of his sheep and have not gone after false teachers with decietful doctrines such as OSAS you will indeed know truth when you hear it from men. In other words, it is the Holy Spirit who is confirming the words that men spoke to as true. Thus it is the Holy Spirit teaching. No dichotomy as you make it out to be. Trust not in your own interprutations of scripture Solo but rely on those the Lord has sent to guide you. And when you find yourself in conflict with what the Church, which is the pillar and support of the truth says, it is you who must submit to it.

Blessings to ya bud.
The Popes are not my leaders neither is some pedophile priest.

The RCC and it's leaders expect homage to be paid to them.


The pope having his ring kissed as though he were worthy of homage...

Notice the pagan hat he is wearing?

Peter would never accept such pompous garbage...

Acts 10:25 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.

Acts 10:26 But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man.

Popes have even demanded that their feet be kissed.

The swine!
One thing you will notice is the outright dishonesty of the cults.

Many of these people claim they are not here to convert anyone or change the minds of Christians but that is exactly what they are here for.

They lie!

They are here to tell you that Salvation is through their false church Mary and the saints.

They are one of two things deceived or bald faced liars...

Vatican II

"We believe that the Blessed Mary, who ever enjoys the dignity of virginity, was the Mother of the Incarnate Word, of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ, and that in view of her Son's merits she was redeemed in a more exalted manner and preserved from all stain of sin, outstripping in excellence all other creatures by reason of the grace given her." (Vol. 2, pp. 390 and 391)

"Finally the Immaculate Virgin preserved free from all stain of original sin, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, when her earthly life was over, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things ...." (Vol. 1, pp. 417 and 418)

"She conceived, brought forth and nourished Christ, she presented him to the Father in the temple, shared her son's sufferings as he died on the cross. Thus, in a wholly singular way she cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope and burning charity in the work of the Savior in restoring supernatural life to souls. For this reason she is a mother to us in the order of grace." (Vol. 1, p. 418)

"Taken up to heaven she [Mary] did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us gifts of eternal salvation." (Vol. 1, p. 419)

Salvation is not in the church or in it's saints. Salvation is in Jesus Christ alone.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

The mass is a lie from hell....

Vatican II

In the sacrifice of the Mass in fact, Christ offers himself for the salvation of the entire world." (Vol. 1, p. 114)

"The celebration of the Eucharist which takes place at Mass is the action not only of Christ, but also of the Church. For in it Christ perpetuates in an unbloody manner the sacrifice offered on the cross, offering himself to the Father for the world's salvation through the ministry of priests." (Vol. 1, p. 103)

"We believe that the Mass which is celebrated by the priest in the person of Christ in virtue of the power he receives in the Sacrament of Order ... is indeed the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally realized on our altars." (Vol. 2, p. 393)

The lying antichrist popes have claimed that without being in subjection to them Salvation is not possible.

The Popes and their false church stand in the place of Christ. Antichrist.

Bull of Pope Boniface VIII promulgated November 18, 1302


Liars, apostates, servants of the god of this world!


To be Catholic is to be a zombie...

Check your brain, bible and reason at the door and obey the Pontiff.

Vatican II

"We believe in the infallibility enjoyed by the Successor of Peter when he speaks ex cathedra as shepherd and teacher of all the faithful, an infallibility which the whole Episcopate also enjoys when it exercises with him the supreme magisterium." (Vol. 2, p. 392)

"This loyal submission of the will and intellect must be given, in a special way, to the authentic teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff, even when he does not speak ex cathedra in such wise, indeed, that his supreme teaching authority be acknowledged with respect, and that one sincerely adhere to decisions made by him, conformably with his manifest mind and intention ...." (Vol. 1, p. 379)

Unam Sanctum


Not my Jesus and not my gospel!

To hold hands with Rome is to spit in the face of the millions who died rather than worship their wafer god, submit to the pope or bow down to their false goddess! :smt078
Check your brain, bible and reason at the door and obey the Pontiff.

:crazyeyes: :smt119 :o

That is the most hate filled pile of biggotry I have ever witnessed on a message board sir. That should warm us right up to ya BB. Yep you'll be converting a whole hoard of Catholics with that post. That's the way to win em over. GONG GONG CLANG CLANG.

May God Bless you. If I knew where you lived I would bring you over a nice warm bowl of food and some good ale. I will however do something better. Remember you in my intentions when I say the Rosary and at Mass this weekend.

Peace Brother. :-D
bibleberean said:
One thing you will notice is the outright dishonesty of the cults.

Many of these people claim they are not here to convert anyone or change the minds of Christians but that is exactly what they are here for.

They lie!

They are here to tell you that Salvation is through their false church Mary and the saints.

Bibleberean, the only person possibly lying here is you because you know we believe salvation comes from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Thessalonian said:
Check your brain, bible and reason at the door and obey the Pontiff.

:crazyeyes: :smt119 :o

That is the most hate filled pile of biggotry I have ever witnessed on a message board sir. That should warm us right up to ya BB. Yep you'll be converting a whole hoard of Catholics with that post. That's the way to win em over. GONG GONG CLANG CLANG.

May God Bless you. If I knew where you lived I would bring you over a nice warm bowl of food and some good ale. I will however do something better. Remember you in my intentions when I say the Rosary and at Mass this weekend.

Peace Brother. :-D
You are an excellent example of Christian witness, Thessalonian, I commend your keeping of the scriptural command "do not resist evil with evil."

You truly are a zombie-
they are the living dead-
ie, you have been crucified with Christ, and no longer live, but Him through you, to the glory of God.

And you have dispatched with your mind, and taken on the mind of Christ. Likewise your reason, for the foolishness of God is greater than the wisdom of men.

The Lord bless and keep you.

your brother in Christ
stray bullet said:
bibleberean said:
One thing you will notice is the outright dishonesty of the cults.

Many of these people claim they are not here to convert anyone or change the minds of Christians but that is exactly what they are here for.

They lie!

They are here to tell you that Salvation is through their false church Mary and the saints.

Bibleberean, the only person possibly lying here is you because you know we believe salvation comes from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

You don't know what your own church teaches. Or maybe you do but choose to ignore the facts.

Christ death, burial and resurrection according to the RCC cannot save us by itself.

Vatican Council II printed by Costello Publishing Co., Northport, New York. Austin Flannery, O. P., is the general editor and each volume contains the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur. The editions are: 1984 (Vol. 1) and 1982 (Vol. 2).

"In the sacrifice of the Mass in fact, Christ offers himself for the salvation of the entire world." (Vol. 1, p. 114)

According to Rome Christ is offering Himself for our sins every time a Mass is given. That is salvation in church sacraments not in Christ's one time sacrifice on the cross.

Jesus said "it is finished".

Hebrews 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;

Mary plays a part in our salvation according to the rancid teaching of the harlot church.

From Vatican II

"Finally the Immaculate Virgin preserved free from all stain of original sin, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, when her earthly life was over, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things ...." (Vol. 1, pp. 417 and 418)

"She conceived, brought forth and nourished Christ, she presented him to the Father in the temple, shared her son's sufferings as he died on the cross. Thus, in a wholly singular way she cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope and burning charity in the work of the Savior in restoring supernatural life to souls. For this reason she is a mother to us in the order of grace." (Vol. 1, p. 418)

"Taken up to heaven she [Mary] did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us gifts of eternal salvation." (Vol. 1, p. 419)

The bible says Jesus purged our sins by Himself. Rome is a dung filled liar!

Hebrews 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Another foul lie from Rome!

Vatican II

"Having entered deeply into the history of salvation, Mary, in a way, unites in her person and re-echoes the most important doctrines of the faith: and when she is the subject of preaching and worship she prompts the faithful to come to her Son, to his sacrifice and to the love of the Father." (Vol. 1, pp. 420 and 421)

Pig swill!

Jesus is the subject of preaching and worship not the false Roman devil goddess!

The Catholic church claims that anyone who denies that the New Law is necessary for salvation is condemned!

Council of Trent

"If anyone says that the sacraments of the New Law are not necessary for salvation but are superfluous, and that without them or without the desire of them men obtain from God through faith alone the grace of justification, though all are not necessary for each one, let him be anathema." (ibid., p. 52 -- Seventh Session, Sacraments In General,
Canon 4)

Rome is a harlot a liar and an enemy of Christ!
If one was to see the way that Jesus lived while on this earth, without so much as a place to lay his head to sleep, and compare it to the pompus way that the vicar lives his life, one would wonder why a sinner dressed as a king would live better than the King of Kings dressed as a servant. Jesus washed the feet of his chosen disciples, while the disciples of the papacy must kiss the ring of the pope.
Jesus paid the penalty for sin once for all, but the papacy continues to crucify Jesus at every mass.
Jesus is the only advocate of sinners according to the word of God, but the Catholic advocate is Mary.
The Bible says that Jesus was the one that was full of grace, but the Catholics say that Mary is full of grace.
It doesn't take much understanding to see that the Catholic Church is a far shot away from the truth of the Word of God. Jesus would have that all of his would come out of this pagan institution and live according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

BibleBerean has more knowledge of the RCC than the Catholics that post on this board. I am impressed BB.
BibleBerean has more knowledge of the RCC than the Catholics that post on this board. I am impressed BB.

Amen to am I. This organization is described very well in Revelation 17:1-18 and Revelation 18:1-5. A blind man with leather glasses could see it if they weren't blinded by the arch enemy of our souls- satan. The RCC even corrupts the Ten Commandments by omitting the Second Commandment and making the Tenth into two as to try and decieve the unlearned that they still have ten commandments...not the ten I've read about, however. Whatever justification is necessary for their hellish doctrines to be effective-that's what they do, even if it is in direct violation to scripture. And they claim they are the only ones knowledgable to intrepret scripture? That's real good :wink: ... mmandments
D46 said:
BibleBerean has more knowledge of the RCC than the Catholics that post on this board. I am impressed BB.

Amen to am I. This organization is described very well in Revelation 17:1-18 and Revelation 18:1-5. A blind man with leather glasses could see it if they weren't blinded by the arch enemy of our souls- satan. The RCC even corrupts the Ten Commandments by omitting the Second Commandment and making the Tenth into two as to try and decieve the unlearned that they still have ten commandments...not the ten I've read about, however. Whatever justification is necessary for their hellish doctrines to be effective-that's what they do, even if it is in direct violation to scripture. And they claim they are the only ones knowledgable to intrepret scripture? That's real good :wink: ... mmandments

I agree that the RCC is way off track on many issues. However, I think it is incorrect to say they "corrupt" the 10 commandments. It is all about the arrangement and division of the 10 commandments.

Please read this: ... dments.htm

BibleBerean has more knowledge of the RCC than the Catholics that post on this board. I am impressed BB.

Well he Catholics are not impressed. He distorts the teachings of the Church and paints as heineous a picture of it as he can. He bears false witness to the truth.

The RCC even corrupts the Ten Commandments by omitting the Second Commandment and making the Tenth into two as to try and decieve the unlearned that they still have ten commandments...not the ten I've read about, however. Whatever justification is necessary for their hellish doctrines to be effective-that's what they do, even if it is in direct violation to scripture. And they claim they are the only ones knowledgable to intrepret scripture? That's real good :wink:

Can you find for me where in the Bible it says there are 10 commandments? In Ex 25 I see about 14 statements. Nowhere does it say they are to be broken in to 10. In fact when the Bible was written there was no punctuation or sentences or paragraphs. You can look it up on the internet if you look for "dead see scrolls" and see how they wrote. It was just a stream of text. So I hate to tell you this but 10 commandments is a TRADITION. "lol". Now does the Catholic Church corrupt them? Does it leave out the second? No. It puts it in with the first instead, since it is a part of worshipping false Gods. From the Catechism:


I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them.3
It is written: "You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve."4

Nothing left out there at all. It goes in to great detail on this commandment here:

The fact is that Protestants on their own authority changed the 10 and then in order to compensate for it, lumped women in with a man's property.

You only show your ignorance by posting such tripe as you have. I am sure BB would agree with you in this matter which shows his ignorance as well.


Prov 18
[17] He who states his case first seems right,
until the other comes and examines him.

It of course also shows that paisley is a liar. He has had a long time to correct his lies and has not yet done so. I saw this article about 6 years ago. It's as much of a lie today as it was then.
Thessalonian said:
The fact is that Protestants on their own authority changed the 10 and then in order to compensate for it, lumped women in with a man's property.

Utter rubbish.

The Jewish and Protestant/Reformed 10th Commandment are the same.

Judaism: (10) Prohibition of Coveting
This category is derived from Ex. 20:14, beginning, "You shall not covet your neighbour’s house..."

Reformed/Protestant: (10) Q. 79. Which is the tenth commandment?
A. The tenth commandment is, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s. (Exodus 20:17)

Note: The Torah/Tanach is numbered slightely differently. Hence the reference to Ex 20:14 (Torah/Tanach) vs the Bible which is numbered Exodus 20:17.... but they are the same 10th Commandment.

Reference: ... dments.htm

:) :)
Utter rubbish.

Not utter rubbish. I will retract the part about Protestantism making a woman a man's property, but not the part about them taking it upon their own authority to go to the Jewish tradition of 10 rather than the 1500 year old tradition of the Christian Church that included idols in with the 2nd commandment.

The Jewish and Protestant/Reformed 10th Commandment are the same.

Like the Jewish and Protestant Old Testament is the same. The Jewish Old Testament was canonized by the spiritless council of Jamania.
Thessalonian said:
Utter rubbish.

Not utter rubbish. I will retract the part about Protestantism making a woman a man's property, but not the part about them taking it upon their own authority to go to the Jewish tradition of 10 rather than the 1500 year old tradition of the Christian Church that included idols in with the 2nd commandment.

[quote:23a39]The Jewish and Protestant/Reformed 10th Commandment are the same.

Like the Jewish and Protestant Old Testament is the same. The Jewish Old Testament was canonized by the spiritless council of Jamania.[/quote:23a39]
More rubbish.
Great post Solo. Where did you come up with that line? By the way do you agree that 10 commandments is a tradition?
Lewis W said:
You want to know about Catholics ? You can get all you can stand in this link.

Ah yes, get your Catholicism from a biggot. Been there. Read that. He's no expert.

I see he gets in to the scandal. Protestants like you Lewis need to wake up and stop pointing fingers.

The Catholics have done a lot of wrong, and have thought to change the laws of God, the Catholic church is a cult. Soon as I find some of the information that I use to have I will post it. But you know all the information about Mary in the Bible only will fill up a quarter page in the Bible, and look what the Catholics have done with her.
Lewis W said:
The Catholics have done a lot of wrong, and have thought to change the laws of God, the Catholic church is a cult. Soon as I find some of the information that I use to have I will post it. But you know all the information about Mary in the Bible only will fill up a quarter page in the Bible, and look what the Catholics have done with her.

Which laws Lewis? No handwaving. Support your statements. You get that info Lewis. Every time you guys post something is an opportunity for me to show that you distort the truths of the Catholic faith. You don't know half of what is in the Bible about Mary. You will never acknoledge the parrellel between Mary and the Ark of the Covenant upon which a book could easily be written. Nor will you acknowledge the obvious implications of the queen mother of the Davidic Kingdom in Catholic Marian theology. Christ re-established the Davidic Kingdom in a spiritul manner, ergo there is a spiritual mother (as well as a Steward, see Is 22:22, directly parrelleling Matt 16:18). Many more types of Mary in the Old Testament that you will never acknowledge becaue it doesn't fit your predisposition against anything about Mary. I am sure you will even use the "blessed rather..." verse to say Mary wasn't blessed.



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