Who Says
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- #121
Absolutely, 100 % correct. Romans 9 to 11 is about Israel, not about a general theology whereby all human beings are either pre-destined to heaven or to hell.
This is a touchy subject for me to insert myself into because it is so emotionally fueled on both sides of the fence.
You have some good points Drew. They have some good points also that see the salvation in it. All of us can add to our understanding.
What Paul is showing is the outplay of Deuteronomy 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."
Those that are the vessels of wrath fit for destruction are those that did not choose life. They would not and they will not. But as Paul said, Romans 9:6 "Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel" and so that fact does not change what God is doing concerning those who are true Israelites by God's choosing of them.
Paul's argument is that there is yet a remnant of that true spiritual seed among those vessels of wrath so they yet need the message of Christ preached to them just as to any other nation. The Roman church was being neglectful of that because they held a bad attitude toward the Jews, probably largely due to the Jews violent persecution of them.
Before I say more, I have much already written on it as I went through it in the
"Was "all Israel" gathered & saved?" thread. Why not pop over to that thread and browse it? http://www.christianforums.net/f20/all-israel-gathered-saved-34435/
I believe I even remember having dissected Romans chapter 11 somewhere in that thread.
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